
When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

author:How expensive

In 200 AD, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's Battle of Guandu was stalemate, and the situation was extremely favorable to Sun Ce, who unified the six counties of Jiangdong, with a large number of stars under his command, and the soldiers were well fed and morale.

Sun Ce's preparations for a sneak attack on Xu Du would pose a mortal threat to the already inferior Cao Cao, and if he succeeded in capturing Xu Du, with the help of Emperor Xian's influence, The elite troops of Huai Si could compete with Yuan Shao for hegemony in the Central Plains.

If Sun Ce went all out to attack Jingzhou, Liu Biao was old and lost his enterprising heart, Xuzhou Liu Beixin's defeated subordinates were all lost, and the four counties of Jingnan were not stable, and Jingzhou occupied jiangnan and could wait for the central plains to change.

Unfortunately, Sun Ce was accidentally assassinated, and the turmoil in Jiangdong could only adopt a conservative strategy; Cao Cao sat and watched Yuan Shao's sons fight among themselves, and the fisherman gained profit and advanced into Jizhou; Liu Bei's ambitions were not extinguished, and liu Biao developed his power in Xinye; the princes of the late Han Dynasty rarely entered a period of calm, leaving a possibility for the Battle of Chibi and the Establishment of the Three Kingdoms.

Many people have wondered why sun ce had heirs when he was assassinated, but passed on the throne to Sun Quan? The author and you jointly analyze, Sun Quan's inheritance of The Foundation of Eastern Wu, is it already determined, or is he in danger of being appointed?

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Map of the situation of the division of the princes in 201 AD

When Sun Ce died of illness, if according to the "son inherits the father's business", Sun Shao should be the first heir to the throne, and I believe that Sun Ce should have had such an idea.

However, Sun Ce died at the age of 26, and his grandson Shao's birth and death are unknown, and during the period of Filial Piety in Wu County, according to the feudal etiquette law, it is not allowed to be close to women, so Sun Shao is likely to be born after joining Yuan Shu, at this time only eight or nine years old, even if he is talented and intelligent, it is difficult to deal with complex military and political affairs.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the strong were respected, and Sun Ce established the foundation of Jiangdong by force, but it was more like an alliance with various factions than an absolutely loyal master-servant relationship, and when a strong enemy attacked, it was difficult to ensure the loyalty of his generals, and the Jiangdong clan and generals would fall apart for the sake of interests.

Promoting the clan to regency was not a good idea, Sun Ben and Sun Fu were all highly powerful and had the strength to rule over the generals of Jiangdong, but in the face of the power at their fingertips, who was willing to submit to the people? If it led to fratricide, it was not Sun Ce's wishes, and Sun Shao, as the heir, was first eliminated by Sun Ce.

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Sun Quan zi Zhongmou

In Sun Jian's bloodline, Qunchen favored the seventeen-year-old Sun Yi more than the nineteen-year-old Sun Quan.

Sun Ce promoted the clan to consolidate Sun's rule, so he gave Sun Quan the opportunity to exercise very early, taking Sun Quan with him to discuss military affairs, hoping to cultivate sun quan's feelings with the generals, and at the same time, in 196 AD, he was appointed as the governor of Yangxian County, acting as a lieutenant of Fengyi without any military merit.

In 197 AD, Sun Quan was stationed at Xuancheng, and was ordered to lead elite troops to attack the mountain thieves in six counties, and the battlefield debut faced the swarming mountain thieves, Sun Quan was frightened and feared to dodge, and finally ended in a "fierce victory" under Zhou Tai's hard work.

In 199 AD, Sun Ce conquered Liu Xun of Lujiang, and ordered Sun Quan to unify his army to attack the city of Kuangqi, where Chen Deng was stationed, and under the condition of several times the superiority of troops, Chen Deng ordered the elite to attack Sun Quan's troops, and Sun Quan fled in defeat and suffered heavy injuries.

Sun Quan gathered his generals, Sun Ce sent reinforcements to converge, and attacked Kuangqi City again, Chen Deng attacked Sun Quan unexpectedly with the strategy of attacking the suspected soldiers with fire, and Sun Quan panicked and retreated, so that Sun Ce's plan to march into Anhui City and Guangling was frustrated.

The "Letter of the Ancestors" says: Sun Ce sent Chen Deng to attack Kuang Qi City. When the thief first arrived, the jingjia covered the water county, and the crowd was outnumbered. Dennai defended himself behind closed doors, showing weakness and not fighting, and the generals shouted, as if there was no one. Climbing the city to view the situation, knowing that it can be attacked. It is the commanding of the soldiers, the whole weapon, the obscurity, the opening of the door to lead the army to the thief camp, and the foot ride behind it. The thief Zhou Zhangfang was formed and was not allowed to return the ship. The mounted troops took advantage of it, and the thieves were defeated.
When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Sun Yizhen guarded Danyang

Sun Yi is rarely recorded, in 196, Sun Yi, who was only 13 years old, was recommended as a filial piety by Zhu Zhi, the Taishou of Wu County, and even when Sun Ce was seriously ill, all the generals of Eastern Wu praised Sun Yi as "fierce and fruitful, with a brother and a style", so they jointly elected him as the heir.

In the eighth year of Jian'an (203 AD), the 20-year-old Sun Yi, who ruled the old department of Taishou Shengxian in Wu County, guarded the strategic location of Danyang, during his brief tenure as Taishou, no foreign invasion reflected his brave and martial ability to unify the army, and the prohibition of theft reflected his thunderous means.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wu Shu, And Biography of Sun Yi of the Patriarchal Chamber" Sun Quan killed Wu Juntai Shou Shengxian, Xian's filial piety and concubine Dai Ren died in the mountains, and Sun Yi was Dan Yang, all of whom were honored. He is the Governor of Dadu and the county clerk.

After Sun Yi arrived in office, he gave courtesy to the counties in the county, and on the day of his murder, his wife Xu Shi advised him not to attend the banquet, but Sun Yi insisted on not being disrespectful and personally sent gifts to the county chiefs attending the meeting, indicating that Sun Yi was extremely faithful and not a ruthless tyrannical person.

After Sun Yi was killed, Concubine Lan and Dai Yuan, in order to appease the Danyang generals, put the blame on the relatives and followers of Bian Hong, but the Danyang generals and the people did not approve of it, and Xu Shi and Sun Yi's close associates Sun Gao, Fu Bao, Xu Yuan, and others killed Concubine Lan and Dai Yuan, so that Danyang was not occupied by Cao Cao.

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Zhang Zhaozi cloth

Sun Yi's performance in garrisoning during the Danyang period, which was able to reuse rebellious generals, pay homage to the famous soldiers of the county, and be kind and friendly to the soldiers, showed that Sun Yi's personality was indeed like that of the eldest brother Sun Ce, so the joint recommendation of the group of ministers in the fifth year of Jian'an was in line with the wise decision of the urgent situation at that time.

The group of ministers hoped that the decisive Sun Yi would be able to continue Sun Ce's plan and lead the army to insert forces into Yuzhou and Xuzhou when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were both defeated, and Sun Shi had the qualifications to dominate the Central Plains, and could curb Cao Cao's attack on Jizhou, so that the world would be divided into princes, rather than Cao Cao's family.

Because under the leadership of Sun Ce, the territory of Eastern Wu expanded rapidly, whether it was the Sun family, the generals under his command, or the Jiangdong clan, they all gained great benefits, and the cowardice and unbearable achievements of Sun Quan's character were really despised by the Qunchen.

It turns out that after Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, Lujiang Taishou Li Shu took the lead in refusing to obey, and revolts broke out in various parts of Jiangdong, and the two echoed each other in an attempt to take advantage of Cao Cao's momentum to stand on their own, and even the deterrence of Zhou Yu and Tai Shi Ci's forces failed, and the Eastern Wu dynasty and the opposition were extremely shocked.

Sun Quan adopted a policy of shrinking defenses and shifted the focus to internal politics, while Liu Biao of Jingzhou only used Jiangxia Huangzu to delay the pace of Eastern Wu's expansion, Sun Quan marched on Jiangxia Huangzu three times, and the damaged generals killed Huangzu and occupied most of Jiangxia, and after watching Cao Cao's Battle of Guandu, he took advantage of the dispute between Yuan Shao's sons to annex Jizhou and achieve governance of most of northern China.

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

In 206 AD, Cao Cao pacified the north

Sun Ce knew that Sun Quan would be difficult to convince the public, but he still chose two reasons, family affection and balance of the family.

The origin of the Sun brothers is quite suspicious, after the death of Sun Jian in the third year of Chuping (191 AD), it was the fourth Sun Kuang who inherited the title of Marquis of Wucheng, and according to the feudal etiquette, the concubine inherited the title, can it be speculated that Sun Ce, Sun Quan and Sun Yi were not born to Lady Wu of the Zheng family? But all are recorded in his name.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Wushu Sun's Biography of Sun Shao, Jian Chuxing's righteous soldiers, the general's mother moved to Shu, made friends with Zhou Yu, and took in the scholar Master, and the people of Jiang and Huaijian Xian Xiangzhi.

Sun Jian has been marching south to the north since 184 AD, only 9 years old Sun Ce lost his father's love, and then sent people under the fence of hardship and forbearance, Sun Ce although the heroic martial world has the name of "overlord", killing decisively to fight for the world, but more need the companionship of family to make up.

Because Sun Quan was older, he was able to enter politics earlier and spend more time following Sun Ce, and although Sun Quan's military command ability was low, he was good at making friends with heroes and powerful imperial skills, and he accompanied Sun Ce for many years and deeply implemented Sun Ce's ideal of consolidating the foundation of Jiangdong.

Wu County's base area needed credible people to guard the town, Sun Yi was quite prestigious as a teenager, zhang Zhao assisted in taking care of his family, and assigned soldiers to deliver heavy grain and grass, and the people in Jiangdong were as stable as a rock, so that Sun Ce could turn to battle for thousands of miles without worries.

However, the loss of the opportunity to accompany Sun Ce made the two people who already had an age gap even more distant, Sun Yi was more closely related to the Jiangdong clan, and Sun Ce wanted to see the Sun family prosperous, and the two had many differences in the future choices of Eastern Wu.

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Sun Ce Zi Bo Fu

Sun Quan was isolated by the Jiangdong clan, but he was able to exercise his ability, and Sun Yi relied heavily on Zhang Zhao and other clans, which was very easy to damage the interests of the Sun clan, so Sun Ce had already made a decision, but how to convince the clan behind Zhang Zhao was the first difficulty.

The Wu Li records: "The strategy is Zhao Yue: "If Zhongmang does not do anything, the king will take it upon himself." It is not a quick retreat, slowly returning to the west, and there is no worry. ”

Sun Ce's description of Zhang Zhao's "self-taking" is interpreted by many people as the meaning of replacing it, but Sun Zhao's relatives have established authority in the army, and Zhang Zhao has no military merit and is difficult to surrender, so the author understands that Sun Quan was abolished and Sun Yi was established instead of replacing Sun Yi's ruling position.

The feudal etiquette law changed the main monarch to be the work of "adulterous Yu", not to mention the extremely high risk behind it, Zhang Zhao repeatedly expressed loyalty, sun Ce saw his sincere feelings, and only then did he summon Sun Quan and said: "In war, you are not as good as me; if you are virtuous, I am not as good as you." ”

Sun Ce's words were not only addressed to Sun Quan, so that he could promote his cronies to consolidate his position of power, but also to Zhang Zhao, who was next to him, so that he could understand that Sun Quan had become a force behind him, and Sun Ce died that night, and Zhang Zhao, as an elder, admonished Sun Quan not to grieve with ordinary affection.

As a representative of the Jiangdong clan, Zhang Zhao, the first assistant of Eastern Wu, personally supported the horse and announced Sun Ce's decision to the Qunchen, but the Qunchen did not formally accept the fact that Sun Quan succeeded to the throne until Zhou Yu led the army to the funeral and assisted Sun Quan with the courtesy of the courtiers, but did not stop the turmoil in jiangdong.

When Sun Ce was seriously injured and dying, all the generals of Jiangdong elected Sun Yi, but why did they choose Sun Quan to succeed him? Sun Ce's assassination greatly changed the political landscape of the late Han Dynasty, and the heirs that Sun Ce could choose, including the younger Sun Shao, the second brother Sun Quan, and the third brother Sun Yi, who won the support of his subjects, why did he lose to Sun Quan, who suffered a military defeat? Sun Quan's succession to the throne was only the best choice after Sun Ce's accidental assassination

Zhou Yu zi gongjin

Sun Ce's abandonment of Sun Shao, who was only a young child, can be understood, but it is indeed unexpected to abandon Sun Yi, who was elected by the group of ministers, and the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and Zhang Zhao' Biography" contains "everyone knows that there is a return", which is the biggest proof of Sun Quan's sudden succession to the throne.

Sun's authority was insufficient, and although zhou yu, Tai Shi Ci and other loyal ministers were deterred, wu guotai assisted in government affairs, and in the early days of succession, there were still generals who rebelled, and were despised by Zhang Zhao and other clans, but Eastern Wu achieved a smooth transition of power.

Chen Shou's comments on Sun Quan: "Sun Quan bent down to endure humiliation, Ren Cai was still calculating, he had the wonder of gouge, and the hero was a masterpiece." "Comparing it to the Yue King's Gouge in the Spring and Autumn Period, you can imagine the hardships of its early days.

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Jiang Biao, Wu Li

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