
Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

author:Da Ning has nothing to practice words


Wishing Zhishan

Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

This small kai is zhu Zhishan's work.

Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

This wild grass is also zhu Zhishan's work.

Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy has other faces, but the most prominent ones are the ancient xiaokai and the dashing wild grass.

So, how did he do it? Why can he master these two completely different styles of writing?

In this regard, the contemporary Wen Zhengming revealed the secret in the "Baozhu Zhishan Cursive Moon Endowment Volume":

The ancestors of wuxiang were called Wugong Bo Xu Gong, and the second was Li Gong, the servant Shaoqing.

Li Kai's master Ou and Yan, while Xu Gong's cursive writing is out of turmoil and plain.

Mr. Zhishan, grandson of Wu Gong and son-in-law of Tai Shu.

In his early years, the Kaifa was exquisite, the teacher was a woman, and the grass law was unrestrained from the outer father. Cover the beauty of the second father, and the self-made family also.

In suzhou, the best calligraphy in the previous generation was Xu Youzhen, and then Li Yingzhen.

Li Yingzhen was good at calligraphy, learning Ouyang Qing and Yan Zhenqing; Xu Youzhen was good at cursive writing, learning Zhang Xu and Huai Su.

Zhu Zhishan, the grandson of Xu Youzhen and the son-in-law of Li Yingzhen, wrote well, with the guidance of his father-in-law, in cursive writing, and with the influence of his grandfather.

In the end, he gathered the strengths of the two elders and became a family of his own.


The Change of Civil Engineering

Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

Xu Youzhen calligraphy

If you are familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, you may feel familiar when you see the name Xu Youzhen.

This grandfather of Zhu Zhishan has a lot of fame in history, although this reputation is not very good.

It is said that in 1449 AD, that is, the fourteenth year of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Ming Yingzong personally marched and was captured by Wa Lai.

Because the place where Ming Yingzong was captured was called Tumu Fort, this incident was called "Tumu Change" by later generations.

After the civil change, Vala continued to attack, so he besieged the city of Beijing.

At this time, the imperial court had a dispute over a question - whether to fight or flee?

Those who are fighting the main battle, that is to say, those who want to defend Beijing, have one representative, that is, Yu Qian.

The main escape, that is to say, the one who wanted to move south and run away, also had a representative, that is, Xu Youzhen (then called Xu Heng).

Xu Youzhen has a very magical reason for advocating moving south, that is, celestial phenomena.

Xu Youzhen said that he looked at the sky at night and found that Beijing's qi number had been exhausted, and only by moving south could he continue his life.

Xu Youzhen did not deceive people, he himself really believed in this set.

Ming Yingzong's Northern Expedition, there is a so-called "ying confusion into the south dipper" celestial phenomenon, very unlucky, so Xu Youzhen before learning of the change of civil engineering, he asked his family to go to the south.

However, the imperial court did not believe this set, and finally decided to fight.

Yu Qian supported Ming Yingzong's younger brother, the Jingtai Emperor, and led everyone to win the defense of Beijing.


The change of the door

Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

Yu Qian's tomb

The story doesn't end here, it's just the first half.

After that, Wa La felt that it was useless to hold a passing emperor, so he returned Ming Yingzong.

At this time, the Jingtai Emperor, who was sitting firmly on the throne, naturally would not return the throne to his brother, so the story entered the second half.

For eight years, Emperor Jingtai was seriously ill and bedridden.

Xu Youzhen decided to gamble that he wanted to help Emperor Yingzong of Ming return to the throne, so there was a change in the door.

After the change of the door, Xu Youzhen decided to kill Yu Qian.

Originally, Ming Yingzong did not want to kill, he felt that Yu Qian was a hero and a loyal subject, and it was not selfish to support Jingtai in the first place.

But later, Xu Youzhen forced Yu Qian to die with a sentence - not to kill Yu Qian, a move that was nameless.

Only by positioning Yu Qian and his gang as careerists and saying that they had established the king of the domain, the current change of seizing the door was just, and Ming Yingzong could justifiably return to the throne.

At first glance, Xu Youzhen launched the change of seizing the door for the sake of Ming Yingzong, but in fact it was not.

Because Emperor Jingtai had no sons to succeed him, as long as Emperor Jingtai died, the throne was either ming yingzong's or ming yingzong's son, and ming yingzong had no need to carry out a coup d'état.

Therefore, Xu Youzhen's change of seizing the door is not so much to help Ming Yingzong restore the throne, but to help himself to be promoted.


Tank experiments

Xu Youzhen: Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy enlightenment teacher forced Yu Qian to die?

As far as the defense of Beijing and the change of the door are concerned, Xu Youzhen is a negative character.

But it is undeniable that Xu Youzhen is very clever, and if this wisdom is used to the right place, such as the treatment of the Flood of the Yellow River, it can benefit the country and the people.

I think that in that year, Xu Youzhen once managed the Yellow River in Shandong, and the effect was very good.

He adopted the method of spending rivers at that time, and in order to explain this truth to everyone, he also did an experiment:

He took out two identical kettles filled with the same quality of water.

A large hole is then opened in one kettle and five small holes are opened in another kettle, and the sum of the areas of these five holes is equal to the area of the large holes.

Finally, a kettle with five small holes is turned on to drain the water first.

Similar experiments were also done by the French mechanic Pencelle 400 years later.

Therefore, Xu Youzhen's name sometimes appears in the history of mechanics or science.

About Xu Youzhen, there are actually many faces, so how do you see him?

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