
Today's sharing: fried fish balls, pepper tofu bubbles, dry pot sauce fragrant squid, liver tip slip cauliflower

author:Ten miles of incense fluttering
Today's sharing: fried fish balls, pepper tofu bubbles, dry pot sauce fragrant squid, liver tip slip cauliflower

Liver tip slippery cauliflower

Ingredients: Cauliflower; liver tip; red pepper; coriander; green onion; ginger; garlic; salt; soy sauce; cooking wine; chicken juice; water starch


1, first wash the liver and cut into slices, do not rinse with water after slicing, and retain the original juice in the liver is the key point of the liver tip and tenderness

2, cut the tip of the liver in the dish, first put cooking wine, soy sauce, salt to grasp the strength, sticky hands, and then put dry starch, do not put wet starch, because the liver has oozed out of the original juice, need to use dry starch to neutralize

3, relax the oil in the pot, 50% or 60% of the heat into the tip of the liver quickly sliding, to see that the surface has no blood water, that is, fish out the oil control and reserve

4: Finely chop the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside. Mix a bowl of sauce: salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken juice, water, starch. The amount of juice in this bowl is larger, ensuring that the liver tip and the thick juice of the cauliflower are thick

5: After washing the cauliflower, break it into small flowers, and then blanch the water and fish it out, and set aside. Blanch for more than a minute. Keep soft and tender blanched

6: Slice the red pepper and cut the parsley into sections and set aside

7: Put oil in a pot and sauté chives, ginger and garlic

8: After stir-frying the pork liver in the smooth oil, pour in the blanched cauliflower, then add the red pepper slices and stir-fry well

9: Then, pour in the mixed mustard juice to thicken, serve and sprinkle with parsley

Today's sharing: fried fish balls, pepper tofu bubbles, dry pot sauce fragrant squid, liver tip slip cauliflower

Fried fish balls

Ingredients; grass carp; carrot; broccoli; ginger; shallot; garlic; salt; chicken essence; oil; sugar; oyster sauce; water starch;

1: Peel the grass carp, cut into cubes, put them in the water, remove the drainage; put the diced fish into the blender, add ginger to beat into minced fish, put the minced fish into a bowl, add chives and chicken essence, and stir the salt clockwise.

2: Squeeze the minced fish into about 10g of fish balls, heat the oil in the pan to 60%, put in the fish balls and fry for 2 minutes; take out the fish balls and control the oil and set aside.

3, tips: 1, in the whipping of the minced fish can also add an egg white, take out the minced fish stirring must be fully stirred into the air. 2. Fish balls can also be made with a spoon. Here I used about 280g of fish and made more than 20 fish balls.

4, carrots with vegetables cut out of the flower type, broccoli into small flowers washed, blanched, drain the water and set aside; heat the oil in the pot, put the green onion and garlic into the stir-fry;

5: Add carrots and broccoli and stir-fry; stir-fry the fish balls, add salt, sugar, chicken essence, oyster sauce to taste before the pot, and pour in the water starch to outline the thin mustard.

Today's sharing: fried fish balls, pepper tofu bubbles, dry pot sauce fragrant squid, liver tip slip cauliflower

Pepper tofu soaked

Ingredients: Called oil tofu, green pepper, dried pepper


1, buy back the oil tofu rinse with water, if it is large, it will be divided into two, if it is small, directly use, green vegetables and peppers cut into pieces;

2: Heat the oil, add a few dried peppers and peppers and stir-fry, then add tofu bubbles and stir-fry a few times, then season with salt and mushroom essence, you can get out of the pot.

Today's sharing: fried fish balls, pepper tofu bubbles, dry pot sauce fragrant squid, liver tip slip cauliflower

Dry pot sauce with squid

Ingredients: four squid (lower part), 1/2 onion, 1 carrot, celery/celery to taste; 2-3 tbsp sweet noodle sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of allspice powder, cumin grains, peppercorns, dried peppers, onion, ginger and garlic, steamed fish sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, chicken essence, cumin powder;

1.2-3 tablespoons of sweet noodle sauce, add an appropriate amount of sugar, allspice powder, white pepper and stir well, then pour a small amount of wet starch and a little water to slightly dilute it.

2. Stir-fry garlic slices, stir-fry dried chili peppers and onions, stir-fry with a little salt, then stir-fry with carrots, and finally add celery, along with salt, steamed fish soy sauce and a spoonful of sweet noodle sauce and a teaspoon of cumin powder.

3. Stir-fry evenly out of the pan and spread on the bottom of the container (I use a tin foil pad underneath, for convenience, then put into the oven and bake for a few minutes).

4. Re-add oil in the pot, the amount is slightly more, sauté the dried chili peppers, onions, ginger and garlic in the pot to make the aroma, then add the peppercorns and cumin grains and stir-fry. Stir-fry the squid and stir-fry in the appropriate amount of soy sauce.

5. Then pour the remaining sweet noodle sauce in, add some steamed fish soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and sugar to taste, sprinkle a pinch of cooked white sesame seeds before coming out of the pot, and then pour some chili oil on the condition and mix well out of the pot

6. Spread over vegetables and bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 5 minutes. (If there is an iron plate, put all of these on the heated iron plate, without using the oven.) Then sprinkle with some sesame seeds and green onions. When eating, mix the squid with the vegetables below and eat it

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