
Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

author:Shangguan News
Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

Recently, at the "First Lesson of Science" at the 4th World Top Scientist Science Conference, Nobel Prize winner Michael Levitt and Nobel Prize winner Carl Weiman in Physics led the lecture, and nearly 100 of the best scientific teenagers in China attended the lecture. Among them is Xue Yuchen of the Second Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Normal University in Jinshan!

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

The World's Top Scientists science conference, open to outstanding high school students and college freshmen, aims to provide a platform for young people with scientific careers to communicate directly with top scientists and support scientific reserve talents. For the first time, this year's Science T Conference selected "little scientists" to participate in the conference through various forms such as online Shanghai selection and direct competition. According to the scientific problems I proposed and the professional fields involved in the expert review, the Shanghai area eventually produced 20 "little scientists" to appear at the Fourth World Top Scientists Forum (WLF).

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

Let's get to know each other

Xue Yuchen, the "little scientist" of Jinshan!

Xue Yuchen, who is currently in the second grade of the Second Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Normal University, has liked to be close to nature and like to feel the fun brought by nature since he was a child. She began to work on projects in junior high school, and her first project was "Moss and Air Quality Monitoring", which started her "scientific research journey".

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

After entering high school, she began to learn bird identification at the school's "Innovation Literacy Cultivation Base", and through a year's effort, she could identify most of the common birds in the school. For example, the northern red-tailed plover that flashes in winter, the small egret walking gracefully on the river, the brown-backed Burrow who fights for territory in spring, and the white partridge that walks on the playground all year round... As a science volunteer at the school herbarium, she often introduces this knowledge to the primary and secondary school students who come to visit, which becomes her pleasure.

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

Xue Yuchen's ideal is to become a garden designer, and she likes to observe, and she has discovered a strange phenomenon: Why is the crown of the camphor in the community not as big as the school? Therefore, in the "Future Ecologist Program" project jointly organized by her school and Chenshan Botanical Garden, she conducted a study on the "correlation between the spacing of the camphor community structure and the crown width".

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

"Is the size of the crown of the camphor related to the distance between the trees?" Braving mosquito bites and hot weather, Xue Yuchen field investigation and measurement of the spacing and crown size between the large-diameter camphor forest in Songjiang District (Chenshan Botanical Garden) and the camphor forest in Jinshan District (Weier Road), through data analysis and comparison, she found that the large-diameter camphor forest community in Songjiang District has high species richness and larger crown width, which is conducive to improving biodiversity, while the camphor forest in Jinshan District is distributed single and concentrated, and the artificial influence is large, which is not conducive to the development and stability of the community. Therefore, when artificially planting camphor, the density should be reduced to create a suitable growth space for the healthy growth and development of camphor.

It is precisely with this research project, after declaration, defense, and passing the barrier, Xue Yuchen appeared on the shortlist of the 2021 t-conference Shanghai direct selection activity!

Awesome! This student appeared at the World's Top Scientists Forum

In addition, Xue Yuchen also participated in the 36th Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition and the 19th Tomorrow's Science and Technology Star Selection Activities, won the third prize and the Science and Technology Hope Star respectively, and demonstrated the research results at the Jinshan Science and Technology Festival; joined the Shanghai Youth Science Research Institute and entered the Council...

"I can not, I can not understand, but I can break through myself. Face difficulties with self-confidence and always maintain a love of things. For me, growth is success! Xue Yuchen is looking forward to the realization of his gardening dream as soon as possible.

Correspondent | Song Yan

Edit | Chen Yiwen

Editor-in-charge | Liu Jiayuan

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