
Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Song Yan: The enemy of the old

author:Upstream News
Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Song Yan: The enemy of the old

Enemies of the old

Song Yan

It is not the "old" of "the old man and the old man", but the "old" who is old and yellow, and the red face is the old man. Taking aging as an enemy, you can't live with yourself.

One day, coming out of the bathroom of the unit, turning around, only to see a flash of white light in the mirror, the heart was shocked, immediately stopped to look at the mirror, looked left and right, looked up and down, only to see the green silk on the head, a peaceful faction. I thought, are you blind? Looking at it again, it was still dark hair and sideburns, and the oil was recognizable, so I was suspicious of the letter and prepared to leave. The moment I turned around, I only felt a flash in front of my eyes again, and immediately turned back, only to see that in the middle of the top of my head, which had just been windy and rainy, a white hair that was two inches long was leisurely swimming, grinning at me with its teeth. In an instant, it was like a head-on blow, daigo was empowered, but immediately comforted himself: "Nothing is okay, but it is an accidental situation, Su Dongpo once lamented a sentence 'Amorous should laugh at me, early birth Huafa'." What's more, I, at best, can only this one root, plucked, and immediately a young and beautiful teenager. ”

So the knife fell in his hand, and the white hair that was still on his toes just now was killed in an instant, and he gently blew it on his lips, and then fluttered and scattered to the end of the world.

However, since then, my heart seems to have become the end of the world full of white hair. The mother said, "There is no shampoo at home." I asked, "Is there a shampoo that can never get gray hair after washing?" The colleague said: "Tomorrow the meeting, wear a white shirt." I shook my head and said, "Well, what's whiter than my shirt is my hair." "If you go to a mall, a hotel, or a washroom, an elevator... But wherever there is a mirror, I will consciously or unconsciously turn around and check it carefully. Others think that I am checking whether the makeup on my face is decent, whether the dress on my body is structured, in fact, where do they know that carmine pink looks so insignificant compared to white hair and aging. After all, no matter how good the fat powder is, it can't cover up the wind and dust of the years. Really, I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of old age.

However, everything in the world seems to always backfire. I thought that there were few white hairs, and if I pulled them out, I would have a hundred. Who ever thought that that white hair, since it was plucked, will mushroom like mushrooms after the rain, and it will grow wildly, it is really inexhaustible and inexhaustible. As a result, I began to compete with the white hair thoroughly.

I became a regular visitor to the mirror. Almost every morning, or every time I come out of the bathroom, I will stand in front of the mirror to undo my hair and straighten my sideburns. With white-haired day and night wars, guerrilla warfare and protracted warfare, although the appearance is indecent, it is open.00. In short, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the white hair cannot be had.

However, the matter of pulling out white hair is a technical job in the end. What's more, I am in the light, the enemy is in the dark, a few white hairs are often hidden in the vast green silk, and we are not above the top in the end, to find a white hair in the vast green silk, it is really like finding a needle in a haystack, it is completely unattainable, it is completely necessary to be favorable to the time and place.

Therefore, for me, the battlefield of pulling out white hair is almost anytime, anywhere, everywhere. As long as the enemy is found, completely disregarding the time and place, immediately cross the knife and make a quick decision. So often my colleagues will see me standing in front of the big mirror in the bathroom, tiptoeing my feet, bending down to try to get closer to the mirror, while burying my head, looking up, gritting my teeth, and opening my bow left and right. I thought that a white hair, standing out from the flock must be able to catch it, but I don't know, I thought my eyes were bright and fast, but it was not easy to put on my hair. Sometimes, when I saw the white hair fluttering in front of my forehead, I could reach out and catch it, only to find that there were several green threads between my fingers, and the white hair in front of my forehead was still there. So I was patient and looked in the mirror and straightened my sideburns. Who expected the white hair to be conspicuous, the green silk is difficult to find, I am short-sighted, look down and raise my eyes, it is difficult, coupled with the posture of leaning forward is really difficult to support. After half a day, it was not easy to see that there was only one white hair in his hand, so he held his breath, struggled to catch it, took a look at it, and the cunning white hair was still wrapped around a few green threads and slept in the arms, living and dying together.

Once, I was fighting with the white-haired mirror, just as the colleague next door passed by, and in an instant, I could only quickly stand up and smile, and I drank the anger that was about to spew out. The colleague looked at me in amazement, as if staring at an alien species... Suddenly, her eyebrows were lowered, as if she saw the hair in my hand, so the corners of her mouth quickly bent down, and then she bowed her head and shook her head, and at that moment, I seemed to hear a long and contemptuous sigh from her heart.

Leaving aside the odds of going it alone, I sometimes ask for help. At home at night, I salivated and said, "Mom, you are idle anyway, or you can help me pull out my white hair." The mother said, "Oh, that hurts, I can't get my hands on it." "And my father, who was always too late for me to speak, quietly slipped away." Therefore, only when I encounter a gathering of friends or a unit activity, taking advantage of the large number of people and idleness, and it is not easy for people to refuse, I will seize the opportunity and take the initiative to attack: "Hey, so-and-so, come, help me pull out my white hair." The friend had to roll up his sleeves and take the risk. Immediately untied my hair, in thousands of strands of hair, looking for a slight dew frost, poor roots of silver wire, instantly withered between the fingers. Such a battle is often the most powerful blitzkrieg, steady and fierce, clean and sharp, cutting grass and roots. And every time my friend pulled out a strand of gray hair, he would send the loot into my hands. Looking at those white hairs, the silk into the hand, both the wind and the clouds, the joy of the great victory, but also the sadness of the old age, powerlessness, is really like a double silk mesh, with a thousand knots inside.

In this way, after fighting with the white-haired man for more than half a year, he thought that victory was in sight. But one day, I suddenly found that the white hair that had been pulled out had turned into pieces, and all of them were fierce and came back. Only this time, they grew on my forehead, the end of my eyes, the wings of my nose and the corners of my mouth. They melted completely into my body, my skin, and merged with me, indistinguishable from each other, unending, exorcisable. Sometimes, when I look at them and see them disappear, I obviously look at my face is already very bright, but as long as I smile slightly, or the corners of my mouth are gently raised, and the eyes blink slightly, the roots of the white hair can immediately appear anywhere on my face, and people say that it is called "wrinkles". I wanted to get rid of them and smooth them out, but no matter how I gently soothed them with the most expensive skin care products, or punched and kicked them with the most vicious curses, they would rather die than eat soft and hard.

I'm finally a little short of heroic. So simply rely on the old to sell the old, and the broken jar is broken. Come home early in the evening, watch TV with your parents, and chat. The mother said, "White hair, that is the spark of the stars, no matter how you run through the mountains and rivers, you can't stop its burning potential." Don't believe me, look at me..." Then he lowered his head in front of me: "You see, when you were a child, I was also a big river with wide waves, and now I can only suspect that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days..." When it came, the mother also squeezed her throat and sang: "When I see it, I am hurt badly... Nothing can be done about the two sideburns..." Next to him, his father, who had always been silent, smiled softly, and then while taking off the hat he had worn for many years, revealing a bald head that had been bald for many years, he hated iron and steel and said, "You have to be as clean as me, so you don't have to worry about white hair for a lifetime." "Fluttershy" My mother and I couldn't help but laugh.

Maybe he listened to his father's jokes, or maybe he had too much entanglement with "old" during this time. At night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was already a chicken skin crane, an elderly year, and a large group of children and grandchildren who did not know where they came from were sitting around clapping their hands and singing birthday songs for me. But I clearly remember that in two months I would only be forty years old. I began to be anxious, unwilling, and then I began to scream and roar, and then I tore my heart and lungs... Finally, in an instant of hysteria, I suddenly woke up from my dream.

"The world is a big dream, and life is cold several times in autumn." When I woke up, I only felt that my heart was palpitating and the tear marks on my face were not dry. When the mood was calm, he was overjoyed for the rest of his life. It turned out that this chaotic human world was so beautiful, and the flow of years between these fingers was so quiet and peaceful.

Early in the morning, I got up early, then showered and changed clothes, and dressed in the mirror. Greeting the first rays of early summer sunshine, I smiled at myself in the mirror, just like many years ago, the same skin than snow, green sideburns like clouds. I think that every day in the future, I want to be happy, to be healthy, to be sunny. Because, every day from now on, will be the most youthful time of my life.

The old enemy, and I, finally shook hands with myself and made peace.

(Author Affilications:Chongqing Electric Power Industry Association)

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Song Yan: The enemy of the old

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Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Song Yan: The enemy of the old

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