
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Rescue holidays

Reunion on the island

The end of the National Day holiday

Xiamen has ushered in good news

Many scenic spots have resumed opening

The Three-Five Hoe Camp is a specially customized one for the children

"Gulangyu Island Cultural Exploration Tour"

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Children step into a garden island at sea

Travel through time

Become a former celebrity of Gulangyu Island

Wander through the alleys to find old houses

Explore the past and present lives of Gulangyu Island

Use the visual city walk that understands children best

Explore the world as you walk

Feel the charm of humanity

Connect me with my mother city

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

They played a famous figure in Gulangyu Island

There are doctors, businessmen, musicians...

Walk through the various landmark buildings of Gulangyu Island

Look for fragments of memory and learn about human stories

These heroes once left legendary stories on the island, how did they bravely go forward and change their destiny on the road of chasing their dreams?

The children listen attentively to the teacher's explanations while recording them in the manual.

Exploring the past of Gulangyu Island, the children returned to the present and discussed the present.

What changes have occurred in Gulangyu Island after the epidemic?

Children took to the streets to interview people on Gulangyu Island.

Child: "What do you think of the recent business situation?" ”

Boss: "Although the business is not good because of the epidemic, it is very good to be healthy and healthy." ”

Child: "After the boss epidemic, how are you feeling?" ”

Boss: "Nervous. Utilities, rent are still expensive, as well as employees' salaries and daily expenses make me feel stressed. ”

Child: "What do you think is the difference between gulangyu island before and Gulangyu island in the present?" ”

Tourist: "Gulangyu Island was very lively before, but now there are many fewer people." Many scenic spots are not open either."

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Many replies from tourists and merchants were collected, and the children were thinking about what we could do for the island. The kids thought of a lot of ways.

Thus, the discussion of the "Revitalization of Kojima Project" was launched!

Some children said, "I want to draw brochures for the shop, such as the famous shacha noodles, so that tourists can taste its delicious taste." ”

Some children also said: "To call on the store to do promotional activities, put the store's Amelie robot on the piano pier, welcome tourists on the island, and set up a welcome speech: "Hello, welcome to Gulangyu Island", automatically show the leaflet to tourists, and use high-tech methods to help the store drain. ”

More children thought: "We must set up more entertainment facilities to bring more joy to everyone." Create an internet celebrity attraction and bring more popularity to Gulangyu Island. ”

Revitalizing the island seems to be a matter for adults

But the children also came up with their own ideas and suggestions

Get to know the mother city from the child's point of view

Use your own strength to guard the mother city!

The day's journey is over

But the kids come home with endless funny memories

There are children in the lower grades who write diaries in pinyin Chinese characters

In the future, when I open my diary, I can still recall it

Stories and valuable memories of Gulangyu Island

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Walking on Gulangyu Island, the three-five hoe camp also met many parents and friends who silently paid attention to and supported us. Many enthusiastic friends sent photos of the children on the spot.

After experiencing the epidemic

There is no happiest thing to do than walk in the alleys of your mother city

Meet powerful memories and stories

Look around with friendly people

This warmth is like a gift to the heart

Delivered to the hearts of children

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

After the unsealing, although there was only one day, the agreement with the child did not break the promise after all.

Thank you to the people who have been supporting this city, supporting the three or five hoes, and the wish has been fulfilled.

Don't live up to the childlike world, we'll see you next time!

Three-five hoes launched the latest activities -

【Mother City Little Ranger Weekend Camp】

We want to lead our children to re-groom

I and nature, me and others

I'm linked to the community, me and the home city

It runs through the mountains and the sea, in the alleys of the big city

Feel the humanistic charm of the mother city - Heron Island

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

Want to know more about camp activities

For details, please consult customer service "Spring Flower"

Introduction to the 35 Hoe Research Project

The research projects of 35 hoes have the forms of parent-child camps, children's solo camps, etc., to accumulate experience through experience, expand the pattern with insight, and combine the unique camp system of 35 hoes to guide children to sort out the system relationship of "themselves - others - the world" and shape children's humanistic vision.

Parent-child camp: Provide a three-dimensional parent-child journey for families aged 3-6, and lead children to feel the fun of parent-child and build humanistic literacy through music, drama, games, handicrafts, sports and other ways. Provide parents with the most professional lecture hall, and take care of the dual experience of children and parents at the same time during a journey.

Solo Camp: Provide a series of camps for children aged 6-10, enjoy the original curriculum system of three or five hoes, and comprehensively help children improve their comprehension ability, information capture ability and fluent expression. Provide a solid and effective reserve force for improving the growth of children!

Here we give the children a special environment and settings:

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

(35 hoe research workshop time)

01 The environment in which children are missing to coexist with nature

It's not just about going out, going out, picking, but really, and there is common optimization, interaction, and living and coexistence in this environment.

02 Children's civic awareness

The camp has an open mind to transactional discussions with the children, and when they realize that everyone in this environment is equal and responsible, the children's autonomy will be enhanced.

03 The economic system of the camp

Every child/adult has the initiative to participate in a rich work project. Through individual work, they receive the corresponding currency circulating in the camp. In this eco-simulated camp, children can run, trade, gift or store currency on their own. In this process, children gradually form a preliminary sense of financial intelligence and self-management.

The camp received rave reviews

Parents are full of praise Swipe left and right to see more

Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child
Reunite on the island and discover the beauty of the island city from the perspective of a child

※The right to finally interpret the courses and activities belongs to 35 Hoe Research

Copyright Notice: The pictures in this article are from the real scene shooting and design of the 35 Hoe Research Activity. The event design and promotional text are the original of the 35 Hoe Research Team.

For matters such as cooperation and reprint authorization, please contact the small editor of the public account in the background.

Unauthorized use of the graphic information in this article, the Faculty of Research and Research will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.

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