
An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

author:Play Gathering Circles

The North American release of The third installment of Tom Holland's Spider-Man series, Spider-Man: Homeless, is scheduled for December 17. A few days ago, a new poster was officially released, and fans were surprised to find that this poster brought a new villain!

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

In the previous reports and trailers, we can basically determine that there will be multiple Spider-Man in "Homeless", most likely to be Toby Maguire's version of Spider-Man in 2002-2007, and "Garfield" Andrew Garfield's version of The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012-2014.

In addition, Doctor Strange is said to make a cameo appearance to solve the problem of Spider-Man's true identity exposure through the multiverse, which also brings a number of Spider-Man and villains from previous films.

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

The villain who is sure to return is Dr. Octopus, still played by Alfred Molina, who played Dr. Octopus in 2004's Spider-Man 2. The mechanical tentacles flying on the poster represent Dr. Octopus.

Jamie Fox, who starred in "Electric Light Man" in 2014's "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", may also return to the role, and the lightning in the distance in the poster seems to represent the electric light man. In addition, the flying sand dust should be sand people.

The most amazing part comes from the right half of the poster, which at first glance is just a dust, but after careful analysis by fans (including observation with a magnifying glass), it is unanimously determined that this is Spider-Man's famous villain Green Devil!

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

The Green Devil is one of Spider-Man's main villains, and is generally set as Norman Osborne in the comics, but there are other versions of the Green Devil, including Norman's son Harry, Harry's psychiatrist Bart Hamilton, and even Spider-Man briefly became the Green Devil.

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

Osborne is a scientist and entrepreneur who founded Osborne Industries, and the spider that bites Peter Parker is the company's experimental modification product.

Osborne Industries is also a military enterprise, and the enhancement potion in one of the experiments brought Norman Osborne a superhuman physique and greatly magnified his evil thoughts. Osborne then used various experimental products to create a set of equipment for himself and became the "Green Devil".

During a fierce battle with Spider-Man, the Green Devil was mistakenly killed by his glider wing, which also prompted his son Harry to become the Little Green Devil. But later comics depict Norman surviving this serious injury and continuing to stir up trouble.

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

Norman Osborne has always been a pivotal villain to Spider-Man and the Marvel Universe as a whole. After the Green Devil, Norman changed his identity, even including the "Iron Patriot", another identity used many times by the war machine in the MCU.

After the famous comic book event "Secret Invasion", Norman Osborne presented himself as a hero who saved the world. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Norman formed the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, gathering a number of villains and anti-heroes to form the Dark Avengers, while he himself used the steel suit left by Iron Man to become the "Steel Patriot".

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

In Maguire's version of the Spider-Man series and Garfield's Version of the Amazing Spider-Man series, Norman Osborne appears. Maguire's version of Norman in Spider-Man is played by William Dafoe, and the origin and death in the comics are almost exactly the same, and Garfield's version of Norman's presence is weaker.

Harry Osborne is a classmate and friend of Peter Parker in the comics, and was once in love with Mary Jane. Harry became the Green Goblin for revenge after discovering that Peter was Spider-Man and that his father was killed by Spider-Man. During the hunt for Spider-Man, Harry also injects a Green Magic Potion that strengthens his body. This experimental potion also gave Harry superhuman powers, but it also made him emotionally unstable and crazy.

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

After several failed attempts, Harry desperately wants to blow up a building to end up with Spider-Man. But in order to rescue Mary Jane, who was involved in it, and her own son Nomi, Harry was seriously injured in the explosion. In the last moments of their lives, Harry and Peter freeze their minds.

The Little Green Devil appears in Maguire's Version of the Spider-Man series and Garfield's Version of the Amazing Spider-Man series. The former, played by James Franco of "Fu Lan" and dane De Hahn, are set as a friend and classmate of Peter Parker, and also became the Little Green Devil due to the death of his father.

An important villain of Spider-Man appeared, and the new poster of "Heroes Of No Return" exposed a large number of new characters Green Devil cameo green devils as green devils' lifelong enemies

It can be seen that basically there must be a green devil with Spider-Man, after all, it is always because of the mutant spider of Osborne Enterprise that there will be the birth of Spider-Man, and many times in the comics, the green devil is more like the opposite of Spider-Man, and the two are inseparable. As mentioned earlier, there is already a confirmed news that Dr. Octopus, Electric Lightman, sandman return, and The Maguire version and Garfield version of Spider-Man are also likely to return (although Garfield tried his best to debunk the rumors).

Spider-Man: Homeless is now almost Hollywood's worst secret. All kinds of rumors about this film are flying around, and there are even night devils who will bring a Netflix version. Now the official itself announced the return of the Green Devil, and the appetite of fans has been raised even higher. Just don't wait for the final release moment, so that the audience will find it difficult to live under the name. Marvel's performance on the big screen this year is already a lesson in the past.

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