




China - World Leader. ·

Things were different before.

My generation (70s) didn't just see China get stronger. We also saw big changes in how people thought. When I was young, many friends only had good things to say about other countries while attributing domestic shortcomings to inherent flaws of our nation. They wanted to leave China and go to rich countries. Many people felt this way.

But things changed after the year 2k. As "Made in China" products became increasingly sophisticated, and some Western countries didn't like that. They said bad things about China. This made most young educated Chinese people stop wanting to be like the West. Now, young people in China feel good about our country. They control the news and information. The older people who liked the West are fading away.

以前不一樣。我們這一代人 (70年代) 不僅見證了中國變得強大,也目睹了人們思想觀念的巨大變化。我年輕的時候,許多朋友隻會對其他國家說好話,卻把國内的缺點歸咎于我們民族的固有缺陷。他們想去中國以外的發達國家。很多人都持這種觀點。


Santosh Kumar

Only some Indians. Generalizing Indians is very hard because they are extremely diverse group of people unlike Chinese people — to be sure Chinese are diverse but not as much as Indians. So the argument is not correct in general.

The urban Indian with some education in English is the group that is most likely to espouse the West. This is because they aspire to be in the West and they like to be part of western success story. Many of them want to emigrate and settle in the West.

Chinese have options — their own country is very advanced now and on track to become a developed nation. Urban Indians do not have that luxury or choice. Some people would like to brand it as “slave mentality” etc. but honestly what is wrong in aspiring a good life ? What is wrong in seeking acceptance from people who you admire? Admiration and slavish admiration are different things. But whatever it is Indians need to stop the brain drain and capital migration to the west.




DSP Bhurelal

Almost all of Indians keep their Indian names and their birth religion where ever they might live whereas most of the Chinese are quick to adopt an abrahamic name. India will be the last country standing against Abrahamism.


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

India and China were once GREAT CIVILIZATIONS

India under the Mauryas and Guptas had a Golden Era while Chinese had their own Golden Ages under various Dynasties

Like all great Civilizations decline - India and China also declined rapidly from the 1800s or so

Like Sumeria, Assyria, Uruk, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome etc

All Great Civilizations decline






India was annexed and enslaved by Invaders last being the Britishers but also by Dutch, French and Portuguese while China had their Spheres of Influence


These people rose and began to take pride in a Nation and were united by hard work

They believed themselves equal to both the Soviets and the US and decided to take whatever they could from both these Global Giants but ultimately for the benefit of China & it's people

This Chinese Nationalism slowly eradicated the Subservient Slave Mentality that had exsted in the Chinese in the 1800s and 1850s upto the 1900s. It's why many Taiwanese still have this slavish mentality to the West.




They were poor but they were Chinese first

This Nationalism was always there

Even when they went to the US, they were always Chinese at heart. They learnt, imbibed but ultimately they were Chinese

As China grew richer, they began to leave in lesser numbers and stay back home and become less dependent on the West

Today they deem themselves competitors of the West

They will be equals but never subservient to the West







India had no such movement

India copied the Western Democracy and ensured that the voice of the real people - the millions of common men were simply never heard

Instead a few politicians took over and ruled over common man like the Britishers

Thus the SUBSERVIENCE just kept on exsting and growing





The servant or slave like obsession with the West and hanging for Western praise and approval and cheering

The Indian mentality is ready to be treated as a servant albeit highly paid

Unless we have our own revolution in India, like the Chinese Civil War - we will always be this way under our Gutter system




Flyhi Gao

Things were different before.

My generation (70s) didn't just see China get stronger. We also saw big changes in how people thought. When I was young, many friends only had good things to say about other countries while attributing domestic shortcomings to inherent flaws of our nation. They wanted to leave China and go to rich countries. Many people felt this way.



原創翻譯:龍騰網 https://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請注明出處

But things changed after the year 2k. As "Made in China" products became increasingly sophisticated, and some Western countries didn't like that. They said bad things about China. This made most young educated Chinese people stop wanting to be like the West. Now, young people in China feel good about our country. They control the news and information. The older people who liked the West are fading away.

