
PMP新考綱 靈活題目 (三)


A traditionally managed project is using Scrum to develop the project deliverables. The agile release plan calls for the recently completed MVP to be deployed into production. However, the quality assurance (QA) department rejects the MVP stating that the department's policies and procedures do not address the implementation of interim deliverables. After recording the issue on the impediment board, what should the project manager do next?

A: 送出變更請求以更新品質控制測量結果

Submit a change request to update the quality control measurements

B: 請求項目發起人幫助獲得必要的準許

Request the project sponsor's help with obtaining the necessary approvals

C: 尊重QA部門的意見,并按計劃釋出MVP

Ignore the QA department's opinion and release the MVP as scheduled

D: 使項目團隊在部署前傳遞功能完整的産品

Ask the project team to deliver a feature-complete product before deployment


解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P74 章節:6.1.2 變革就緒情況:積極明确的管理層支援;變革管理實踐,包括溝通和引導;逐個項目應用靈活實踐向團隊增量地引入靈活實踐;以及通過采取适用的靈活技術和實踐示範引導。 需要上司明确支援靈活實踐的變革。

62、 一個沒有靈活方法經驗的組織雇傭了一個靈活教練來上司一個項目。該項目将使用看闆開發項目可傳遞成果。下列哪項教育訓練活動對項目的成功至關重要?(選擇三個)(選擇三個)

A scrum master has been hired to lead a project for an organization that has no prior experience with agile methodologies. The project will use Scrumban for the development of project deliverables.Which of the following training activities will be critical for the success of the project? (Choose three)

A: 與整個項目團隊一起舉辦關于靈活思維和原則的靈活研讨會

Conducting an agile workshop on the agile mindset and principles with the entire project team

B: 教授開發團隊如何根據業務價值對項目待辦事項排序

Teaching the development team how to prioritize the project backlog according to business value

C: 向開發團隊解釋工作将如何通過看闆,以及如何遵守在制品限制

Explaining to the development team how the work will flow through the Kanban board and how to follow WIP limits

D: 確定産品負責人清楚地了解如何培養待定項

Ensuring that the product owner has a clear understanding of how to groom the backlog

E: 對産品負責人進行日常scrum會議的最佳實踐教育訓練

Training the product owner on best practices for facilitating the daily scrum meetings

F: 指導項目團隊如何確定嚴格的變更控制過程的實施

Instructing the project team on how to ensure the implementation of a rigid change control process


解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P82 章節:6.6.3 通過教育訓練和指導發展人才 B應該PO來做E是整個團隊而非單純POF錯誤

63、 在遭受含糊不清和變更的各種因素影響的環境中。靈活項目經理應該做什麼來跟蹤工件?(選擇兩項)

In an environment subject to various elements of ambiguity and change. what should an agile project manager do to keep track of artifacts? (Choose two)

A: 以透明方式頻繁且快速地更新工件。

Update the artifacts frequently and quickly in a transparent fashion.

B: 定義要在項目管理計劃中使用的技術。

Define which technology to use in the project management plan.

C: 定義要在溝通管理計劃中使用的技術。

Define which technology to use in the communications management plan.

D: 使用先前項目中的曆史資訊作為模闆。

Use historical information from previous projects as a template.

E: 增加對社交溝通工具的使用。

Increase the use of social Social communication tools tools.

正确答案:A,E 你的答案:A,E

解析:知識點出處:PMBOK 6th 頁碼:P364-P365 章節:1.4.4 溝通管理的發展趨勢和新興實踐:社交工具的使用日益增多在靈活或适應環境中需要考慮的因素頻繁和快速的溝通,以透明的方式釋出項目工件 使用溝通技術、透明化的溝通方式是在靈活中建議的方式。


A project owner repeatedly complains, saying that a function developed by the development team does not seem to align with the original design. What will help to solve this issue?

A: 讓産品負責人參加下一次疊代審查會議,以了解産品的開發狀态。

Ask the product owner to sit in on the next iteration review meeting to learn more about the development status for the product.

B: 要求品質保證團隊識别與初始設計相比較的任何功能不比對。

Ask the quality assurance team to identify any mismatches in functionality compared to the initial design.

C: 要求開發團隊重寫功能,使其與項目範圍相比對。

Ask the development team to rewrite the function so that it matches with the project scope.

D: 在下一次回顧會議中安排時間讨論所有的糾正措施,并要求項目負責人參加會議。

Schedule time during the next retrospective session to discuss all corrective actions and ask the project owner to participate in the session.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P50 章節:5.2.1 回顧總結會:回顧是最重要的一個實踐,原因是它能讓團隊學習、改進和調整其過程。 回顧會用于識别改進。A,PO本來就全程參與B,功能問題非品質問題C,需要與整個團隊确認


The project manager receives a progress report during a demo and review meeting. The report shows that the agile project is not on track. Since all work was purposely selected and sequenced to meet higher-level objectives, the project manager is surprised by the report. In the future, how can the project manager prevent this type of miscommunication in an agile project?

A: 支援項目團隊的自組織,并幫助他們為項目提供支援。

Support self organization for the project team and help them provide buy-in for the project.

B: 確定有應急儲備來應付這些問題。

Ensure that there is a contingency reserve to cover these issues.

C: 確定團隊接受過使用靈活過程報告系統的教育訓練。

Ensure that the team is trained to use the agile process reporting system.

D: 為項目團隊提供關于靈活方法的早期教育訓練和持續指導。

Provide early training and ongoing mentoring about the agile approach for the project team.正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:PMBOK 6th 頁碼:P342 章節: 教育訓練如果項目團隊成員缺乏必要的管理或技術技能,可以把對這種技能的培養作為項目工作的一部分。 項目經理按靈活方式來,團隊沒有,說明團隊沒有掌握靈活方法的技能。


You are leading a software development project using agile methodologies. If the project is successful, it will open up vast opportunities for future revenue and growth. The project has a high risk of failure, but the potential benefits outweigh the risks. These risks and rewards must be considered when selecting the content of each iteration. Which features should be prioritized and developed first in this scenario?

A: 高價值和低風險功能

High-value and low-risk features

B: 低價值和低風險功能

Low-value and low-risk features

C: 高價值和高風險功能

High-value and high-risk features

D: 低價值和高風險功能

Low-value and high-risk features

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P42 章節:4.3.3 産品負責人的工作是確定團隊從事最高價值的工作。 首先要做高風險高價值的事情。

67、進度績效指數低于 1.0 表示:

A schedule performance index of less than 1.0 indicates that the

A: 項目沒有完成預定的工作

Project is running behind the monetary value of the work it planned to accomplish

B: 已取得的掙值達 100%

Earned value physically accomplished thus far is 100%

C: 項目永久性地損失了一部分時間

Project has experienced a permanent loss of time

D: 項目可能沒有按照時間表執行,但是項目經理不必在意這個問題

Project may not be on schedule, but the project manager need not be concerned

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P42 章節:4.3.3 掙值分析進度績效指數(SPI)是測量進度效率的一種名額,表示為掙值與計劃價值之比,反映了項目團隊完成工作的效率。當 SPI 小于 1.0 時,說明已完成的工作量未達到計劃要求;當 SPI 大于 1.0 時,則說明已完成的工作量超過計劃。 SPI小于1說明進度落後

68、 項目遵循一個生命周期,其中需求定義在待辦事項清單中,并且項目團隊在兩周的疊代中根據項目發起人的優先級傳遞待辦事項清單。團隊遵循何種類型的項目生命周期?

A project is following a life cycle where requirements are defined in a backlog, and the project team delivers the backlog items based on the priorities of the project sponsor in two-week iterations. What type of project life cycle is the team following?

A: 滾動式

Rolling Wave

B: 靈活


C: 瀑布


D: 大規模靈活架構

Scaled Agile Framework

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P18 章節:3.1 四種生命周期特征。 反複執行,頻繁小規模傳遞,為靈活型



You are leading two independent teams working on the same project. The nature of the deliverables requires that one team takes a predictive approach, while the other uses Scrum. Due to dependencies between the teams and the variable nature of the outputs from the Scrum team, the predictive team needs to confirm their understanding of the Scrum team's activities with the shortest feedback loop possible. What is your best course of action?

A: 将項目回顧納入項目進度計劃

Include a project retrospective into the project schedule

B: 要求Scrum團隊使用資訊發射源

Request that the Scrum team use information radiators

C: 結合定期的客戶回報循環的使用

Incorporate the use of periodic customer feedback loops

D: 讓預測團隊參加每日Scrum會議

Have the predictive team attend the daily scrum meetings

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P54 章節:5.2.4 為每日站會規定時間盒,不超出 15 分鐘。團隊以某種方式“過一下”看闆或任務闆,而團隊中的任何人都可以主持站會。 每天15分鐘的站會能以最短的時間獲得一手資訊,比資訊發射源更及時


A vendor has been contracted by the government to develop a software application to count votes for the upcoming elections. The requirements are well defined so that the project can be managed traditionally. However, due to failures in similar applications in the past, the government wants the vendor to allow rapid feedback on the suitability of the deliverables. What scheduling approach is best for the vendor's project manager to select?

A: 預測式


B: 傳統式


C: 高效式


D: 适應式


正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P18 章節:3.1 四種生命周期特征。 反複執行,頻繁小規模傳遞,為靈活型

71、 你正在建立在你的公司部署一個新的ERP軟體的時間表。該公司目前正在進行靈活轉型,是以決定疊代開發新的ERP。ERP的第一個版本應該在四個月内推出,你知道另一個全公司範圍作業系統更新的項目計劃在三個月内推出。随着更新項目影響你的進度,你應該評估以下哪一項以确定在推出前的疊代次數?

You are creating the schedule to deploy a new ERP software in your company. The company is currently undergoing an agile transformation, so it was decided to develop the new ERP iteratively. The first release of the ERP should be rolled out in four months, and you know that another project, a company-wide operating system upgrade, is scheduled in three months. With the upgrade project affecting your schedule, an impact on which of the following should you assess to determine the number of iterations until rollout?

A: 釋出規劃

Release planning

B: 産品路線圖

Product roadmap

C: 疊代待辦事項清單

Iteration backlogs

D: 項目章程

Project charter

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處:PMBOK 6th 頁碼:P216 章節: 靈活釋出規劃基于項目路線圖和産品發展願景,提供了高度概括的釋出進度時間軸(通常是 3 到 6個月)。同時,靈活釋出規劃還确定了釋出的疊代或沖刺次數,使産品負責人和團隊能夠決定需要開發的内容,并基于業務目标、依賴關系和障礙因素确定達到産品放行所需的時間。 靈活釋出規劃确定了釋出疊代次數或沖刺次數

72、 一位項目經理正在組織一次沖刺回顧會議,團隊成員在會上讨論客戶對他們在沖刺期間傳遞的産品增量的不滿。讨論揭示了主要使用電子郵件與團隊其他成員溝通的遠端團隊成員的一些問題。什麼是最有可能導緻産品增量沒有滿足客戶期望的原因?

A project manager is facilitating a sprint retrospective meeting where the team members discuss customer dissatisfaction from the product increment they delivered during the sprint. The discussion reveals some issues with the remote team members who were primarily using email to communicate with the rest of the team. What was the most likely cause the product increment did not meet customer expectations?

A: 未能應對範圍變更

Failure to respond to changes in scope

B: 不在同一地點的團隊成員

Non colocated team members

C: 在每次沖刺中傳遞工作軟體

Delivering working software in each sprint

D: 士氣低落的團隊成員

Demotivated team members

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P46 章節:4.3.6 團隊工作場所團隊需要一個工作場所,他們可以一起工作,了解他們作為團隊的狀态,并進行協作。在不同地點工作的團隊成員需要虛拟的工作空間。另外,要考慮讓團隊成員定期聚集一堂,以便建立信任,學習怎樣開展合作。 靈活團隊如果能集中辦公是最好的。若分布式辦公會存在協作滞後的問題

73、 産品負責人與靈活團隊負責人接觸時,會擔心團隊在最後幾次沖刺中進展緩慢。産品負責人懷疑,從最近的站會上團隊成員疲憊的外表和無精打采的狀态來看,他們可能是筋疲力盡了。在這種情況下,團隊上司采取的最佳行動方案是什麼?

A product owner approaches the agile team lead with concerns of slow team's progress during the last few sprints. The product owner suspects that judging by the tired looks and low energy in recent stand-up meetings, the team members are burnt out. What is the best course of action for the team lead to take in this situation?

A: 要求産品負責人解決問題

Ask the product owner to resolve the issue

B: 把這個問題提出來與團隊讨論

Bring the issue up with the team to discuss

C: 帶領團隊度過愉快的一天,讓他們充電

Take the team on a fun day to help recharge

D: 與HR經理讨論問題

Brainstorm the issue with the HR manager

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P38 章節:4.3 仆人式上司要善于激勵項目人員,為他們提供所需的環境和支援,信任他們能夠完成工作。 把問題提出來,讓團隊自己解決。

74、一家制造公司包辦了一個項目,開發公司生産線自動化所需的硬體和軟體。可傳遞成果将使用靈活架構生成。 什麼樣的政策可能适合獲得産品範圍的正式接受?(選擇兩個)

A manufacturing company charters a project to develop the hardware and software needed to automate the company's production line. The deliverables will be produced using an agile framework. What strategies might be appropriate to gain formal acceptance of the product scope? (Choose two)

A: 每當開發出足夠的特征以形成一個連貫的集合時,就進行示範

Conduct a demonstration whenever enough features have been developed to form a coherent set

B: 一旦整個項目範圍按照範圍管理計劃完成,就要執行确認範圍過程

Perform the Validate Scope process once the entire project scope is complete in accordance with the scope management plan

C: 團隊是否在每次疊代結束時向産品負責人示範完成的使用者故事

Have the team demonstrate the completed user stories to the product owner at the end of each iteration

D: 要求産品負責人參加每個沖刺的回顧,以審查和準許完成的産品增量

Ask the product owner to attend each sprint retrospective to review and approve the completed product increment

E: 確定在初始項目計劃期間,産品範圍完全分解到工作包級别

Ensure that the product scope is fully decomposed down to the work package level during initial project planning

正确答案:A,C 你的答案:A,C

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P55 

章節:5.2.5 展示/評審:當團隊以使用者故事的形式完成特定功能時,團隊會定期展示工作産品。看過展示後,産品負責人接受或拒絕故事。 評審會議,找PO示範,PO來決定接受或拒絕故事

75、 一家公司正在為外部客戶運作一個靈活項目。團隊在沖刺審查會議上示範了網絡使用者界面的新功能後,一個相關方找到産品負責人,并建議對其中一個螢幕進行改進。相關方堅持認為,這種改進将使使用者更容易在界面中導航。産品負責人的最佳行動方案是什麼?

A company is running an agile project for an external customer. After the sprint review meeting where the team demonstrated the new capabilities of the web user interface, a stakeholder approaches the product owner and suggests an improvement to one of the screens. The stakeholder insists this improvement would make it easier for the user to navigate the interface. What is the product owner’s best course of action?

A: 在下次沖刺中實施相關方的請求,因為它将增強客戶體驗

Implement the stakeholder's request in the next sprint because it will enhance customer experience

B: 與客戶讨論相關方的要求,并決定是否以及何時實施

Discuss the stakeholder's request with the customer and decide if and when it should be implemented

C: 為相關方的請求建立使用者故事,并放在産品待辦事項清單的底部

Create a user story for the stakeholder's request and place it at the very bottom of the product backlog

D: 在每日站會上讨論相關方的要求,并讓團隊決定如何繼續

Discuss the stakeholder's request at the daily standup meeting and let the team decide on how to proceed

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P41 章節:4.3.2 産品負責人Product Owner:建立待辦清單并排序、确認工作優先順序、提供回報、指導開發方向。 PO對接客戶,以确定是否變更以及何時變更。

76、 由于一種新的緻命病毒在全球範圍内爆發,世界衛生組織(WHO)向制藥公司發出招标,要求它們開發針對這種病毒的疫苗。目标很明确--防止病毒傳播。但是,解決方案還遠未确定。然而,一旦疫苗開發出來,審批過程就會非常正式和有條理。什麼項目管理方法最适合該項目?

Due to the worldwide outbreak of a new deadly virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) issues a bid for pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine against the virus. The goal is clear - preventing the virus from spreading. The solution, though, is far from being defined. However, once the vaccine is developed, the approval process is very formal and structured. What project management approach is best for this project?

A: 混合式 Hybrid

B: 靈活式 Agile

C: 預測式 Predictive

D: 任何方法 Any

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P26 章節:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征:對于整個項目,沒有必要使用單一的方法。為達到特定的目标,項目經常要結合不同的生命周期要素。預測、疊代、增量和/或靈活方法的組合就是一種混合方法。 因為技術完全不确定,開發過程應該使用适應型,而審批過程使用瀑布型

77、項目經理開始對一個新項目進行最初的計劃。在審查了項目章程并與項目發起人和關鍵相關方交談之後,項目經理選擇了一個可預測的項目生命周期。 這種生命周期的選擇将如何影響項目的實施方式?(選擇三個)

A project manager begins the initial planning of a new project. After reviewing the project charter and speaking with the project sponsor and key stakeholders, the project manager selects a predictive project life cycle. How will the selection of this life cycle shape the way the project is carried out? (Choose three)

A: 成本和時間将是固定的,項目範圍将允許變化。

Cost and time will be fixed, and the project scope will be allowed to vary.

B: 需求将在項目開始前确定。

The requirements will be determined upfront before the project execution begins.

C: 業務價值将經常傳遞給客戶,而不僅僅是在項目結束時。

Business value will be delivered to the customer frequently rather than just at the end of the project.

D: 一個單一的最終産品将在項目結束時傳遞。

A single final product will be delivered at the end of the project.

E: 變化将受到盡可能大的限制。

Changes will be constrained to the extent possible.

F: 任何更改都将在整個項目中受到歡迎,并為客戶的利益而加以利用。

Any changes will be welcomed throughout the project and harnessed for the benefit of the customer.

正确答案:B,D,E 你的答案:B,D,E

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P20 章節:3.1.1 預測型生命周期的特征高确定性的明确的需求(B)項目活動通常以順序方式執行團隊需要詳細的計劃盡可能減少預測型項目的變更(E)通常不會在項目結束前傳遞商業價值(D) A錯誤CF是靈活項目的特征


After an agile team completes three iterations, the project manager determines that the average velocity of the team for these three iterations was 30 story points. There are 292 more story points to complete the remaining portion of the project. How many additional iterations will it take for the team to complete the project?

A: 7次疊代 7 iterations

B: 8次疊代 8 iterations

C: 9次疊代 9 iterations

D: 10次疊代 10 iterations

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P61 章節:5.4.1 靈活團隊的衡量結果:項目發起人通常想知道項目什麼時候能夠完成。一旦團隊建立了穩定的速度(每個疊代的故事或故事點的平均數量)或平均周期時間,團隊就能夠預測項目将花費多長時間。292/30=9.7多出來的故事要單獨疊代。



A sponsor is worried that the agile project does not progress fast enough since no project status reports are being sent. The sponsor approaches the scrum master with their concerns. The scrum master reassures the sponsor that the project is moving ahead as planned and invites the sponsor to attend a meeting and see the progress with their own eyes. Which of the following meetings did the scrum master most likely invite the sponsor?

A: 沖刺計劃會議 Sprint planning meeting

B: 每日站會 Daily standup meeting

C: 沖刺審查會議 Sprint review meeting

D: 沖刺回顧會議 Sprint retrospective meeting

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P55 章節:5.2.5 展示/評審: 在基于疊代的靈活中,團隊在疊代結束時展示所有已完成的工作項。在基于流程的靈活中, 團隊在需要時展示完成的工作,通常是當完成的功能累積到足以構成一個連貫組合時。團隊,包括産品負責人在内,都需要回報來決定何時需要産品回報。 審查會議會展示已經完成的産品。然後讓相關方評估否接受。

80、 項目經理被配置設定到一個項目,該項目将把一個大型組織從預測環境轉變為靈活方法。在目前狀态下,組織中的工作被分解成部門孤島,而員工好被描述為專門的貢獻者。這種靈活轉換的最佳政策是什麼?

A project manager has been assigned to a project that will transform a large organization from a predictive environment to agile methodologies. In its current state, the work in the organization is decomposed into departmental silos, and the employees are best described as specialized contributors. What is the best strategy for this agile transformation?

A: 使用混合生命周期作為預測到靈活的過渡政策

Use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy from predictive to agile

B: 為所有從預測性到靈活的項目建立一個固定的日期

Establish a fixed date for all projects to transition from predictive to agile

C: 介紹一些針對大型複雜項目的靈活技術

Introduce some agile techniques on a large and complex project

D: 調整項目,使其範圍是固定的,時間和成本是可變的

Tailor projects so that the scope is fixed with time and cost being variable

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P47 章節:4.3.7 克服組織孤島:孤島組織往往給跨職能靈活團 隊的組建帶來重重障礙。需要建構跨職能團隊的團隊成員通常需要向不同的管理人員報告,管理人員會采用不同的标準衡 量他們的績效。管理人員需要關注的不是資源利用效率, 而是過程效率(和基于團隊的名額)。 孤島式組織不利于靈活,是以建議先以混合型開發方法過渡, 後面再到完全靈活。


A scrum team is midway into a sprint when the project sponsor approaches the scrum master and requests that a new, urgent, and potentially complex mandatory compliance-related requirement should be developed immediately in the current sprint. The sponsor stresses that if the requirement is not implemented, the entire project may be canceled. What is the scrum master’s best response?

A: 将要求添加到産品待辦事項清單,并請求産品負責人在沖刺結束之後審查需求

Add the requirement to the product backlog and request the product owner to review the requirement after the sprint is over

B: 與産品負責人讨論要求,讓他們做出決定,包括沖刺取消

Discuss the requirement with the product owner, and let them make a decision, including sprint cancellation

C: 送出變更請求以更新範圍基準并将要求添加到需求可追溯性矩陣

Submit a change request to update the scope baseline and add the requirement to the requirement traceability matrix

D: 将要求添加到目前沖刺待辦事項清單,并訓示團隊立即開始處理該待辦事項清單

Add the requirement to the current sprint backlog and direct the team to start working on it immediately

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:41 章節:4.3.2 産品負責人 Product Owner: 建立待辦清單并排序、 确認工作優先順序、 提供回報、 指導開發方向。 是否變更,由PO決定。

82、 你的上一個靈活項目遭受了各種各樣的延遲,比如陳述和驗證需求、編寫和測試代碼、要求客戶澄清需求和接收澄清之間的時間間隔。在即将到來的靈活項目中,你希望應用一些精益靈活實踐來確定減少或完全消除時間浪費。在計劃即将到來的項目時,你最好的行動方案是什麼?

Your last agile project suffered from various delays, such as time passing between stating and verifying requirements, writing and testing code, and asking customers to clarify requirements and receiving clarifications. In your upcoming agile project, you want to apply some lean-agile practices to ensure that time waste reduced or entirely eliminated. What is your best course of action while planning your upcoming project?

A: 制定并嚴格執行詳細的項目管理計劃

Develop and rigorously follow a detailed project management plan

B: 使用根本原因分析技術查找過程中的瓶頸

Use the root cause analysis techniques to find bottlenecks in the process

C: 建立自主團隊并為他們提供所需的資源

Create a self-directed team and provide them with the resources they need

D: 安排與客戶的電話會議以明确要求

Schedule conference calls with the customer to clarify requirements

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P9 章節:2.2 自組織團隊最符合靈活的價值觀和原則


As an agile team works its way through the seventh iteration, a new stakeholder joins the project. The stakeholder frequently contacts the team members to request information and question their methods. The scrum master notices that the productivity of the team drops. What is the best course of action for the scrum master?

A: 清除妨礙團隊進展的障礙和阻礙

Remove impediments and roadblocks that interfere with the team's progress

B: 鼓勵團隊與相關方互動,并滿足他們的需求

Encourage the team to interact with and address the needs of the stakeholder

C: 将團隊從相關方和任何其他外部影響中隔離出來

Isolate the team from the stakeholder and any other external influences

D: 為團隊提供他們需要的任何東西,以提高他們的積極性和生産力

Provide the team with anything they need to be more motivated and productive

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P34 章節:4.2.1 仆人式上司的職責:仆人式上司通過管理關系, 在團隊内群組織中建立溝通與協作。這些關系可以幫助上司在組織中得心應手地為團隊提供支援。這種支援有助于消除障礙,促進團隊理順過程。 在靈活實踐中,項目經理重要的核心工作就是消除障礙。


A small organization with one project manager decides to transit from a traditional waterfall project management approach to agile. However, the relevant organizational personnel lack experience with agile methodologies. The organization has elected to use hybrid life cycles as a transition strategy. What else should be done to facilitate the transition?

A: 将現有項目經理替換成經驗豐富的外部靈活教練

Replace the existing project manager with an experienced external agile coach

B: 建立指令性項目管理辦公室(PMO)來上司過渡

Establish a directive project management office (PMO) to lead the transition

C: 将項目經理的角色完全化為靈活團隊的自我管理

Eliminate the project manager's role entirely as agile teams are self-managing

D: 聘請外部靈活教練協助組織進行過渡

Contract an external agile coach to assist the organization with the transition

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P30 章節:3.1.11 許多團隊無法在一夜之間切換到靈活工作方式。是以,計劃一個漸進的過渡是有意義的。 A還需要項目經理 B指令型錯誤 C暫時無法完全 靈活化


During a daily standup meeting, the project manager goes from one team member to another questioning each one on the work they have accomplished and reprimanding them for the slow progress the team made so far. The meeting lasts for almost an hour and turns into a status meeting. What should the project manager do differently to avoid the next standup meeting turning into a status meeting?

A: 使用在會議開始30分鐘後配置為報警的計時器

Use a timer configured to alarm 30 minutes after the start of the meeting

B: 将開發生命周期從适應型切換到預測

Switch the development life cycle from adaptive to predictive

C: 讓團隊成員代替項目經理來引導站會

Have a team member to facilitate the standup instead of the project manager

D: 隻關注阻礙進展的障礙和阻礙的問題

Only focus on issues that represent roadblocks and impediments to progress

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P54 章節:5.2.4 站會中常見的一個反模式是,站會變成了狀态報告會議。 團隊可以舉辦自己的站會。隻要展現了團隊工作需要的 密切合作,進行順利,站會便會非常有用。要針對團隊 何時需要站會、站會是否有效等問題有意識地做出決定。 站會可以自組織,讓團隊成員輪流主持。站會非狀态報告會。


A company undertakes its first hybrid project. The project schedule is measured against the baseline, and the product is developed using Scrum. Agile training is provided to the team. The project completion date is due, and the team submits what they were able to complete so far. The customer inspects the product and indicates that an important feature was not delivered. What was the most likely reason that caused this situation?

A: 項目團隊拒絕在晚上和周末工作以完成整個産品待辦事項清單

The project team refused to work evenings and weekends to complete the entire product backlog.

B: 産品負責人未包括在靈活教育訓練中,甚至沒有配置設定到項目中

A product owner was not included in agile training or was not even assigned to the project.

C: 項目團隊沒有與客戶協商如何确定産品待辦事項清單的優先級

The project team did not consult with the customer on how to prioritize the product backlog.

D: 進度基準太短,無法開發産品待辦事項清單中的所有項目

The schedule baseline was too short for all the items in the product backlog to be developed.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:41 章節:4.3.2 産品負責人 Product Owner :建立待辦清單并排序、 确認工作優先順序、 提供回報 、指導開發方向 PO對接客戶, 以确定是否變更以及何時變更。


A project has been chartered to replace the current company's file storage system. An external vendor provides the hardware, and an internal team develops the software. The team is self-organizing and comprised of generalized specialists. The team suggests working iteratively with the vendor, but the vendor refuses. Therefore, only software will be developed iteratively. What project management approach would work best for this project?

A: 混合式 Hybrid

B: 瀑布式 Waterfall

C: 靈活式 Agile

D: 預測式 Predictive

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P26 章節:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征: 對于整個項目,沒有必要使用單一的方法。為達到特定的目标,項目經常要結合不同的生命周期要素。預測、疊代、增量和/或靈活方法的組合就是一種混合方法。 軟體開發為靈活,其他為瀑布。

88、 在最後一次疊代結束的前幾天,團隊通知項目經理,他們将無法完成兩個工作包A和B,因為WBS不夠完善。團隊認為他們可能能夠按時完成包A,但需要額外一周的時間來完成包B,後者的優先級更高。對項目經理來說,最好的行動方案是什麼?

A few days before the end of the last iteration, the team informs the project manager that they will be unable to finish two work packages, A and B, because the WBS is insufficiently refined. The team thinks they might be able to complete package A on time but will need an additional week to complete package B which has a higher priority. What is the best course of action for the project manager?

A: 擴充疊代長度以完成包A和B

Extend the iteration length in order to finish both packages A and B

B: 訓示團隊完成包B,因為它具有更高優先級

Instruct the team to complete package B since it has a higher priority

C: 訓示團隊完成包A,因為它可以及時完成

Instruct the team to complete package A since it can be done on time

D: 咨詢産品負責人并做出相應的決定

Consult with the product owner and make a decision accordingly

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處: 靈活實踐指南 頁碼:41 章節:4.3.2 産品負責人 Product Owner :建立待辦清單并排序、 确認工作優先順序 、提供回報 、指導開發方向 。 産品負責人來确定需求的優先級。

89、 當一個關鍵相關方向項目經理提出一個新要求時,靈活團隊正在進行沖刺的中途。相關方聲稱該要求是必須具備的。變更管理計劃規定所有的變更都應該通過變更控制委員會(CCB)。對項目經理來說,最好的行動方案是什麼?

An agile team is midway through a sprint when a key stakeholder approaches the project manager with a new requirement. The stakeholder claims that the requirement is must-have. The change management plan provides that all changes should pass through the change control board (CCB). What is the best course of action for the project manager?

A: 重新确定目前沖刺待辦事項清單的優先級,并指導項目團隊開發新的必須擁有的需求

Reprioritize the backlog of the current sprint and instruct the project team to develop the new must-have requirement

B: 拒絕要求,因為新的要求隻能由産品負責人和變更控制委員會提出

Reject the requirement since new requirements can be requested only by the product owner and change control board

C: 舉行一次沖刺回顧,以确定為什麼在收集需求過程中沒有确定需求

Hold a sprint retrospective to determine why the requirement was not identified during the Collect Requirements process

D: 邀請相關方與産品負責人讨論新的需求,并讓他們送出變更請求

Ask the stakeholder to discuss the new requirement with the product owner and have them submit a change request

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P26 章節:3.1.6 混合生命周期的特征: 對于整個項目,沒有必要使用單一的方法。為達到特定的目标,項目經常要結合不同的生命周期要素。預測、疊代、增量和/或靈活方法的組合就是一種混合方法。 靈活團隊,由PO負責 讨論變更。有CCB,說明明是 混合生命周期,是以 确認好再提出變更。

90、 已經決定使用靈活架構來管理項目。項目正在實施中。在這種适應性環境中,項目經理應該關注什麼?

It has been decided that a project will be managed using an agile framework. The project is now in execution. In this adaptive environment, what should be the focus of the project manager?

A: 執行詳細的産品計劃和傳遞

Performing detailed product planning and delivery

B: 建立合作決策的環境

Building a collaborative decision-making environment

C: 要求項目團隊對截止日期負責

Holding the project team accountable for deadlines

D: 計劃在每次疊代中将完成什麼

Planning what will be accomplished during each iteration

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:知識點出處:靈活實踐指南 頁碼:P34 章節:4.2.1 仆人式上司的職責: 仆人式上司通過管理關系,在團隊内群組織中建立溝通與協作。這些關系可以幫助上司在 組織中得心應手地為團隊提供支援。這種支援有助于消除障礙,促進團隊理順過程。 仆人式上司創造協作的環境
