
别涼州 | 譯典


譯 典

2021.11.26 第542期

别涼州 | 譯典


老 舍







Lau Shaw (1899-1966), formerly known as Shu Qingchun, styled Forgetting Myself. He was from Manchurian Zhenghong Banner in Beijing. The poet has been the first writer winning the title of “People’s Artist” in new China since 1949. His works include Rickshaw Boy, The Yellow Storm,etc.(溫建英譯)

别涼州 | 譯典

Goodbye to Coolton

By Lau Shaw

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun

On the border fall clouds veil the morn sun;

O’er Sky Ladder cloud and snow blend as one.

Across the bare treeless hills fly birds cold;

With smoke a stream runs to the sand there rolled.

Willows in the lonely vill wither the eye;

One’s thinner than the day lily, I sigh.

I miss the hometown mums under the fence;

Wild geese from Coolton cast their shadows hence.

别涼州 | 譯典
别涼州 | 譯典


趙彥春,博士生導師,上海大學翻譯研究出版主任,國際學術期刊Translating China主編,國際漢學與教育研究會會長、傳統文化翻譯與國際傳播專業委員會會長、中國先秦史學會國學雙語研究會執行會長、中國語言教育研究會副會長。

ZHAO Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association.




本期作者:老 舍




本期排版:曼 曼

《登高》Climbing High

《夢遊天姥吟留别》My Dream of Mt. Sky Mum: To Go or Not to Go

《歸園田居(其一)》Back to Nature

《詠菊》Ode to Chrysanthemums

《短歌行》A Short Song Ballad

《江上偶成》A Casual Note on the River

《厭讀》Tired of Reading

《送仲侯歸省》Seeing Off My Cousin Zhonghou Returning Home

《文氏外孫入村收麥》Mr. Wen’s Grandsons Come to Harvest Wheat

《苤苢》The Plantain

《木蘭花慢 · 夜泛太湖》To the Tune of Magnolia Slow

《八聲甘州 · 丁亥春偕婦登虞山望海樓》To the Tune of Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song

《菩薩蠻 · 漁浦書所見》To the Tune of Buddhaman

《鵲踏枝 · 一水盈盈秋夢淺》(To the Tune of) A Magpie on the Branch

《别雲間》Farewell to Clouds

《山坡羊 · 骊山懷古》To the Tune of Hillside Sheep

《水調歌頭·泊桐廬》Mooring at Tung Lodge

《菩薩蠻 · 辛巳除夕宿重慶小龍坎大雪》To the Tune of Buddhaman

《鹧鸪天 · 過雨微聞草木馨》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky

《鹧鸪天》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky

《滿庭芳 · 香港淪陷後作》To the Tune of the Yard Full of Fragrance

《南鄉子 · 登京口北固亭有懷》 Climbing North Firm Tower at Townmouth

《過零丁洋》A Visit to Lonely Ocean

《秦樓月》(To the Tune of ) The Moon over Qin Tower

《踏莎行 · 送寒雲宿霭蘭室》To the Tune of Treading on Grass

《虞美人·戲朱經農》Kidding Zhu Jingnong

《朝天子 · 詠喇叭》Ode to the Trumpet

《水調歌頭·南水北調入京》The South-North Water Diversion Project’s Coming to the Capital

《秋巡徐州》Touring Xuzhou in Autumn

《寄獨秀》To Duxiu

《太常引·建康中秋夜為呂叔潛賦》To the Tune of Grand Priest

《南浦·遊浣花溪,憐江介之木芙蓉,用玉田韻》To the Tune of South Moor

《鹧鸪天 · 宿森林公園》Putting Up for the Night at a Forest Park

别涼州 | 譯典

編輯:王傲霏, 二審:曼曼,終審:金石開

别涼州 | 譯典