
How to match the Egret skill on Kuroshio Egret Unlimited Resurrection Stream Card Deck is recommended

author:Strait Net

In the mobile game Kuroshio, the egret has an infinite resurrection routine, grinding the opponent directly to death. So how to match the Egret Infinite Resurrection Stream card deck? Below I will bring the Egret Infinite Resurrection Stream card deck with recommendation, interested players to take a look at it.

How to match the Egret skill on Kuroshio Egret Unlimited Resurrection Stream Card Deck is recommended

Kuroshio above the Egret Unlimited Resurrection Stream Card Deck is recommended

The root cause of the infinite resurrection of the egret lies in the card "Past Life", when playing "Time" and "Rebirth", the 3 [Sewing Dolls] are shuffled into the discard card pile.

Drawing this card will place 3 dolls in the card library, and if you can get 3 together, you can revive them. In order to revive indefinitely, that is, to make up 3 dolls per turn, we need to increase this probability to "1" with the help of some cards.

As shown in the figure, this kind of card with annihilation, its characteristic is that it will not be drawn again after it is used up, so that the egret has 2 such cards, and one of its four skills has this card, then we can only draw 4 kinds of normal cards and 5 kinds of doll cards.

If there are no doll cards in all four, there will be a card in the four cards that can be exchanged, and then use this card to exchange for a doll card.

If you are a card player when trying the infinite resurrection routine, then the reason may be that the annihilation band is too much, which will cause the card in the deck to not draw enough, the card doll, the counter has been changing at 123.

You can also bring two french balls, 0 fees to single-head, launch 3 magic balls in one round, and then bring 2 buff cards, which has a lot of room to play.

Source: Little Leather Net

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