
Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China
Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

Looking back at the magnificent history from 1919 to 1954, "Glory and Dreams" takes events as the scripture and characters as the weft, focuses on the process of the Communist Party of China from scratch and the Chinese nation from suffering to standing proudly in the east of the world, and at the same time shows the style of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries represented by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, etc.

Director Liu Jiang expounded his train of thought - through the fascinating story under the established historical framework, telling how the revolutionary ancestors along the way made great choices in the time of national crisis, and those highlight moments in history flashed the noble qualities of the Chinese Communists. Finally, with a vivid and full "person" to open the "red theme" resonance entrance, in the silent moisturizing of the material let people see - why the Chinese Communist Party can get the support of the masses of the people, can do what others can not do.

Telling a moving story in a rigid historical framework Wen Wei Wei: The first episode jumps three time and space in the first five minutes, why is this narrative?

Liu Jiang: Compared with time and space, we focus more on entering the emotional world of Communists from their family roles. The manuscript of the martyr Yang Kaihui was found in the former residence, and when she wrote such a poem, she was telling her husband her thoughts as a wife. Mao Zedong in Zhongnanhai fell into memories, and at that moment the husband was thinking of his wife and the father was thinking of his son.

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

We unfold this story from the perspective of a family member, from the emotional world into their revolutionary years, telling stories of great people as mortals, not just as revolutionaries and martyrs. Such a narrative can narrow the psychological distance between the great and the audience. In fact, the most heartbreaking part of that letter was that Mao Zedong had never read this handwritten letter from Yang Kaihui in his lifetime. The letter was only discovered in 1982, when a pair of revolutionary partners were no longer alive. For this heartbreaking regret, we borrowed artistic techniques in our creations and completed a "crossing" from the mind that seemed to let him hear.

Wen Wei Po: How to understand the creative concept of "seeing people, seeing poetry, seeing details, and seeing conflicts"?

Liu Jiang: The first thing that is certain is that we want to make a TV series with a sense of truth and can move the audience.

The works bear the history of the Party, and our Party has been composed of countless individuals over the past hundred years. When we make "Glory and Dreams", in the final analysis, we have to write people. In the 35 years from 1919 to 1954, there were too many major events that affected China's destiny, and we do not want to be a simple chronicle of party history, but rather hope to lead history with people, so that one after another infectious "people" and great revolutionary ancestors can lead the audience into the epic poem of the unity of the Communist Party of China and the great victory of the people.

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

Second, what is the story? The story originates from life, is higher than life, and it needs to be refined by us to reflect the essence of life. When dealing with the problem of restoring history and artistic fiction, we must adhere to the bottom line of "the absolute correctness of party history", and then construct the conflict and rich details of drama in accordance with the laws of the story in the rigid historical framework.

The poetic scene may be the special temperament of "Glory and Dreams" as a major revolutionary theme work. Mao Zedong held the relics to see things and think of people, the picture in his mind was presented, we can see it as poetry; Li Dazhao walked on the execution ground, we gave an image of Wei An at an elevation angle from behind the actor, such an angle is also poetry; when Yang Kaihui was sacrificed, the main picture was that she seemed to see Mao Zedong, and the foreground of the lens was a plum blossom tree with a deep meaning, so that the picture sense of human nature and human feelings, this kind of externalization of inner poetry, are all poetry.

"Monument to Man" is the most powerful engine of epic storytelling: Can we define a "protagonist" for Glory and Dreams?

Liu Jiang: The protagonist is a "monument to man", a group portrait of heroes who have left or not left their names in the history of the party and the military.

The beginning of the story follows Mao Zedong's perspective all the way, who he met, what he participated in, and through depicting the young Mao Zedong from a revolutionary student to a Marxist who truly understood Marxism, and then became a party member, with his growth and struggle to outline the fate of the early chinese communist party. The subsequent passages not only talk about the history of Mao Zedong's struggle, but also constantly have polyphonic narratives, and Li Dazhao, Zhou Enlai and other revolutionary ancestors stand in an important position in the narrative in turn. "Glory and Dreams" is actually based on Mao Zedong as the main line, a linear narrative combined with chapters and chapters, in a way that is scattered and not scattered, always telling the faith and sacrifice.

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

Taking people to lead history, because "literature is also the study of people", and even more because the process of the Chinese nation "standing up" is the burning years when a group of ancestors whose revolutionary ideals are higher than the heavens to devote themselves to the revolution. For example, Dong Biwu, who vigorously opposed "surrendering his gun"; for example, He Long, who applied to join the party in the line of fire during the Nanchang uprising; Mao Zedong, who advocated raising his banner high and demonstrating the determination of the Communist Party of China to lead the revolutionary war independently in front of the people of the whole country; and Fang Zhimin, Qu Qiubai, Yun Daiying, Chen Shuxiang, and Yang Kaihui, who died generously not for personal interests, only for national rejuvenation, and for the great righteousness of creating a new world. These revolutionaries who stepped forward at key moments have erected one "monument to man" after another in the history of the party and the military, and have also become the most powerful engine of the epic narrative, which I would like to call "the soul of the whole film".

Wen Wei Po: The concentration of war dramas in this drama is obviously higher than that of ordinary party history dramas, why?

Liu Jiang: We spend a lot of ink and ink describing the war, hoping that the audience can intuitively see the cruelty of the war and feel the revolutionary atmosphere. Making a revolution is not a child's play, not a dinner party, but a real throwing of the head and spilling blood!

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

In fact, "sacrifice" is a very important theme in our entire play. Everyone aspires to "live," but communists can resolutely give up their lives for something else. The audience can see that Yang Kaihui and Fang Zhimin are like this, they only need to write down the surrender letter to save their lives. Especially Yang Kaihui, just by virtue of her mother's identity, she has enough reasons to get the sympathy and understanding of others, choosing to surrender and survive in a roundabout way, but all heroes have chosen to die in awe. What is this more important than life? That is their belief, their ideal and belief.

Today's young people embrace the main theme of the wen wei wei with true feelings: After the episode was broadcast, did the creator pay attention to the feedback of the audience?

Liu Jiang: Yes. I am always touched by the bullet screen of netizens.

Mao Zedong waved goodbye to his wife and children, and netizens would repeat Yang Kaihui's lines on the bullet screen, "From the day I joined the party, my oath is the same as yours"; Li Dazhao was killed and sacrificed, "Salute!" Mr. Shou Chang! The first division of the First Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army flew the flag and landed on the battlefield for the first time, and the barrage was straightforward and powerful: "Burn! ”......

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

The audience, especially the young people, embrace the main theme with a genuine feeling, indicating that there are points in the story that can resonate and empathize. Specific to "Glory and Dreams", "glory" means that the Chinese Communist Party has created glory in the midst of suffering. The "dream" is embodied in individuals, a group of "post-90s" who threw themselves into the revolution a hundred years ago, none of them to change their personal destiny, no one for their own selfish interests, and even, many of them have no worries about food and clothing. Just by holding on to the original mission of "seeking happiness for the Chinese people, and seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation," this group of pioneers of the Chinese Communists was able to forge ahead without hesitation, at the cost of their lives, and lead the Chinese people from the mud of the old times all the way to today's happy life.

Being able to open the resonance between ordinary audiences and great people and heroes, I think, is a great blessing for us to devote ourselves to the creation of major revolutionary historical themes.

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The Burning Years of the Communists The process of the Chinese nation standing up

Zhao Ningyu (Screenwriter of TV series "Glory and Dreams")

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "In 1921, after the May Fourth Movement, against the background of the Chinese nation's internal and external troubles and unprecedented social crises, in the process of integrating Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China was born. This earth-breaking event has profoundly changed the direction and course of the development of the Chinese nation since modern times, profoundly changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world development. In the magnificent historical process, the CPC has closely relied on the people, crossed one ditch after another, won one victory after another, and made great historical contributions to the Chinese nation. ”

The TV series "Glory and Dreams" shows that since the May Fourth Movement, the Communist Party of China was founded, led the Chinese people to struggle hard, experienced the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the agrarian revolutionary war, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, won one victory after another, established a new China, and won the first war to resist the United States and aid Korea. The work spans 35 years, has more than 700 spatial scenes, and has more than 400 characters, focusing on the performance: "The course that China has traveled, the course that Chinese people and the Chinese nation have traveled, is written by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese with blood, sweat and tears, full of suffering and glory, twists and turns and victories, pay and harvest, which is a magnificent chapter in the history of the development of the Chinese nation that cannot be forgotten and cannot be denied, and is also the realistic foundation for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to carry forward the past and forge ahead courageously." ”

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

"The cultural movement is related to the national fortune, and the cultural context is connected to the national context." In the creation of "Glory and Dreams", we adhere to the creative concept of "great righteousness in the chest, people in the heart, responsibility on the shoulders, and clean work in the pen", take the historical drama as the basic form, take the capitalization as the aesthetic pursuit, take the genre narrative as the main skill, and strive to write this great heroic epic with rich historical scenes, many character images, important highlight moments, and warm emotional construction.

Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De as the core figures, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Deng Xiaoping, Peng Dehuai, Chen Yi, Liu Bocheng, Xu Xiangqian, Luo Ronghuan, Ye Jianying, Ye Ting, Yang Kaihui, Sun Yat-sen, Song Qingling, etc. as important figures, Li Hanjun, Li Da, Dong Biwu, He Shuheng, Chen Tanqiu, Wang Gemei, Deng Enming, Zhang Wentian, Wang Jiaxiang, Bogu, Li De, Cai Hesen, Qu Qiubai, Li Weihan, Tan Pingshan, Yun Daiying, Li Lisan, Peng Pan, Ma Lin, Nikolsky, Xiang Jianyu, Wang Huiwu, Luo Yinong, Zhao Shiyan, Zhang Hao, Yang Shangkun, Fang Zhimin, Liu Zhidan, Xi Zhongxun, Wu Xiuquan, Chen Geng, Su Yu, Lu Deming, Chen Shuxiang, Hou Jingru, Zhang Zongxun, Zuo Quan, Lin Biao, Liang Xingchu, Mao Anying, Yun Guichuan, Bethune, Ke Dihua, Xie Weisi, Zhang Lan, Li Jishen, Fu Zuoyi, Huang Yanpei, Deng Hua, Han Xianchu, Jiang Chao, Yu Jingshan, Zhu Yuehua, Xing Ze, Zhang Kuiyin, Hu Xiudao, Zhang Taofang, etc. are the main characters, and also use a small amount of ink to describe Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei, He Yingqin, Hu Zongnan, Jin Jinrong, Du Yuesheng, Cheng Ziqing and other negative figures, the proportion of historical figures exceeds 95%. In order to smooth the narrative, the work also sets up the cadres of the Peasants' Association, Long Erhu, the workers' representatives Chen Guoying, Zhao Shengsan, and Zhong Abao, the defense cadre Li Longfei, the Xinhua Radio announcer Lin Lan, the volunteer soldiers (sons of Long Erhu) Long Xiaohu, Luo Dengke, Cao Mingyu, Zhang Zhuang, the Qinggang thug Kang Baixiao, and the reactionary agent Wang Fugui.

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

The historical events highlighted in the works include: the May Fourth Movement; the Exorcism Movement; the Southern Chen and Northern Li, who met to build the Party; the First Congress of the Communist Party of China; the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China; Chen Jiongming's rebellion, sun Yat-sen's determination to cooperate with the Kuomintang and the Communist Party; the Three Great Congresses of the Communist Party of China; the Huangpu Military Academy; the Eastern Crusade against Chen, the Battle of Tamsui; the Zhongshan Ship Incident, mao Zhou's liver and gallbladder; the Northern Expedition, which swept through the two lakes and conquered Wuchang; the April 12 coup d'état, the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China; the July 15 coup; the Nanchang Uprising; the Eighty-Seventh Conference; the Autumn Harvest Uprising; the Bloody Battle of Sanheba, the Jinggangshan Huishi Division; the Gutian Conference; and the extensive opening of the Soviet Region Mao Zedong fell three times and caused three uprisings; the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Failed, and the Red Army Began the Long March; The Bloody Battle of the XiangJiang River, the Zunyi Conference; the Four Crossings of Chishui, the Capture of The Luding Bridge, the Division of the Division of the Huishi And the Division of Jinshan, and the Splitting of the LaziKou; The Failure of Zhang Guotao's Erroneous Line; the Congress of the Three Armies; the Xi'an Incident; the National War of Resistance, the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army Rushed to the Battlefield; the Pingxing Guan Dajie; the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee; Bethune, Ke Dihua, and other international friends; the Great War of the Hundred Regiments; the Anhui Incident; the War of Resistance Behind enemy lines, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party; the Victory of the War of Resistance, the Chongqing Negotiations; the reactionaries provoking a civil war and the outbreak of the Liberation War Seven victories in the Seven Battles of the Soviet Union and China, defending Yan'an, and turning to northern Shaanxi; MengLianggu won a great victory, advancing thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, and turning the tide of the war in the northeast battlefield; Chengnanzhuang and Xibaipo were strategizing; the three major battles; the Battle of Crossing the River, liberating Shanghai, and sweeping the whole country; the Political Consultative Conference was held; the founding ceremony; the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, defend the family and defend the country; the bloody battles of Sanshuoli, Longyuanli, Songkuofeng, and Changjin Lake, won a complete victory in the second campaign; the Battle of Shangganling, the Battle of Jincheng, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea won a comprehensive victory. It comprehensively shows the glorious course of the sons and daughters of China in pursuing glory and dreams, and not forgetting the original heart.

In order to create, we consulted more than 50 million words of historical materials, and successively went to Marseille, Lyon, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, the site of the Second Congress, the former residence of Mao Zedong in Shanghai, The Yuexiu Mountain in Guangzhou, the Huangpu Military Academy, the Three Towns of Wuhan, the Jiangxi Grand Hostel in Nanchang, Jinggangshan, The Ancient Field in Western Fujian, the 918Th century museum in Shenyang, the Xiangjiang River, the Loushanguan in Guizhou, the Zunyi Conference Memorial Hall, the Tucheng Sidu Chishui Memorial Hall, the Gannan, Yan'an, the Xi'an Incident Memorial Hall, Lugou Bridge Chinese Min Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, Shanxi Pingxingguan, Pingxi Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall, Harbin Anti-Japanese Coalition Memorial Hall, Chongqing Eighth Route Army Office, Xingxian Jinbei Revolution Memorial Hall, Handan Martyrs Cemetery, Shijiazhuang Martyrs Cemetery, Shandong Menglianggu, Hebei Xibaipo, Jinzhou Liaoshen Campaign Memorial Hall, Beijing Shuangqing Villa, Beijing Hotel, Nanjing Presidential Palace, Jiangyin Crossing river Battle Memorial Hall, Dandong Memorial Hall to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and other places, received guidance and help from many senior division commanders and friends, and gained a lot of gains.

Film and television celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party| dialogue "Glory and Dreams" director Liu Jiang: Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China

"Many years ago, the people of Chinese had a strong desire for national independence and the liberation of the people, for the prosperity and strength of the country and the happiness of the people, but how bleak the future was. Today, we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than at any time in history. We can fully say that the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must be realized and can certainly be realized. ”

This is the glory and dream of the Chinese nation.

Author: Liu Jiang

Editor: Xu Luming

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