
Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

author:History of the Bunsha

Many people may say that maturity is to be calm and not be swayed by feelings. But this view is actually a bit biased. After all, positive emotions can spark creativity and vitality.

The manifestation of true maturity is not to completely abandon sensibility, but to learn to control one's emotions, not to let negative emotions occupy one's heart, and to immerse oneself in it. As the outstanding artist director Liu Jiang shows through his new drama "Warm and Sweet", mature people should balance sensibility and reason, and use wisdom to lead emotions, rather than emotions to control wisdom.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

This will help you avoid being misled by extreme emotions and doing things that you regret. Therefore, the sign of maturity is to take the initiative to understand and control one's emotions, rather than completely abandoning one's sensibility and becoming a machine without temperature.

This balance is the source of personality charm.

Nan Fei and Qi Jiayi are a pair of good girlfriends, and the two agreed that if they can't find true love in this world, they will rely on each other for life. However, the path to pursue one's own love and happiness is full of reefs and hardships.

In this long pursuit, Nanfei and Qi Jiayi encountered too many emotional storms and experienced various transformations.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

Nan Fei is a versatile woman who has stood out since she was a child. And the gentle and introverted Qi Jiayi is often troubled by inferiority complex. She feels that her family background is ordinary and her abilities are very average, and if she can't find a partner at this age, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to get married and have children in this life.

Coupled with the fact that Nanfei is so good in all aspects, Qi Jiayi always can't help but feel depressed, and a trace of jealousy for Nanfei also swells up in his heart.

This faint unhappiness grew stronger and worse, and finally erupted on an unbearable night. The two had a big quarrel over some trivial things, and the relationship fell into a trough for a while.

Qi Jiayi became more and more self-doubting, and she didn't understand where this strong jealousy came from. Obviously, Nanfei has always cared so much about her, but she wants to be suspicious, which is really unreasonable.

And Nanfei is also reflecting on whether he is too sharp and does not fully consider Qi Jiayi's feelings. Their relationship needs to be adjusted slowly to become stronger, and they need to grow in the process and learn to control their emotions.

This run-in is undoubtedly the smelting of their friendship, and it will also make the life path of the two wider and wider.

Just when the relationship between Nanfei and Qi Jiayi was at its most tense, Nanfei suffered an unprecedented blow. Gu Xiaoman, who has always been jealous of her, even leaked Nan Fei's patient privacy in an attempt to discredit Nan Fei.

As a doctor, Nan Fei regards the privacy of patients as her life, which is undoubtedly a blasphemy against her vocation.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

After receiving the anonymous report, Nanfei fell into an extreme panic. Her mind was full of disappointed and resentful eyes of the patients, as well as accusations in court.

Years of painstaking career as a doctor are about to be ruined, and Nanfei is plunged into an emotional vortex of unprecedented despair and helplessness.

She couldn't sleep all day and all night, and her brain was repeatedly circulating the cry of the patient. She knew that this blow was undoubtedly a devastating blow to her career, and she didn't think about it for a while, tossing and turning.

Working mechanically during the day and tossing and turning in bed at night.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

Qi Jiayi, who was supposed to be her spiritual pillar, turned against her at this time, which made Nanfei even worse. She felt isolated like never before, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle in this abyssal despair.

She didn't know what else she could do to undo it all but give up on herself.

Nanfei desperately needs the support of her family and friends, and needs someone to help her regain hope. And the only thing that can give her strength is precisely the confidant friend Qi Jiayi who has always been by her side.

However, just when Nanfei was desperate, Qi Jiayi mustered up the courage to face the fact that he had been controlled by negative emotions for too long. She realized that she should not let inferiority dominate her, nor should she be jealous of Nanfei's excellence.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

So, Qi Jiayi regained his strength, plucked up the courage to find Nan Fei to apologize sincerely, and shook hands again.

Nanfei told Qi Jiayi what Gu Xiaoman had done. After listening to Nan Fei's narration, Qi Jiayi, who has always been gentle, also ignited a flame of anger. She found evidence, made Gu Xiaoman's evil deeds public, and insisted that she receive the punishment she deserved.

In the face of Gu Xiaoman's crying and kneeling, Qi Jiayi did not back down and firmly upheld justice.

This incident also became an opportunity for Qi Jiayi to reflect. She begins to confront her weaknesses, but she also discovers her strengths. She slowly realized that her dedication and gentleness were also admirable qualities.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

She is still young and struggling, as long as she insists on improving herself, she will definitely get a sense of achievement.

Gradually, the shadow of low self-esteem ceased to loom and was replaced by growing self-confidence. Qi Jiayi learned to appreciate his own characteristics, but also learned to focus on his strengths, and no longer deliberately compared.

She began to love life and be her true self again.

When Nanfei experienced a trough, Qi Jiayi was always by her side. She encouraged Nanfei, believing that as long as she worked hard, she would be able to regain her dreams and achieve success in her career again.

With Qi Jiayi's help, Nanfei gradually regained his fighting spirit and regained respect in the medical community.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

This experience strengthened their friendship and made them more mature in life. They learn the ability to control their emotions, which is an important sign of a good person.

What can vividly express these subtle emotional changes is director Liu Jiang's own deep insight into human nature. As an artist, he not only has superb directing skills and crew coordination, but also has a firm belief in the beautiful side of human nature.

Each of us has both light and dark emotions, and there will be moments of weakness and failure. Director Liu Jiang's plays have never shied away from these, but they can depict in detail how people can remain rational in negative emotions, adjust their mentality, and find themselves again.

His previous masterpieces, such as "Years" and "Before Dawn", also show the ability of ordinary people to regroup after the storm. And this new drama "Warm and Sweet" also tells the process of Nan Fei and Qi Jiayi recovering from their emotional trough, as well as their spirit of facing life positively.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

It can be said that this is the theme of director Liu Jiang's creation all along-the bright side of human nature. With positive, warm and sincere brushstrokes, he depicts the possibility of people controlling their emotions and overcoming difficulties.

And this is undoubtedly a timely dose in this eventful society, which makes people see hope in the turmoil.

I believe that with the wisdom and feelings of director Liu Jiang, he will continue to create this kind of warm and shocking play. They inspire those who are experiencing hardship and pain to regain confidence in life, in others, and in themselves.

I sincerely look forward to the director's next masterpiece, which will definitely be a beacon of light in our hearts.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

To sum up, I think the most important sign of a mature and excellent person is to be able to control his emotions, rather than being controlled and manipulated by them. This is also the truth of life that director Liu Jiang has repeatedly emphasized through the new drama "Warm and Sweet".

Nanfei and Qi Jiayi both experienced emotional troughs, but they were not defeated by negative emotions after all. They learn self-control, regain reason, and become stronger versions of themselves.

I believe that as long as we can do what they did, stay optimistic and control our impulses in the face of adversity, we will become better people.

Director Liu Jiang's "Warm and Sweet" tells the truth, what is the sign of a person's maturity?

At the same time, we would also like to thank an artist with such warmth as director Liu Jiang. In this self-styled entertainment industry, he has always used his works to convey positive energy and inspire people.

I look forward to many more inspiring plays from him in the future. Just as the stories of Nan Fei and Qi Jiayi give us strength, every warm story can make the world a better place.

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