
Why did Chen Nian become the target of school bullying?

author:Chuncao talks about film and television

Judging from Chen Nian's personal characteristics, first, he comes from a single-parent family and has a lonely personality. Second, excellent results. Third, there are acts of justice that are different from those of the perpetrators.

Why did Chen Nian become the target of school bullying?

Chen Nian's mother is a peddler who sells fake masks, and she also owes a lot of debts, so she is forced to leave Chen Nian alone at home, such a child who grows up in such a family will not be a child with a sound personality, Chen Nian is very lonely and stubborn, and she does not understand and is unwilling to ask for help from others. The pressure from her surroundings for a long time also made her unable to accept the warmth and love from her surroundings, which was the first reason why she suffered from school violence. Another reason chen nian suffered from school violence was jealousy. Chen Nian's grades were very good, which caused the jealousy of her classmates, which was the main reason why her classmates bullied her. In a positive group, good grades should be a kind of capital, not a reason for being bullied. But in a negative energy group that does not have a correct worldview, outlook on life and values, the good ones become the targets of bullying.

Why did Chen Nian become the target of school bullying?

The third reason chen nian was bullied was that he had different three views from those who abused him. After Fluttershy jumped off the building, in front of many onlookers, Chen Nian gave Fluttershy the last warmth and covered Fluttershy with his school uniform.

Of course, the reasons for different children to be bullied are also different, but from the tragedy of Chen Nian, we should understand that we must educate children to learn to get along with the people around them, learn to ask for help from others, and more importantly, as parents, we should always pay more attention, learn more, summarize more, and truly turn the family into a place to shelter the children from the wind and rain, and become a refuge for children when they encounter difficulties.


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