
Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

author:Uncle went down to the kitchen

Dried brine tofu is a famous Han Chinese snack that is loved by everyone. The color is golden, the texture is soft and tender, and cold food is better. Dried brine beans are a famous specialty snack that is loved by everyone. The color is golden, the texture is soft and tender, and cold food is better. Dried brine tofu can be bought in ordinary supermarkets, but it is really not as healthy and reassuring as you make yourself. Today I have this homemade dried brine bean just added some common spices, without any additives, delicious and delicious, long-term eating, very healthy and nutritious, and a full plate of only 2 dollars, very cost-effective. Do not fish out the dried tofu after cooking, continue to soak in the marinade overnight, will make the dried tofu more flavorful and soft, of course, if you like to have a chewy head, do not cook for too long, dried tofu contains rich protein, higher nutritional value; it contains lecithin can remove the cholesterol attached to the blood vessel wall, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevent cardiovascular disease, and protect the heart.

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

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Today uncle taught you a brine dried tofu method, the method is simple to use for a short time, especially suitable for doing at home, the dried tofu is very flavorful, more delicious than meat, this dried brine bean is a good small cold dish, dried tofu color is rosy, the sauce is rich, slightly sweet taste in the slightly chewy, and eat more is not afraid of fat, a bite of a piece, chewy, delicious. Friends who love to eat brine must try this dried brine bean, the tough and powerful taste makes you fall in love with it the first bite. When you marinate vegetables, you can put some rock sugar, which can make the color of the brine more beautiful, and you can also neutralize the spicy taste, and the color I made is relatively dark, so you can adjust the amount of soy sauce according to your own preferences. Today the uncle went to the kitchen to teach you to make dried brine beans, I hope you eat happily~

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

10 pieces of dried tofu, 1 handful of peppercorns, 1 dried pepper, 1 large ingredient, 4 small pieces of cinnamon, 2 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 small piece of ginger, white sesame seeds, 5 grams of salt, 5 spoons of soy sauce, cooking oil

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

1, first of all, the peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, ginger slices, dried peppers cut into small pieces, white sesame seeds, dry cleaning of the beans, with a knife to cut the long mouth, pay attention not to cut, put oil in the pot, low heat to fry the dried beans until both sides of the golden brown;

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

2, then leave the bottom oil, put in the ginger slices, peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, fragrant leaves stir-fry, add water to boil, put in soy sauce, salt, fried dried beans, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, pay attention to observe the amount of water in the middle, do not dry the pot, the color of the tofu becomes darker, indicating that it has been brine;

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

3, finally put the marinated dried beans on the plate, put a little oil with a large spoon, put in the chili pepper segments and white sesame seeds, burst out the aroma, drizzle until they catch up and you can eat on the table

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

The color is rosy, the sauce is fragrant, the chewy and delicious little cold vegetables are dried with brine, if you like it, you can try it yourself

Uncle's cold dish series: dried brine beans, rich sauce, chewy, family love to eat

Uncle tips

1, before each brine food, you need to boil the old soup, and then add some water and ingredients, otherwise, the soup will be less and less;

2, cooked dried beans must not be soaked in the brine soup, the rest of the soup do not pour, and then buy some dried peanuts and beans to continue, add water and then another twenty minutes.

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