
After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

author:The Red Chamber is a dream after all

1. Money can buy the freedom to watch your children grow up.

After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

Left-behind children

The first thing that comes to mind is left-behind children, who don't want to watch their children grow up and witness every important moment on their children's growth path? Those parents who work outside the home may only be able to see their children a few times a year, and going home to see their children has become their greatest wish, if it is not forced by life, who wants to go away from home and work with their children.

There is also a kind of "returning children", this name is my own, that is, parents in the big city to study, work, get married, have children, and finally found that they can not support children in the big city, sent home for parents to bring. Unlike left-behind children, their parents' homes are in the city, either renting a house or a small house with four pockets to buy.

Flesh and blood love is the most beautiful thing in the world, but it is ruthlessly taken apart by life, and I hope to earn more money every day, save more money, and reunite with my children as soon as possible.

2. Money can buy the freedom to pursue your wildest dreams.

After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

Travel freely

With enough money, most people probably won't continue to do the work they're doing! And they all know what they're going to do! No matter how old they are, no matter what kind of work they do, everyone still has that crazy dream in their hearts, such as becoming a writer, driving around China, eating all kinds of food, opening a café that may not make money...

I have heard such a story, two doctors after graduation went to the same research institute to engage in scientific research work, the first than the second grade is better, but also more intelligent, talented, just to go to a few years of development is very good, scientific research results are much more than the second, the opportunity is also a priority, and then married with a family, with children, car loans, mortgages, raising children, more and more energy is biased towards the family, scientific research is gradually by the second family rich, do not have to be distracted by life, steady and steady colleagues to catch up, this is those rural children Obviously, he worked very hard, but later did not achieve greater achievements. Life is a marathon, and only those who do not carry a bag and play easily can win.

3. Money can buy you unfettered freedom.

After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

Beach and sunshine

People who don't have money in their pockets are always promised, and they are even embarrassed to go into some stores that sell expensive clothes and electronic products, afraid of being ridiculed. I have seen many migrant workers work in a big city for a year, not even the most prosperous shopping malls in the city center, not because there is no time, there are always clouds and rainy days, when the materials are uneven, they are used to only looking at what they can buy, bound in this cognition. When interacting with people, they also pay special attention to what others think, and there is a sense of inferiority.

4. Money buys the right to freely establish and strengthen interpersonal relationships.

After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

Three or five friends

No one asks about the poor and downtown, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains. Only when you have money can you freely choose to strengthen your relationship with the person you want to associate, and when you have money, you will occupy the initiative in interpersonal communication, you can take the initiative to associate with people you are interested in and have a poor economic foundation, and others will even praise your behavior. However, if you are poor, if you take the initiative to interact with people who are interested in you and have a good economic foundation, it is called Gao Pan, you have to look at people's eyes, and people will also talk nonsense.

Interpersonal relationships are also a very important part of our lives, can bring us a lot of fun, only when you have money, you can fully control your circle, you have the right to freely choose who to associate with.

5. Money buys the freedom to do what you love, without having to look ahead.

After looking at the five powers that money can buy, you will understand why you should work hard to make money

This is a summary of the first four, life is only a few decades, the most important things for us are nothing more than three: the first health, the second interpersonal relationship, the health and harmonious relationship with friends and family, the third to do what you like. These are all superstructures built on money, come on and make money friends!

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