
Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

【Article/Observer Network Columnist Fu Zheng】

Inadvertently, Liu Shipei caught fire at Station B:

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

A while ago, I also complained to my friends, how is Liu Shipei like a background board in "The Age of Awakening"? There is no sense of existence! Unexpectedly, he still conquered the discerning audience with his allure posture.

The word "beauty" in some video titles is used very well, and this kind of calm man with deep eyes, gentle elegance, and no half a sentence of nonsense, invisibly makes people feel beautiful and incomprehensible.

In fact, just looking at Liu Shipei personally, I don't think he is so beautiful, but there is a silly and endless tease next to him, which is more than the young Huang Kan as a foil, and it is difficult to think of not connotation!

It is a pity that the real Liu Shipei is not proud of his appearance and cannot match the beauty. This is my friend's reaction after learning that Liu Shipei was on fire:

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Skinny hunchback, suffering from tuberculosis, often coughing up blood, a weak and uncontrollable look, this is the basic image of Liu Shipei, reminiscent of the "criminal wife" Qin Xiaolian in the "Nine Pin Sesame Officials", the original Qi family young master:

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

In fact, Liu Shipei not only looks like the young master of the Qi family, but even his fate is similar to his: obviously it is a tragedy, but in the eyes of the audience, it is a drama of laughter.

First, born out of phase

According to the rules of the Chinese, celebrities can never be described as ugly, but can only be said to be born different. Liu Shipei is a person who is born with a different appearance.

According to his nephew Mei Luan, Liu Shipei has a red birthmark the size of a guiyuan in the middle of his left foot, which can be seen when washing his feet. What's more, there was a patch of convex flesh at the tail vertebrae above his ass, less than an inch long, like a small tail.

Mei Lu also said that when he was a child, he liked to play with the small tail behind his uncle's ass, and every time he stroked it, he attracted his uncle's anger, and sometimes even fucked the ring ruler and directly hit the outside of the house. It is said that this small tail can prove that Liu Shipei is the reincarnation of the "old ape spirit", so this person is extremely intelligent and extremely spiritual.

Zhang Shizhao once questioned Zhang Taiyan and others for overestimating Liu Shipei's academic standards, just imagine that Liu Shi was born in 1884 and joined the League in 1905 to engage in politics.

However, we must admit that there are really some talented people in the world, just like Huang Rong's mother Feng Yun in "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter". This is of course an exaggeration of the novel, but people with excellent memories do exist, and Liu Shipei is an example.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Liu Shipei (1884-1919)

This person is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and when he goes to class, he does not bring lecture notes or write board books, and he stands on the podium with his bare hands, and he opens his mouth to come. This kind of genius will become the focus no matter where on the Campus of Peking University.

According to the description of the "Age of Awakening", it seems that the leader of the old school of Peking University at that time was Gu Hongming, and the big man behind it was Lin Shu. Liu Shipei and Huang Kan were like little followers who circled Gu and Lin.

But in fact, Liu Shipei and Huang Kan looked down on Lin, Gu and others for their traditional Chinese studies skills. The first two can not only write beautiful Six Dynasties texts, but also be more familiar with the pre-Qin Zhuzi texts, as for Lin Shu, at best, he can imitate the Tang and Song Dynasties...

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Gu Hongming and Liu Shipei in "The Age of Awakening"

Speaking of Liu Shipei, we cannot but talk about Zhang Taiyan. Historically, Liu Shipei often looks like a person standing in Zhang Taiyan's shadow, so much so that historians talk about Liu Shipei's academic or political views and compare zhang Taiyan. But academically speaking, Liu Shipei even surpassed Zhang Taiyan in some aspects.

Speaking of this, I am reminded of what my mentor once mentioned that he asked the candidates at the re-examination site of graduate students "why did you choose the direction of modern Chinese history", and the other party replied "My ancient literature is not good, and ancient historiography is not good". I will not say two words and directly kill - the ancient text is not good to learn modern history? You go and flip through Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei.

Since the Tang Dynasty, the most difficult article is the late Qing Dynasty, largely because of the existence of people such as Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei.

I once said that the real big guys did not appear in "The Age of Awakening", such as Liang Qichao, the commander behind the May Fourth Movement, Lin Changmin, the commander of the stage, and Xu Shuzheng and Duan Qirui, the backstage bosses of the main villain An Fu Department, all mentioned their names. Zhang Taiyan, the spiritual teacher of the old and new schools of Peking University, also basically had no sense of existence.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936)

However, without understanding Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei, we do not know where many of the ideas of the New Culture Movement come from, especially Zhang Taiyan, who can be called the Peking University New Culture Movement "those who are not present."

Zhang Taiyan character Mei Uncle, Liu Shipei character Shen Uncle, shiren and called "second uncle". Uncle Zhang Mei was born in 1869, and Uncle Liu Shen was 15 years old, but the two were friends of the same generation. Zhang Taiyan's eldest disciple, Huang Kan, was only two years younger than Liu Shipei, but he worshiped Liu Shipei as his teacher. Zhang Shi did not think anything of it, but was happy to see it come true. This not only reflects the relationship between Zhang and Liu, but also highlights Liu Shipei's generational divisions. It should not be difficult to imagine what the status of others like Qian Xuantong, Zhou Zuoren and others in front of Liu Shipei is.

Therefore, I will take Zhang Liu's friendship as a clue below and briefly outline Liu Shipei's short life.

II. 1903

1903 was not only a turning point in Liu Shipei's life, but also a turning point in Zhang Taiyan's life. The two were officially engaged in Shanghai that year. More importantly, this year is also an important year in the history of the Xinhai Revolution.

The previous year, in April 1902, Cai Yuanpei founded the China Education Society in Shanghai. At first glance, it looks like a non-governmental education group, but in fact it is a revolutionary organization under the guise of education, and at the beginning of its establishment, it fought with the Shanghai "Su Bao".

Founded in 1896, the head of the "Su Bao" Chen Fan was a man who estimated that he had paid a lot of donations to the Qing government and obtained a position in Shanxi County, Jiangxi Lead (pronounced "salt"). It just so happens that this person is not willing to be at ease with corruption, but is enthusiastic about the cause of changing the law. After the failure of the Hundred Days Restoration, he was dismissed from his post by the Qing government, so he has always been grumpy and often makes some revolutionary remarks.

Based on such favorable conditions, the Education Society began to enter the "Su Bao" newspaper. On May 27, 1903, Su Bao hired Zhang Shizhao, a member of the Education Society, as the chief writer. After his arrival, he carried out reforms with vigor and vigor, turning the "Su Bao" into a public opinion position for propagating the revolution. Joining the "Su Bao" newspaper, of course, there is Zhang Taiyan.

In the same year, Zhang Taiyan published the shocking "Book of Refuting Kang Youwei on Revolution" and wrote a passionate preface to Zou Rong's "Revolutionary Army". Of course, the "Su Bao" led by the revolutionaries did not hesitate to introduce the "Revolutionary Army" on the page, and even excerpted the main contents of the "Book on the Revolution of Rebutting Kang Youwei".

Blatantly preaching "full of revolutions", is this worth it? The angry Qing government forced the British Concession to shut down the Su Bao on June 30 and arrested Zhang Taiyan and Zou Rong. This is the famous "Su Report Case" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the curtain performance of the 276-year text prison of the Qing Dynasty.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Zou Rong (1885—1905)

According to the Qing government's vision, after the British Concession Patrol House arrested people, they should naturally be extradited to the imperial court with a thousand knives. Unexpectedly, the concession withstood the pressure and only sentenced Zhang Taiyan to three years' imprisonment and Zou Rong's two-year imprisonment to light sentences.

What the Qing government did not expect was that its fierce and inward move just happened to be the best advertisement for these two important criminals. For a time, the "Revolutionary Army" and "Refuting Kang Youwei's Book on Revolution" were widely disseminated among the students studying in Japan. After all, everyone wants to see what kind of god-man can openly ridicule the current saints for "carrying clowns and not discerning wheat."

Without disappointing the reader at all, Zhang Taiyan was not only sharp in his thinking and dared to make untouched by his predecessors, but also wrote elegantly and learned profoundly.

Here Zhang Taiyan is still squatting in prison, and his 1902 revision of the "Book of Lou" has already spread among the students studying in Japan. Mr. Lu Xun once commented that the book was difficult and that he "read it continuously and could not understand it." This is, of course, Lu Xun's humble remark, and in fact, the book enlightened a group of later cadres of the New Culture Movement.

The Book of Lou is extremely vigorous, the "theory of violence" is stacked, and many views have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through the propaganda of the Xinhai Revolution and the New Culture Movement. For example, Zhang Taiyan said that the reason why there was Qianjia Sinology was because the Qing Dynasty daxing literary prison, and readers could only bury their heads in famous things and exhortations. For another example, the qianlong emperor's fundamental purpose in compiling and revising the Siku Quanshu was to eliminate the forbidden books, which not only failed to revitalize culture, but destroyed it. Such views are just the tip of the iceberg of the sharp ideas of the Book of Lou.

The most eye-catching thing is Zhang Taiyan's evaluation of "false reputation" and "smelling and looking at it for a reason". In the vernacular, it is that Kong Shengren is not worthy of the name, and the reason why he can have today's jianghu status is not because of how clever his opinion is, but because he is very able to mix. ("Fixing holes")

This was equivalent to igniting a bomb among the students studying in Japan, causing the effect of "attacking Confucius more for a while", and firing the first shot for the may fourth new cultural movement to "bring down Confucius".

In 1903, when Zhang Taiyan killed four parties and harvested a group of fans, Liu Shipeifang was 20 years old. He has been promoted to high school, and he has become famous as a teenager, so he should go to a higher level and become a soldier.

In fact, Liu Shipei originally traveled along this track. However, the 1903 meeting was extraordinary.

Logically, this national examination, which is held every three years, should be held in Beijing, but in 1900, the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China and burned the Beijing Gongyuan. Beijing had no exam venues, forcing the Qing government to look elsewhere.

Located in the Central Plains, Kaifeng, Henan is a place where the north and south converge, with convenient land and water transportation, and the Kaifeng Gongyuan has become an ideal alternative place.

This last examination in Chinese history is destined to be different from the past. As early as 1901, when Empress Dowager Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor were still on their way to escape, they were determined to reform politics. The starting point of the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty was the reform of the examination system.

According to the instructions of the Upper Decree, the 1903 examination abolished the Eight Strands of Literature and changed the policy to the policy. The examination is divided into three sessions: "the first test of Chinese politics and historical affairs is five, the second test is the five ways of politics and art of various countries, the third test is the 'four books' righteousness, and the 'five classics' are righteous."

From the perspective of today's people, the eight strands of the imprisoned people's hearts should have been abolished long ago, but for the people at that time, this step was too big, and it really broke the crotch.

I would like to ask the vast number of scholars who have been practicing the Eight Strands of Literature since childhood, where do they know how to write a policy? How can you understand what "politics and art in various countries" is all about?

What to do? Aren't review articles in newspapers good things to learn from? The Qing government inadvertently contributed to a climax in the development of China's modern newspaper and periodical media industry, and also made a group of people who were good at writing newspaper articles from the edge to the center. Liang Qichao is one of the examples.

He ran the "Xinmin Cong Bao" and copied the Japanese "Sun" magazine, the large and small newspapers in various coastal treaty ports copied the "Xinmin Cong Bao", and the large and small newspapers and periodicals in the inland provinces copied the coastal newspapers and periodicals. All kinds of "heresies" were like flood beasts, which suddenly broke the levees of the Qing government.

On the one hand, Liang Qichao and others were still on the Qing court's wanted list, on the other hand, the Qing court unconsciously made the readers of the whole country become his parrots.

Liu Shipei is the child of this great change in thinking. On April 5, he participated in the examination in Kaifeng, and on May 6, he released the list and fell to Sun Shan. On the way back to Yangzhou, Liu Shipei, who was depressed, traveled the mountains and rivers and composed poems and filled in words. All kinds of exciting thoughts that I had read earlier suddenly came to mind.

For example, when passing through Xuzhou, he filled in the ancient poem "A Calyx Red", which was quite proud and impressed me:

Pass through Pengcheng. Looking at the country and mountains like this, my generation has ascended again. Tie the horse to the sky, slash the snake and sword, and the hegemony is all paid for. Try to re-orient, the yellow building longitudinal, pointing to the southeast, half of the wall to control Huaiyin. Fading grass flat, big river south and north, who is the natural danger?

Thousands of disasters rise and fall, the remaining mountains rise and fall, and Surabaya waves are deep. Song GuoXiongdu, Chu Wanggong Que, Qianqiu Old Fortress Who is looking for? Back to the day, the Central Plains chased deer, laughing at Liu, what a dispute arose. Empty sigh heroes do not do, the pipe becomes famous. (According to the "Liu Shipei Annals" compiled by Wan Shiguo, this word was entered, but the author did not understand the law, and the punctuation was wrong, and now it is changed.) )

It can be seen that the rebellious heart has flowed to the tip of the pen.

In addition to the "Soviet Report" and the last examination of the imperial examination, a larger incident broke out in China in 1903.

In April 1903, Tsarist Russia tore up the Treaty of Settlement of the Three Eastern Provinces and refused to withdraw from the northeast unless seven of their conditions were met, such as "Russia's participation in the administration of Northern Manchuria" and "no other country is allowed to enter Manchuria", in order to turn the northeast into its colony. The arrogant Nicholas II had even appointed Alexeiev, the governor of the Far East, to rule Manchuria with full authority.

The unilateral act of breaking the treaty by the Russians not only led to the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, but also unconsciously prompted the broad masses of young Chinese students to embark on the revolutionary road.

For example, the group of students studying in Japan spontaneously organized the "Volunteer Team for Rejecting Russia". Under the prohibition of the Japanese government, it had to change its name to the "Military and National Education Association" to advocate the "Military and National Education Movement" and publicize the spirit of shangwu. Incidentally, this move also directly contributed to the birth of modern martial arts novels.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

The military and national education movement was initially intended to resist foreign insults, but with the occurrence of events such as the "Soviet Report", it quickly turned to the path of internal revolution and developed into the GuangfuHui.

The revolutionary wind also blew into Yangzhou. Shortly after the "Su Bao" case, on July 11, Liu Shipei wrote the "Yellow Emperor Chronicle", advocating the use of the birth anniversary of the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan as the beginning of the Chinese era, clearly negating the Guangxu era number and not recognizing the Qing Dynasty Zhengshuo.

Attached to the article, "A Brief List of Events After the Birth of the Yellow Emperor," the article cites twenty major events in Chinese history, including "Zhou Min chasing the king", "Chen Shiqi revolutionary army", and "Hong Xiuquan rising up to jintian village", which broke the ground and took the people's uprising as the central clue of Chinese history.

In October, Liu Shipei went to Shanghai and officially joined the ranks of the revolutionary party. In November, Cai Yuanpei and others launched a revolutionary organization in Shanghai, the "Comrades' Association for Russia", with "Russian Police News" as the organ newspaper. Liu Soon became a key member of the organization. In 1917, Cai Yuanpei was able to hire Liu Shipei as a professor at Peking University, largely determined by this relationship in the early years.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Shipei also participated in the "China Vernacular Newspaper" founded by Lin Wei, and was a pioneer of the vernacular movement. So I ask readers not to postpone the vernacular movement to the May Fourth period.

It was also during this time that he became acquainted with Zhang Taiyan, and the two saw each other as they were, and they felt sorry for each other.

III. "The Era of Revival of Ancient Studies"

1903 was the year of Zhang Liu's engagement, and it was also the year that Liu Shipei embarked on the revolutionary road. The greatest mark he left on the history of ideas during this year was the Book of Letters.

The following year, on January 31, 1904, the Russian Police News published for the first time an advertisement for the publication of the Book of The Book. On February 26, the Russian Police News was renamed "Alarm Bell Daily" and Liu Shipei was appointed as the editorial director. On March 13, the second meeting of the Russian Comrades' Association was held and renamed the Association for Survival.

On April 12, the Alarm Bell Daily published an advertisement for the book, the main excerpt of which is as follows:

The unprecedented masterpiece "The Book" was published

When the Great European Revolution arose, it must be advocated by three or four literary heroes. The literary hero advocated, gai that is, the era of the revival of ancient learning. Without this class, everyone has no desire to preserve the essence of the country, and all the so-called patriotism and protection of the species are all empty words. It is a book written by Liu Guanghan, a great Han scholar of our country, and the first sixteen chapters are: "Huaxia Chapter", "Yi Descent Chapter", "Yi Seed Chapter", "Miao Li Chapter", "Changing Xia Chapter", "Hu Shi Chapter", "Tracing The Surname Chapter", "Blasphemous Surname Chapter", "Distinguishing The Surname", "The Road of The Dragon", "The Di Hong Chapter", "The Outline of Crimes", "The Historical Occupation Chapter", "Kong Lao Chapter", "Zhou Yi Chapter", and "Zhengming Chapter". The human race of the country of the world to discern the material, take the "Spring and Autumn" inner Xia and foreign examples, Kaowen solicitation, nuclear interpretation of the Ming Sutra, the ghost of the ancient, cast the latest ideals, placed in the four thousand years of ancient books, one of them. Even if it is placed in the books of the East and West Hongzhe, it is worthy of being a great work.

I suspect that this advertisement was written by Liu Shipei himself, at least it succinctly summarized Liu's revolutionary ideas.

The "era of paleo-revival" mentioned at the beginning is the Renaissance era. The first three sentences say that without the Renaissance there would have been no European Revolution; the Renaissance movement restored the classical doctrine of Greece and Rome and broke through the dark Middle Ages, which is the premise of the national emancipation of the mind in modern Europe.

In Liu Shipei's view, the premise of evoking the revolutionary spirit is to carry forward the national essence, and the premise of carrying forward the national essence is the revival of ancient learning (Renaissance). This shows that not all old Chinese learning is qualified to be called "national essence". The so-called "national essence" is precisely those brilliant ideas that have been covered up by the old learning, and the core of which is not traditional classics, but the pre-Qin Zhuzi studies before the Han Dynasty "deposed hundreds of families and exalted Confucianism alone".

This line of thinking is generally consistent with Zhang Taiyan's Book of Lou. As soon as it was published, it was widely disseminated among the community of students studying in Japan. Uncle Zhang Mei, Uncle Liu Shen, and "Second Uncle" are equally famous, and yuliang is a moment.

Here is a crucial digression. On May 23, the British Concession convicted Zhang Taiyan and Zou Rong. In June, Liu Shipei married his wife He Ban. He Ban has been adhering to the strict training since he was a child, staying at home and not seeing anyone. It is reasonable to say that she should be a woman who is too traditional to be traditional, but after marriage, she not only changed her name to He Zhen, but also actively intervened in Liu Shipei's various careers, which influenced Liu Shipei's life.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

He Zhen (1886—?) )

In order to practice the ideal of reviving the national essence of the "Shushu", on February 23, 1905, Liu Shipei, Deng Shi, Huang Jie and others launched the Sinology Preservation Association in Shanghai and founded the organ journal "Journal of National Essence".

They took Liu Shipei as their leader, Huang Jie and Deng Shi as their fierce generals, and Zhang Taiyan, who was still in prison, as their spiritual teacher. This is the famous school of national essence in the history of modern Chinese thought.

When the Book of Shu was published, Qian Xuantong was still studying in his hometown in Huzhou, and when he read the Book of Shu, he immediately became a fan of Liu Shipei. After the founding of the Journal of National Essence, Qian Xuantong had entered Nanyang Middle School in Shanghai, and Liu Shipei's articles published in the newspaper had become his indispensable spiritual food.

Qian Xuantong later admitted very frankly to the great influence of the Guozhi school on him, "I thought that the purpose of preserving the national essence was not only to restore the old things, but also to restore the old things, and when the restoration was completed, when the Manchu Qing government system yiwen was overthrown one by one and restored to the ancients." Not only will it be restored to the Ming Dynasty, but it will be restored to the Han and Tang Dynasties, not only to the Han and Tang Dynasties, but also to the Three Dynasties. In short, all cultural relics systems, all those who are not Han Chinese are not allowed, all Han people are good, and they must be restored at the same time as the regime, and among those who are also Han Chinese, the better the ancients. ”

Interestingly, this person's extreme retro in the early years was inseparable from Liu Shipei, and later extreme Europeanization was also inseparable from Liu Shipei.

In the early summer of 1906, Zhang Taiyan was released from prison and went to Japan at the invitation of Sun Yat-sen, and as soon as he got off the steamship, he was greatly welcomed by the students studying in Japan.

As soon as Zhang Arrived in Tokyo, he thought of Liu Shipei. He wrote to invite the latter to come and conspire for the cause. This letter is very elegant, and I am afraid that I will lose its literary style, so I excerpt part of the original text as follows:

Today's cultivators are also quite self-conscious, and they are more lonely. Nian Xi Zhongshi and Shi Zhong were in the same world of Ming Zhang, the history of the levy, there was no trace of traffic, they discussed with each other, there was no text, and the good was mourned. My generation was born in the decline of the season, and met with Zheng and Jia Ergong. Zi Shu river flow, I greet the sunrise, a reed away, there is no encounter period, Fang Qianzhe, and it is sad.

We know that the Qing army entered the customs, shaved their hair and changed their clothes, and strictly implemented the policy of national oppression. Zhang Taiyan said that "the present person repairs my old clothes", indicating that he embarked on the anti-Qing revolutionary road of "restoring the old things" in Japan and found the direction of life for which he struggled. It is a pity that there is no real confidant around, which shows loneliness.

"Zhongshi and Shizhong" refers to Zheng Zhong and Jia Kui, respectively, of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Both of them were ancient classicists, and Zhang Shi used them as a metaphor to reflect his common academic position with Liu Shipei and his determination to fight to the end with kang youwei and other modern scholars.

Presumably, Liu Shipei's mood when he saw this letter was very touched, and he cheerfully agreed to Zhang Taiyan's request, and in February 1907, he went to Tokyo with his wife He Zhen and officially joined the League.

Unfortunately, at that time, Liu Shipei and Zhang Taiyan could not imagine that the encounter between the two did not continue the story of the Boyazi period, but instead performed a dog blood drama in modern history.

Fourth, the fairy tale of anarchism

After Liu Shipei and his wife arrived in Japan, they were busy with their lives and had a great ambition. They cooperated with Zhang Taiyan, the chief writer of the "People's Daily", and echoed each other, not only preaching "full of revolution", but also embarking on the road of anarchism.

In "The Age of Awakening", the brothers Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian advocate Kropotkin's theory of mutual assistance. Here is a credit to Liu Shipei, who was a good hand at the Theory of Mutual Aid. In July 1907, Liu Shipei, Zhang Ji, Zhang Taiyan, together with the Japanese Xingde Qiushui, launched a socialist seminar in Tokyo. This became an important position for Chinese to promote anarchism at that time.

At that time, the Chinese could not clearly distinguish the specific difference between Marxism and anarchism, and its organ newspaper, Tianyi Bao, published under the name of anarchism, such as "The Communist Manifesto" and "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", to promote the theory of class struggle.

In addition, Liu Shipei, Zhang Taiyan and others also launched the Asian Peace Association, and for the first time in Chinese history, the banner of the Asian colonial liberation movement was clearly displayed. All these moves are absolutely impossible to associate Liu Shipei with the conservative faction.

At that time, Qian Xuantong also came to Japan, and he was deeply inspired by Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei, not only changing his name to Qian Xia, taking the meaning of restoring Huaxia, but also seriously studying Esperanto and anarchist theory to prepare for the future world.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Qian Xuantong (1887-1939)

On the one hand, there is the retro proposition of "restoring the old", and on the other hand, there is the Europeanization proposition of anarchist mutualism. "Retro" and "Europeanization", these two seemingly incompatible propositions, appeared in Liu Shipei and Qian Xuantong without any violation.

In fact, both "retro" and "European" are aimed at a common goal: the culprit of the two-thousand-year-old Chinese dictatorship is the sutra that monopolizes everything. Retro is to restore the pre-scriptural sub-studies, and Europeanization is to learn the spirit of the modern Renaissance in the West.

Of course, it is not only Qian Xuantong who is influenced by Liu Shipei, but also many people, including Chen Duxiu. Chen and Liu had a deep relationship since the Tokyo period, and it did not change until the May Fourth period.

All of this constituted the basic premise of the later New Culture Movement, and it should be noted that Fu Sinian and others founded the magazine "New Wave", an important public opinion position of the New Culture Movement of Peking University, whose English name was "the Renaissance" (Renaissance).

However, history often teases people in this way, and just as Liu Shipei is singing and advancing on the road of revolutionary thought, he suddenly turns around. And his relationship with Zhang Taiyan also broke down.

Fifth, the Liu family's dog blood drama

Perhaps Zhang Taiyan's idea is very simple, the people around him are either different in political stance (such as Liang Qichao, etc.), or the academic level is too far behind him (such as Sun Wen, Huang Xing, etc.), it is difficult to have a good brother with the same stance and academic consistency, and naturally the daily discussion is enjoyable. So he moved out of the Minbao in early 1908 and moved into Liu Shipei's house.

Zhang Taiyan, who lived in the Liu family, quickly showed his shortcomings. This man has no habit of bathing, and likes to raise a squirrel in his sleeve to play, and he does not change his clothes for many months, and he casually throws the leftover fruit shells and dried meat to the ground.

This is even if it is, coupled with the fact that Zhang Madman is worthy of his name, he does not sleep most of the night, reads books to the emotional place, sometimes angrily rebukes the maid, sometimes howls and cries, and sometimes leads to singing, which makes He Zhen very collapsed.

If the above is only to lay the groundwork for Zhang Liu jiaoxi, then the next incident has become the fuse for Liu Shipei and his wife to tear zhang Taiyan.

Here we cannot but talk about Liu Shipei's wife, He Zhen. He Zhen was a rare feminist at that time, who once wrote a denunciation of "emperors like prostitutes" and "the imperial court is like a great thief", advocating that Chinese women should learn to assassinate the daughter of Russian Emperor Alexander II, Jessoufia, and the French Revolution Girondin leader Madame Roland. "The radical avant-garde of his thinking is no less than that of Liu Shipei.

According to records, she was also a great beauty, and Shi had the name of "Yan Wife". In the words of Wang Dong, a disciple of the Zhang clan, "He is both a good name and a lot of desires." On the one hand, she used Liu Neng to write articles, and ran a monthly magazine for her fame, advocating women's rights and having an anarchic color; on the other hand, she was dissatisfied with Liu and behaved debauchery. ”

Among those who accompanied Liu Shipei and his wife to Fusang in the east, there was also He Zhen's cousin Wang Gongquan. Wang is different from Liu Shipei, he is tall and handsome, still a small, very able to coax girls to like.

Later, He Zhen completely released himself and went in and out of the pair with Wang Gongquan. According to Feng's free teachings, communism and feminism were vulgarized as "public husbands and wives" when they reached He Zhen.

So blatant, it was difficult for Zhang Taiyan to see. The naïve Zhang Taiyan immediately told Liu Shipei about this matter, but he did not know that what made Liu Shipei record in history was not only learning, but also "fear of the inside".

Zhang Taiyan's "whistle-blowing" aroused the strong indignation of He Zhen and Wang Gongquan. According to Wang Dong, Wang Gongquan even "was full of fierce anger, his eyes were full of red silk, jumped out and jumped in, shouting 'We white knives go in, red knives come out'".

More importantly, unable to withstand the wind blowing on he Zhen's pillow, Liu Shipei instead suspected that Zhang Taiyan intended to provoke their family relations and hit Zhang Taiyan hard, which was simply swept away!

Sixth, failed undercover

If things stop there, it will not constitute an event in the history of the Xinhai Revolution. The problem is that Liu Shipei and his wife seem to have a goal of completely bringing Zhang Taiyan down and making him stink.

Unlike Wang Gongquan's "underworld" style, He Zhen was more clever, and instead of directly attacking Zhang Taiyan, she wrote a letter to Wu Zhihui.

Wu Zhihui, a complete villain. With the popularity of "The Age of Awakening", his bad deeds of betraying Chen Yannian have been disclosed by many authors, and will not be repeated here. Related to this article is that he is also Zhang Taiyan's enemy.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Wu Zhihui and the Erchen brothers in "The Age of Awakening"

In his letter to Wu Zhihui, He Zhen broke the news and fabricated several major crimes against Zhang Taiyan:

(1) Secretly colluding with the Japanese government to hunt down Zhang Ji, with the intention of sending him to the Qing court for execution;

(2) Spreading rumors and undermining the cause of anarchism, causing the student body studying in Japan to not accept Wu Zhihui's "New Century" magazine;

(3) There is no revolutionary ideal, and the reason why they are anti-Qing is because they participated in the boy test in the early years and suddenly went crazy, and they resented the Qing court when they did not succeed in seeking merit;

(4) During the Wushu period, he was recruited by Zhang Zhidong, and when gengzi's state changed, he took the initiative to write to Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong, and Yu Mingzhen of Jiangnan Province, and had continuous exchanges with the Qing court. In particular, Yu Mingzhen also submitted his letter to Liu Kunyi, the governor of Liangjiang, and was favored by Liu Kunyi;

(5) Secretly accepting the "two hundred gold" of Shangshu Tieliang of the Qing Court War Department last year;

(6) Last year, he wrote to Zhang Zhidong and requested to be bribed.

Providing black materials to people like Wu Zhihui is not a person who is fierce to a certain extent, and absolutely cannot do it.

Compared with his wife, Liu Shipei was not far behind, and he first sent someone to forge the secret telegram between Feng Zhang Taiyan and the governor of Yungui, Xi Liang, as evidence of Zhang's betrayal of the revolution, and then published a forged "Binglin Notice" in the Shanghai Shenzhou Daily on May 24, 1908.

The gist of the notice was that Zhang Taiyan had recently seen through the red dust, despaired of both the revolution and the constitution, and decided to become a monk and not to ask about the world, but any news recently released in my name was false.

Such a "black man" is indeed black and fierce, and black is creative.

To say that "becoming a monk" is not completely illusory. Zhang did for a while feel pessimistic about the prospects of the revolution, and at one point he had the idea of going to India to become a monk. To this end, he also wrote to Zhang Zhidong and Duan Fang to ask for travel expenses to India. Moreover, Liu Shipei was the middleman who contacted Duanfang by Zhang Taiyan. However, this matter has long been abandoned, liu Shipei did not spare it, and made a big fuss about it, because he saw Zhang Taiyan's weakness.

At that time, Zhang had just written to the university scholar Sun Yirang, asking him to mediate his relationship with Liu Shipei, and suddenly saw such a notice, his heart was undoubtedly angry - I always treated you as a brother, but you stabbed me in the back?

On June 10, 1908, just nine days after Zhang Taiyan wrote to Sun Yirang, he published a "Special Advertisement" in the 21st issue of minbao, saying that Liu Shipei and his wife were secret agents of the Qing court, who had stolen their own seals, forged their own letters, slandered themselves for having an affair with the Qing court, and as for what went to India as a monk, it was completely fabricated by Liu Shipei.

Maybe Liu Shipei and his wife are waiting for Zhang Taiyan to get mad: You said that we are qing dynasty spies and deliberately slandered you? Let's take the evidence out and see who is the court agent and who slanders whom? The two immediately handed over to Huang Xing the photocopy of the five correspondences that Zhang Taiyan had asked them to contact The End, who in turn forwarded them to Sun Yat-sen. At this time, Sun Yat-sen was in a fight with Zhang Taiyan over the funding of the "Minbao" and directly handed the letter to Wu Zhihui.

As soon as Wu Zhihui got the letter, if he got the treasure, he immediately developed the full text of the table and made a big noise, calling Zhang Shi a "Manchurian eagle dog", which caused an uproar among the revolutionaries.

The literati Liu Shipei was still just playing tricks, and the little rogue Wang Gongquan was even more direct, and he planned to physically destroy Zhang Taiyan - poisoned in Zhang's tea, fortunately Zhang Fu had a great life and escaped a disaster.

The boat of friendship is turned over, and Zhang Taiyan is of course also responsible, but being calculated in this way can only say that he killed the villain. Liu Shipei in TV is a beautiful gentleman, but the historical Liu Shipei is not only not beautiful, but also not a gentleman.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

Liu Shipei in "The Age of Awakening"

However, for Lao Zhang, what was even more unfortunate was that he accidentally guessed a fact: Liu Shipei and his wife were really secret agents of the Qing government--He Zhen spent a lot of money and money, and he also wanted to raise Wang Gongquan, how could he resist the lure of the governor of Liangjiang, Duanfang? What's more, Wang Gongquan was originally the person who duanfang installed around the couple.

It was at the instigation of He Zhen and Wang Gongquan that Liu Shipei became an internal line of the Qing Dynasty among the revolutionaries. Later, Liu Yazi commented on the matter and said bitterly that Liu Shipei's life was ruined by He Zhen's hands.

In fact, it is not fair to put the responsibility on He Zhen's head, probably Liu Shipei also has the common disease of most young geniuses: the mind is smart and rarely fixed, and the knowledgeable and knowledgeable is not familiar with the world.

In addition to attacking Zhang Taiyan, the first thing Liu Shipei and his wife did after defecting to Duanfang was to trap Tao Chengzhang, the leader of the Guangfu Society, but without success.

However, in the winter of 1908, Liu Shipei and his wife still did a "big thing". On December 17, revolutionaries held a secret meeting at the Tianbao Inn in Shanghai to discuss the launching of the Zhejiang Uprising. Under Liu Shipei's whistle-blowing, the Qing army made a large-scale search and arrested the leader of the uprising, Zhang Gong.

Wang Jinfa, a revolutionary known as the "contemporary Nie Zheng," quickly found out that Liu Shipei was the one who was the ghost, and he broke into Liu's house with a gun, dragged Liu Shipei out of bed, and prepared for execution. This frightened Liu Shipei into weeping bitterly, and he knelt down and begged for forgiveness, promising to spare his life, and he could kneel down and ask Duan Fang to save Zhang Gong's life. Wang Jinfa had no sanctions. Going undercover like this is a failure!

Therefore, Zhang Taiyan was not able to be discredited, but Liu Shipei was discredited. Liu Shipei, who was discredited in the revolutionary camp, entered the Duanfang shogunate with a big swing. Since then, the political thinking of Liu Shipei and his wife has begun to take a one hundred and eighty-degree turn, from radical to conservative.

Unfortunately, this staff work has not been done for three years, and Duan Fang is on his way to suppress the road protection movement when he encounters a mutiny by the army and is in a different place. Liu Shipei was completely reduced to a prisoner of the Sichuan revolutionaries.

Where did he and He Zhen expect the Qing Dynasty to collapse?

Eighth, the end of black humor

At the critical moment, Zhang Taiyan still reflected the high wind and bright festival. After the Wuchang uprising, Zhang first thought of Liu Shipei. He did not remember the old evils, and published a manifesto in the "National Daily" on December 1, saying that Liu Shipei "although he has a small flaw, he should not discuss it deeply" and that Fang Is now employing people, and he cannot "detain the party's views", saying that "killing one person is not beneficial to China, and literature has since swept the floor."

Not only that, on January 11, 1912, Zhang Shi also published a search notice "Asking Uncle Liu Shen to Correspond", looking for Liu Shipei's whereabouts everywhere, which can be described as the end of benevolence and righteousness.

At first, Liu Shipei repeatedly viciously attacked Lao Zhang, but now Lao Zhang has promoted him to the position of a model of Chinese culture and asked the revolutionaries to let him go. Compared with the two, Zhang Taiyan is crazy, but he is bright and upright; Liu Shipei is not crazy, but he is dark and indecent.

It is reasonable to say that this time Liu Shipei and his wife should learn a lesson and return to the side of the people, right? But they still choose to go farther and farther down the path of death.

In August 1915, the Preparatory Committee was established, and openly created a momentum for Yuan Shikai to be called emperor, and Liu Shipei was on the list. According to Liu Chengyu's records, Liu Shipei, as the big man of the Preparatory Committee, lived in a luxurious villa, and dozens of non-commissioned officers stood guard outside the house, just like the style of the national leader. Every time Liu returned home, the guards shouted "Liu Participated in politics and returned", and the majesty was all over the place. He Zhen looked at the fence, accustomed to it, looking like a villain.

Unfortunately, Yuan Shikai's dream of being emperor was only done for more than eighty days. After Yuan's return to the west, Liu Shipei completely rebelled and left. Not only did Zhang Taiyan break off relations with him from then on, but even Huang Jie, the little brother of the Guoxue Preservation Association, wrote to Cai Yuanpei, asking that he should not hire this person, so as not to mislead people's children: "Uncle Shen is a man, repeatedly shameless, and his articles and learning are enough to see... Improper citation as a Confucian teacher, shame on the school. At once, liu Shipei's historical personality of "having literature and no quality" was revealed.

Liu Shipei, who was full of stimulation, lived in a simple place and did not dare to talk about politics again. On November 20, 1919, at the age of 36, he died of illness, with no heirs in his family and no remaining wealth, thanks to Chen Duxiu, Qian Xuan and others to fund the aftermath, he was barely buried.

Fu Zheng: Liu Shipei, who was praised by netizens for his "beauty", actually lived a very "dog blood"

It is said that Liu Shipei's only possession during his lifetime was the Zun Xiao Golden Buddha, which He Zhen stored in the home of an acquaintance. After Liu's death, He Zhen went to retrieve the Golden Buddha, and the acquaintances killed him and did not recognize the account. He Zhen, who was furious and attacking, went crazy and disappeared from then on.

Born into a large family, young fame, young leaders, and wives accompanied, this was originally the configuration of successful people, but it was properly allowed Liu Shipei to act as a dog blood drama of life.

Liu Shipei's dog-blood life is of course secondary, and the reason why he can still be respected by today's people is largely due to the progressive ideas of his early years. From these claims, it is not difficult to find the historical origins of the new cultural movement.

From the Xinhai Revolution to the May Fourth New Culture, history is continuous. More importantly, both Chinese and Western Enlightenment were the product of political change. It is not "salvation over enlightenment", but salvation that produces enlightenment. For modern Chinese, the greatest enlightenment is the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal consciousness of pursuing national independence and modernization.

Liu Shipeizhi was able to leave a mark on history because he was an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal standard-bearer in his early years, but the reason why he became a joke was also because he later came to the opposite side of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism.

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