
Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

author:Know the history of history

The Three Kingdoms is a chaotic world of constant wars, big and small, and Liu Beigui is the founding emperor of the Shu Han Dynasty, and at first he also laid his own position with repeated military achievements; as for Zhuge Liang, a mythical military master of the Three Kingdoms, he led the Northern Expedition many times, but his battle record was more defeat than victory, and it seems that Zhuge Liang's ability to lead troops is much lower than Liu Bei's, in fact, there is a reason.

Why Liu Bei will win many battles, it is necessary to first mention the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the early Three Kingdoms, although Liu Bei seriously lacked combat experience at that time, but the assistance of Yu, Zhang Fei and others, and the Yellow Turban thieves came as displaced people, there would not be enough weapons and armor, so Liu Bei would repeatedly build battle merits and obtain the post of county commander after the war.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

In the period of Dong Zhuo's allied army, at this time Liu Bei led troops in Hebei to suppress the bandits for Gongsun Zhan, the opponent was also not high in combat strength, but also successfully won the hearts of the people, and then Tao Qian was relieved to hand over Xuzhou to him and let Liu Bei become a prince of one side; during the Battle of Guandu, Liu Bei was stationed in Runan, and was ordered to harass the troops who remained in Xu Du, because at that time Cao Cao put the main force in Chen Liu and Puyang, Xu Du was left with only old and weak generals and new soldiers, so that Liu Bei could easily win, but when he led cao ying's regular army to fight back against Liu Bei, He could only flee to Jingzhou overnight to rely on Liu Biao.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

Later, Liu Bei relied on his past experience in the battle into Shu, not only beheading Yang Huai and Gao Pei, but also swallowing the 20,000 troops in their hands, and finally successfully occupying the entire territory of Yizhou; however, Liu Bei did not have any bright performance after this, and the Battle of Yiling, which he personally commanded, was a fiasco.

On the other hand, Zhuge Liang, before Liu Bei's death, was responsible for Zhang LuoshuHan's major affairs, the first time he led the army was to quell the rebellion in Nanzhong, and seven captures and seven vertical Meng, although Zhuge Liang won, but most of the troops were consumed in this battle, which was really disgraceful. After the 3 Northern Expeditions were defeated, and zhang bao and Guan Xing were also damaged, although the retreat plan was clever, all three battles were defeated.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

Therefore, on the whole, the opponents faced by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were not the same grade, and Liu Bei's opponents were mostly rabble-rousers such as mountain thieves, rogues, and bandits, so they could win, and when he met Regular Troops such as Cao Cao and Wu Jun, he never won, which showed that his military ability was ordinary.

As for Zhuge Liang's identity as a military division that coordinates the overall situation, he will lead his troops to the expedition in the later period, but the troops facing him are the elite troops of southern Man, or the cavalry of Cao Wei, but the Shu Han army led by Zhuge Liang is mostly infantry and crossbowmen, although the cavalry specializes in infantry and crossbowmen, but Zhuge Liang can hold the leading power in a desperate situation, which shows that his troops are obviously far superior to Liu Bei.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

Zhuge Liang's succession of Shu Han was already facing collapse, but he relied on his own strength to save Shu Han, and he could also suppress Cao Wei, who was stronger than himself, and this incident alone could show that Zhuge Liang was a wizard of the Three Kingdoms period.

Although Zhuge Liang failed to restore the Central Plains, he also had extremely outstanding military achievements. In terms of strategy, Longzhong became a strategic decision of the Shu Han clique and was almost successful after the Battle of Hanzhong.

At the time of Longzhong's confrontation, Liu Beishang was Liu Biao's general, and other strategic analyses of the same period (such as The Strategy of the Tatami) did not regard Liu Bei as a prince of one side. After the Longzhong confrontation, Liu Bei began to attack the city strategically, establish a foundation, and eventually establish the Shu Han. In terms of battle results, although Shu Han failed to capture the Longxi region, in the case of weak countries against powerful countries, they captured Wudu and Yinping Counties, repeatedly defeated Cao Wei's army in frontal battlefields, and shot the Wei general Zhang Guo.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

The military discipline of the Shu Han army was strict, and Chen Shou recorded that "the people were blocked, and the army was selfless." The Northern Expedition of the Shu Han Dynasty consumed a large amount of the national strength of the State of Wei, and the Book of Jin has the following words: "Every time Zhuge Liang entered KouGuanzhong, the border troops could not subdue the enemy, and the Chinese army rushed to the battlefield. "Every large army is conscripted, more than half of the troops are transported, and the merit is huge in hundreds of millions."

It was during the war with the Shu Han that Sima Yi gradually gained real power, which eventually led to the gaopingling rebellion.

Contemporaneous Eastern Wu Zhang Yu commented:

"If this person does not perish, and if he is determined to live up to his will, if he thinks for years and years of prosperity, then liang and yong will not be dissolved, China will not release its saddle, and the trend of victory or defeat will also be decided."

It is believed that if Zhuge Liang did not die of illness, he would eventually achieve his northern expedition goals. As far as military theory is concerned, Zhuge Liang improved the eight fronts and deduced the art of war, which made a certain contribution to military theory.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Sima Yi observed the Shu Han camp and praised him as a wizard in the world, and after Sima Zhao destroyed Shu, he immediately ordered his close attendant Chen Xun to learn his "method of encircling the battlefield and using troops to rely on the ambush, and also the system of the standard of the A and B schools", which was still highly respected by the Tang Dynasty general Li Jing. There are many records of the Eight Fronts in the Book of Jin and the History of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, which fully illustrate the influence of the Eight Fronts on future generations of generals.

Zhuge Liang led his troops to repeatedly lose battles, why did people say that Liu Bei was not as good as him in battle?

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