
"Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy" media rating unbanned MC average score of 81


This post was last edited by Egg Hurt to Pieces on 2021-10-25 23:31

"Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy" media ratings unbanned, IGN 8 points, Game Spot 7 points, Metacritic average score of 81, a total of 62 media. IGN commented as follows:

"Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy" media rating unbanned MC average score of 81

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy does a great job of adding some heart-warming storylines to this cheerful and action-packed adventure, and the choices the game gives players make your experience more personal. The game's combat and level design is relatively simple, but it's fun. The relationships and jokes between the characters keep everything in the game fresh as it progresses. It may not shock the whole world, but it is still enough to prove how interesting a linear and concise single-player work can be.

"Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy" media rating unbanned MC average score of 81
"Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy" media rating unbanned MC average score of 81

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