
Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

author:The eons are scattered

Zhou Xun: The eldest son of the famous Eastern Wu general Zhou Yu, Zhou Xun was born in the Lujiang Zhou clan, the eldest son of the famous Eastern Wu general Zhou Yu, Zhou Xun had the legacy of his father Zhou Yu, was loved by Sun Quan, and married Sun Quan's eldest daughter Sun Luban. Officer to knight lieutenant, early death. Following the legacy of his father Zhou Yu, he was loved by Sun Quan and married Sun Quan's eldest daughter Sun Luban. Officer to knight lieutenant, early death.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

Lu Shu: The widow of Lu Su, the chancellor of Sun Wu. During the Yong'an period, he was appointed as the general of Zhaowu and the governor of Wuchang, and was given the title of Marquis of Duting. In the second year of Jianheng (270), on a false holiday, he was moved from Wuchang Governor to Xiakou Governor. In July of the second year of Emperor Feng's reign (273), Xue Ying and Lu Shu claimed to have an army of 100,000 to attack Yuzhou. Lu Shubing surrounded Yiyang, and Xue Yingbing entered xinshi. At that time, it was the day when the soldiers and horses of the Western Jin Dynasty states were resting, and the troops of one brigade were missing everywhere, and the Wu army at that time was not prepared for the arrival of the Jin army. Yuzhou Assassin Wang Hun led his army to quietly cross the Huai River and unexpectedly attacked Yiyang, and Lu Shu was defeated and left. In the third year of Emperor Feng's reign (274), Lu Shu died. His son Lu Mu attacked the Marquis of Duting and commanded his department.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

Zhang Cheng: Zhang Zhao's eldest son, whose wife was the daughter of Zhuge Jin. Zhang Cheng was famous for his talents and learning when he was young, and he befriended Zhuge Jin, Bu Qi, and Yan Qi. He successively served as the general of the Hussar General Xi Cao Tuan and the western governor of Changsha, and later served as the governor of the capital of Fengwei, and the marquis of Fengdu Township, so he was also known as Zhang Fenwei. Chi Wu died in the seventh year (244) at the age of sixty-seven.

Gu Shao: Minister of the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, the eldest son of Gu Yong. He read a lot of books, and was on a par with his uncle Lu Ji, who was better than Lu Xun, Zhang Dun, Bu Jing and others. Famous and famous, Sun Quan matched Sun Ce's daughter Xu to him. In the name of being good at knowing people, the official Yuzhang is too guarded.

Zhuge Ke, zhuge Jin's eldest son. Sun Quan's eldest son, Sun Deng, served as a left auxiliary lieutenant when he was crown prince, and assisted the prince in his administration as the leader of the Eastern Palace staff. After that, he successively served as the Taishou of Danyang and the general of Weibei, and pacified Shanyue. In the eighth year of Chiwu (245), the chancellor Lu Xun died of illness, and Zhuge Ke was promoted to the rank of general and led his soldiers on his behalf. In the first year of Shenfeng (252), when Sun Quan was critically ill, under the strong recommendation of Sun Jun, Zhuge Ke was appointed as the head of the Tuoguo Chancellor. After Sun Liang ascended the throne, he was given the title of Taifu (太傅). Began to grasp the military and political power of the State of Wu. In the early days of his reign, he reformed politics, led an army against the State of Wei, and won a great victory in the Battle of Dongxing, which was famous in the sea and the world was shaken. He was also awarded the title of Marquis of Yangdu (陽都侯) for his merits. After this battle, he developed a light enemy heart and began to send troops to fight Wei, and was defeated by Xincheng. After returning to the dynasty, in order to cover up his mistakes, he was more arbitrary. In October of the second year of Jianxing (253), Sun Jun, who was also a chancellor of the Orphans, secretly joined forces with sun Liang, the lord of Wu, to lure Zhuge Ke and his henchmen into the palace in the name of attending a banquet, and killed Zhuge Ke at the age of fifty-one at the banquet.

Lu Kang, son of Lu Xun, a famous general of the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, chiwu eight years (245), attacked the marquis of Jiangling County, started as a lieutenant of jianwu, and commanded his father Lu Xun's 5,000 troops. In the ninth year of Chi Wu, he moved to the general of the Festival and guarded Chaisang. In the first year of Jianxing, General Bai Fenwei. In the second year of Taiping, he worshiped Chai Sangdu, and later moved to the Northern General for his merits. In the second year of Wu Yong'an, he was a general of the Qianzhen Army and guarded the Xiling Tomb. After the late emperor Sun Hao ascended the throne, he served as a major general of the Zhen Army, the governor of Xiling, Xinling, Yidao, Lexiang, and Gong'an, stationed in Lexiang (now southwest of Jiangling, Hubei), and remotely led Yizhou Mu. In the first year of the Phoenix, he repelled the attack of the Jin general Yang Hu, attacked and killed the rebel general Bu Yan, Jia Bai Du Protector, and relocated Sima Da and Jingzhou Mu. Phoenix died in the third year (274) at the age of forty-nine.

Huang Guan: Son of Huang Gai, his father was the Marquis of Kannai, a general of Jiabian and a Taishou of Nan Commandery.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

程咨:程普‬之子。 Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, posthumously discussed Pugong, and was made the Marquis of Ting.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

Gan Gui' father was The famous general Gan Ning of Sun Wu, who was later assigned to the Guild for crimes, and died soon after, which is another case of the son of the Eastern Wu hero who was unknown and punished for crimes, others including Zhou Yin, son of Zhou Yu, and Ling Lie, son of Ling Tong.

Tai Shi Xiang: Son of Tai Shi Ci. A native of Donglaihuang (present-day Longkou, Shandong). Successive officials Shangshu, Wu Juntaishou, until the Yue Riding Lieutenant.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

‬韩综:东吴,曹魏名将。 Son of the Eastern Wu general Han Dang, after Han Dang's death, Han Zong succeeded him. In 226, Sun Quan went on a campaign against Shiyang (at Yuzhang Commandery of the Eastern Han Dynasty) and sent Han Zong to guard Wuchang, but Han Zong committed adultery during his tenure. Sun Quan looked at his father's sake and did not ask, but Han Zong, fearful, led his mother, family members, and thousands of people to defect to the State of Wei, and was used by the State of Wei as a general and made the Marquis of Guangyang. Several times violated the borders of the State of Wu and killed the people, Sun Quan gritted his teeth and hated Han Zong to the extreme. In the Battle of Dongxing in 252, Han Zong was the forward of the State of Wei, and after being defeated and killed, Zhuge Ke beheaded him and sent him to Sun Quanling for worship.

Lao Tzu heroes may not be good men, look at the second generation of officials of Eastern Wu

Zhou Shao, son of Zhou Tai, led the army as a knight lieutenant. He fought in the Battle of Fusukou against the cao general Cao Ren. He also participated in the Battle of Shiting and attacked Cao Xiu, and was promoted to general of Pei. Huang Long died in the second year (230).

Chen Biao: Chen Wushuzi, lieutenant and half-brother of Chen Xuan, the governor of XieFu. Chen Biao initially served as the crown prince zhongshuzi as a lieutenant of Yizheng. Later, he was promoted to the right governor of the Wunan Army, and was the Marquis of Fengduting. In the third year of Jiahe (234), Zhuge Ke concurrently served as Danyang Taishou and Pingding Shanyue, and Sun Quan served as the governor of Xin'an with Chen Biao, and Zhuge Ke assisted each other in governing his land. Later, the people of Poyang, Wu Yan, and others rebelled and captured the city, Chen Biao led his army to the conquest, and Wu Yun's army was defeated and surrendered. Lu Xun appointed Chen Biao as a general and marquis of Jin. Chen Biao died in office when he was thirty-four years old.

Lü Ba, the concubine of the famous Eastern Wu general Lü Meng of the Three Kingdoms, succeeded his father Lü Meng after his death as marquis of Xiaoling. After Lü Ba's death, his brother Lü Chun succeeded to the marquis of Xiaoling.

Xu Kai, son of Xu Sheng, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms. After Xu Sheng's death, Xu Kai attacked the Marquis of Wuhu and led the army in battle.

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