
Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?


In recent years, some sugar-free foods known as "0 calories" have become popular. Sugar-free food use is a variety of sweeteners, the most commonly used is xylitol. But you know what? Xylitol is harmless to us, but can be fatal to dogs!

As a sweetener, xylitol tastes sweet, but the calories are much lower than sugar. Bacteria in the mouth cannot use xylitol as an energy source, so it can be used to protect teeth; xylitol's metabolism in the human body is not regulated by insulin, so it is also friendly to diabetics. Xylitol may be present in chewing gum, candy, baked goods, toothpaste, mouthwash, and more.

Dogs, like people, can taste the sweetness of xylitol. But once xylitol enters the digestive tract, dogs and people react very differently.

The human body will slowly absorb xylitol into the bloodstream, but dogs will absorb it much faster.

Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?

Dogs react quickly to xylitol entering the bloodstream and secrete large amounts of insulin, about 3-7 times the same dose of sugar-secreted insulin. These insulins lower blood sugar levels within 30 minutes and can last for more than 12 hours, but some dogs may not show symptoms until 12 hours after eating xylitol.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include:





Even after dodging the first wave of insulin attacks by xylitol, the surviving dogs still had other risks.

Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?

Xylitol can also cause liver damage in dogs. The pathogenesis of xylitol-induced liver damage is unclear, but the intake of liver damage is much higher than the dose of blood glucose reduction. Symptoms of liver damage take longer to appear, usually 8-12 hours.

Not all dogs with liver damage develop hypoglycemia first.

Symptoms of severe acute liver failure are as follows:





The skin and mucous membranes turn yellow

Some dogs also suffer from a disease called "diffuse vascular coagulation (dic)" after ingestion of xylitol, which can form blood clots in the blood vessels and can also cause abnormal bleeding and stasis until death.

Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?

Talking about toxicity out of dose is a hooligan.

For dogs, the hypoglycemic intake dose of xylitol varies depending on the dog's weight, which is about 0.075-1 g/kg.

Many people may not have a concept of this, and the xylitol content of a piece of chewing gum is not the same, about 0.009-0.3g / tablet. In this way, if the dog weighs very little, a piece of gum may be dangerous.

Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?

If the dog eats xylitol, be sure to bring the food package with you at the same time as you send it to the hospital so that the intake can be calculated.

The most important thing is that once you find out that your dog has ingested xylitol, take your dog to the hospital as soon as possible. If you have symptoms of hypoglycemia before or on the way to the hospital, you can put syrup or honey into your dog's mouth under the premise of safety.

The pet doctor will induce vomiting and inject glucose to maintain blood sugar levels.

Doctors also monitor liver enzymes for 2 to 3 days, monitor blood clotting tests, and possibly blood potassium levels.

If a dog's blood phosphorus levels are elevated, it can mean that things are not good and dogs with liver failure often do not survive.

Repeat this sentence again: talking about toxicity without dose is a hooligan.

Xylitol is the deadly poison of dogs, and many shovelers do not know why xylitol is toxic to dogs. How much xylitol to eat may be dangerous? How is it healed? Why does pet mouthwash contain xylitol?

If xylitol is used in low doses, it is beneficial for the oral health of dogs.

There are many products on the market that can be used for dog oral care, and these products have a much lower xylitol content than the poisoning dose. There is generally no problem with using the recommended dosage on the package.

Of course, be sure to put these mouthwashes where dogs can't eat them. If you drink a whole bottle in one gulp, it may also lead to poisoning.

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