
Women's chest snacks what food can become larger

author:99 Health Net
Women's chest snacks what food can become larger

Recently, Weibo set off a flat chest contest, all kinds of flat chest girls photos are really tragic, so what is the size of the chest snack? The following small series for you to summarize the chest snacks what has become larger, take a look at it.

What makes the chest snack bigger?

Green papaya, sweet potato leaves and lettuce are all fruits and vegetables that work well.

Foods rich in gum, such as sea cucumbers, pig's feet, hoof tendons, etc., are also breast enhancement products.

The coat membrane part of plant seeds has the effect of promoting gonadal development, so soybeans and peanuts containing lecithin, almonds, walnuts, and sesame seeds rich in protein are good breast enlargement foods.

Wine-stuffed eggs are very traditional breast enlargement foods, in which enzymes, active substances and B vitamins produced by fermentation are conducive to breast development. So it's also a good breast enlargement product.

Soybeans, green beans and black beans are all well-known breast enlargement foods, not only rich in protein, lecithin, but also contain "phytoestrogens" - "isoflavones" substances, which can effectively increase the level of estrogen in the body, thereby maintaining the youthful beauty of the breasts.

Peanuts and black sesame seeds are known for being rich in vitamin E, which can promote the development and perfection of the ovaries, increase the number of mature egg cells, stimulate the secretion of estrogen, and thus promote the growth of breast ducts and the growth of breasts.

Breast enlargement recipes

1. Clam soup

15 clams, 2 sliced ginger, 2 tablespoons of wine, salt, MSG. After the water is boiled, the clams, ginger slices, and wine are added at the same time. Clams contain a lot of minerals zinc and copper, which help chest fat cells absorb nutrients.

2. Pork knuckle stew with peanuts

2 tablespoons peanuts, 4 pork knuckles, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons sake. Wash peanuts and pork knuckles and put them in a pot and add soy sauce, sugar and sake. Peanuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that promote chest cell plumpness. Pig's feet contain animal glue, which can promote the secretion of female ermone.

3. Four things breast enlargement soup

Prepare angelica, sichuan root, white peony, cooked ground yellow to taste. Put all these herbs in a pot and add the right amount of water. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then cook over low heat for another 3 minutes. Filter out the medicinal residue and drink the soup directly.

4. Asparagus hand roll

3 asparagus, 1 seaweed, 3 peeled grass shrimp, a little salad dressing. Blanch the above ingredients. Roll up in the seaweed. Asparagus contains a class of cholesterol compounds that stimulate the secretion of female hormones combined with sugar bodies.

5. Cassia tea

Prepare goji berries, cassia seeds, chrysanthemums to taste. Wash the cassia seeds and sauté them in a pan. Mash the sautéed cassia seeds. Simmer cassia seeds, goji berries, and chrysanthemums are brewed in boiling water, covered and soaked for 15 minutes.

6. Guiyuan red date papaya tea

5 or 6 longan meat, 3 red dates, 3 or 4 papaya slices, 250ml of water. Place all ingredients in a pot and let it boil before drinking.

7. Flavored black bean chicken

Prepare black-boned chicken or hen, ginseng, ginger, hot licorice, angelica, Sichuan root, white peony, astragalus, black beans, red dates, sesame oil and other ingredients. With the exception of the dates, place all the other herbs in a gauze bag. Place chicken, ginger and gauze bags in a pot, add a certain amount of water and rice wine and cook over high heat. After boiling in the pot, filter out the foam in the pot and change to low heat. Simmer slowly for about 1 hour over low heat, then remove the gauze bag and add the appropriate amount of seasoning to serve.

8: Dandelion angelica stewed black-boned chicken

Bring the dandelions to a boil over high heat in a pot of water, then cook over low heat for another 5 minutes, filtering out the dregs to leave the juice. Blanch the chicken thighs in boiling water and cut them into chunks. Add dandelion juice to the chicken, then add angelica and seasoning to the chicken. Bring the chicken to a boil over high heat, then add to a low heat to simmer the chicken and serve.

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