
【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

author:Cultural Tourism Beijing

There is tradition in the middle of the miscellaneous

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Food culture in Beijing

Same as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace

All are indispensable to the city

Important signs and cultural symbols

And all kinds of cuisine in Beijing

It is the food culture of Beijing

An integral part

Today, The Cultural Tourism Jun introduces you

Beijingers can't do without it


"Water Burst", "Oil Burst" and "Coriander Burst"

Bursting belly is an uncompromising local snack unique to Beijing.

In the past, there was no such developed cold chain logistics as it is now, and in general, the freshest beef and mutton were in the steppe of Inner Mongolia, north of Zhangjiakou. The way to eat, it should also have more tricks there. However, in that place where the water and grass are beautiful and flowers, there is no way to eat a bursting belly.

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

(Image source: Beijing Chronicle Magazine.) Infringement is deleted)

Bursting is a cooking technique that is said to have existed in the Song Dynasty. Use hot oil or boiling water to quickly cut off the ingredients. This has extremely high requirements for fire, pot and technique.

Lamb tripe and tripe are very tender ingredients, which are very suitable for explosive cooking techniques. In the bustling capital, the practice of popping the belly is also a kind of providence.

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Bronze statue of Zhang Quancai in front of Dongxingshun's exploding belly (Source: Beijing Chronicle Magazine. Infringement is deleted)

It is said that since the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there has been a deal of explosive belly.

There are three ways to burst the belly: water burst, oil burst and coriander burst. Coriander refers to coriander, i.e. coriander.

In the past, popcorn was a seasonal dish, and only in autumn and winter, when there were cattle and sheep in Beijing, the popping belly stalls opened.

Now, there are good ingredients all year round, but the method of popping the belly, only the water burst is relatively easy to eat.

"Burst belly thirteen eat"

Many Beijing-style restaurants in Beijing make poppy belly. But most people's habit is that when they are hungry, they must go to the one they identify.

For example, "Bursting Belly Feng", "Bursting Belly Zhang", "Jin Shenglong", "Old Door Frame", these are all specially made for a hundred years, and there is almost no need to order fried rice. Professional people do professional things, this "no problem".

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Exploding Belly Feng (Image source: Xicheng Intangible Cultural Heritage.) Infringement is deleted)

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Dongxingshun exploded his belly (Source: Beijing Chronicle Magazine.) Infringement is deleted)

Therefore, in the shop with the popcorn as the signature, you can eat the small ingredients of the current season, and there is a large table with the popcorn: "The thirteen eaters of the popping belly".

The so-called "thirteen eaters of the popping belly" are the thirteen sources of the "belly".

Belly refers to the lamb's belly, called Sandan, and the cow's is called Baiye. Both are other names for the stomach. Among them, the lamb tripe has nine parts, and after it is cooked, the softness and hardness are different, and the taste is very different.

● The food letter is the esophagus, which is relatively hard, slightly sweet, and crunchy.

● The belly plate is the first stomach. The scientific name is rumen. This one is also hard, but the area is large and cheaper.

● The belly core is the inner part of the belly board, which is tenderer than the belly board, and the output is large, and it is the most common point for relieving hunger.

● Sandan, which is what the people say about the sheep hundred leaves, the scientific name is heavy flap stomach, and the taste is crisp and tender.

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Yang Shandan (Image source: Beijing Old Door Frame Catering Management Co., Ltd.) Infringement is deleted)

● There is also a gourd, the scientific name is mesh stomach. It has a honeycomb-like inner wall, which is peeled out and is also relatively hard.

● The belly collar is the first combination of two pieces of the stomach, very thick, both chewy, not old, tender and delicious, and the yield is small, so the belly collar is relatively expensive. More rare and valuable than the belly collar are the belly kernel and the mushroom head.

● Belly kernel is the belly collar peeled, the belly collar is originally very rare, and then remove the skin, it is simply very rare. It is the most tender ingredient in the poppy belly, and it takes four or five sheep to make a small plate.

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Morel Kernel (Image source: Beijing Old Door Frame Catering Management Co., Ltd.) Infringement is deleted)

● The scientific name of the mushroom is wrinkled stomach, and eating this piece alone is also hard.

● The mushroom head is the head of the mushroom, which is the part of the stomach connected to the intestine, and the taste is excellent, and the amount is small and refined.

There are also four kinds, which are separated from the stomach of the cow, the hundred leaves, the tip of the blind, the thick head, and the belly kernel.

Although the pop belly is "poor people's pleasure", but the belly collar, belly ren'er and mushroom head, are all eaten by rich people, and the price is still high, generally the old eater, not bad money, only willing to point.

The most common foods are still belly plates, belly cores, gourds and sandans. Although it is not as tender as the belly collar, belly kernel and mushroom head, it is also very chewy and delicious under the wine.

Eat "burst belly" exquisite

Eating a bursting belly, paying attention to the whole swallow, what you want is this.

No matter which piece you eat, you eat the feeling of freshness, crispness, tenderness and refreshingness.

This feeling is best for drinking two sips of wine. Except for the not enough putty, most diners understand the truth of not being able to drink enough. Therefore, in some popcorn shops, there is a wine cabinet dedicated to storing wine for customers.

Eighty percent of the wine is not an expensive wine, the second pot head is common, but there are small notes hanging on it "Second Brother Li", "Uncle Zhou" and "Third Brother Sun", which is quite interesting. Guests came and took it themselves, and there was never a case of taking it wrong.

【Eating in Beijing】The "exploding belly" that Beijingers can't do without

Lamb tripe board (Image source: Beijing Old Door Frame Catering Management Co., Ltd.) Infringement is deleted)

Whether it is with friends and relatives to drink together, or specially run to the belly to relieve hunger, the belly must be eaten while hot, and it is not hot when it is cold. Usually eat a plate of explosive plate.

When eating, there is also a special order, one plate after another, until the most tender belly. If you encounter such a diner, the chef who bursts his belly in the back kitchen will have to play twelve points of spirit, knowing in his heart that this is the arrival of the connoisseur.

Today's "Eat in Beijing"

That's it

See you in the next issue

Content Source:

"Old Beijing Narrative Food And Famous Food"

Image Source:

West City Intangible Cultural Heritage

Beijing Chronicle Magazine

Beijing Old Door Frame Catering Management Co., Ltd

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