
What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

author:Owner of the red bean house
What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Among the many snacks in Beijing, the popcorn is one that I particularly like, it seems that people who like food will have a special love for offal, beef and mutton are delicious, but the taste and taste of beef and lamb tripe are definitely higher. The so-called belly, is the common people's local name, the scientific name should be the stomach, but the specific stomach is what function, I only know is responsible for digestion, as a foodie, I only know that different parts of this belly are assigned some of the names, such as belly collar, mushrooms, gourds, belly kernels, belly plate, sandan, etc., each has its own taste, the taste is different.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Lamb tripe

To say that there are many snacks related to beef and lamb tripe in the country, many of them are stewed with rotten belly, and the food is brine and belly, but in my opinion, the taste is not enough. Burst belly good, I feel that the most important thing is its crisp, tender, fresh, said to be water burst, in fact, in the boiling water blanched, dipped in sesame sauce small ingredients, in the mouth there is a chewing head, we eat things are like this, delicious is with chewing, will chew more fragrant, so a little bit of biting things, often will make people feel that the taste is particularly sufficient, it is more popular. But this bite must have a certain limit, delicious pop belly has both bite, but crisp and tender, so that the taste buds fully absorb the taste, not because the chewing time is too long, make the cheeks hurt.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Because eating popcorn pays special attention to the taste, so the mastery of the fire is particularly strict when making popcorn. Many foreign friends have complained to me, saying that the explosive belly in Beijing is too hard to chew at all, I said that you did not eat the right place, it is a tourist attraction to eat, and the master of the explosive belly is probably not out of the disciple. The highest realm of Chinese cuisine, in my opinion, is to eat the heat, which is rare in other countries, but also the key to Chinese cuisine can be called art, oil explosion or water explosion, are a meaning, that is, the stomach is immediately fished out when it is just broken, it is the best, the heat is a little less, it will show life, the heat is a little bigger, it will not be chewed, the grasp of this temperature is purely inspiration and experience, you really say that the time is calculated on the side, probably not very smart. Some people say that Chinese food is not good, can not be standardized, it is not easy to push to the world, but the standardization of this thing itself is the language of industry, but the best things in the world must not be industrialized, industrialization can only reduce costs, the product is relatively stable to maintain at a high level, but the best things must be handicraft, only handicraft can reach the extreme, burst belly can not be pushed to the world I do not care, delicious is the most important.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Sheep Sandan

Specifically speaking of eating popcorn, the old-fashioned pay attention to a lot, in my experience, there are a few points that I think are the most important thing for us to eat popcorn now. First, it is best to eat a popcorn in autumn, in the past there was a saying in old Beijing that "to eat autumn, there is a burst belly," why eat in autumn? In fact, there is a lot to do with cattle and sheep, we people to the autumn to paste autumn fat, cattle and sheep is also a reason, autumn is the season of storage, plus the grass at this time are hung with grass seeds, nutrition is not comparable to other times, cattle and sheep hang more fat, naturally their meat and stomach at this time the taste is also the most sufficient.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Old-fashioned belly stuff

Second, the first time to eat a burst belly friends, it is best to choose a snack bar that mainly hits the belly, as mentioned above, the belly is very technical, the main belly of the place, especially the old brand, not necessarily how good, but definitely not too bad, certainly will not appear that kind of chewing phenomenon. In the early years of the belly stall, the belly is particularly fresh, when selling the belly, will be equipped with a few large ice bricks, put the belly on the top of the fresh, there are diners come, from the ice to take the belly down, now cut the explosion, probably such a scene is unlikely to be presented now, but the store that specializes in the belly will still pay great attention to the preservation of the belly. Let's talk about a small material in passing, although the small material of the belly is mainly made of sesame sauce from the outside, but the material of the shabu meat is thick, and the material of the belly is light, mainly fragrant, the main thing to eat is the deliciousness of the belly, the basic ingredients are sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, curd milk, green onions, coriander, each family has its own tricks, but who will not put leek flowers. Anyway, I am now eating popcorn basically or looking for such a shop, at least it will not be nonsense.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Belly collar

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Food letters

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Lamb tripe kernels

There is also a benefit of the main popcorn shop, there are many varieties of popcorns, food letters, belly plates, belly collars, belly gourds, sandan, mushroom tips, grass buds, belly kernels, probably can have more than a dozen kinds, each of which has a different taste, which is not eaten in general places. Most of the places that do not specialize in bursting belly are a plate of blinds, which is actually the cheapest in the past. If you want to taste a few more varieties, be sure to ask the store clearly, what is the oldest and most practicing teeth, what is the most tender, from the oldest to the most tender to eat, so that the more you eat the more tender, will not eat after the cheeks hurt. However, from my preference for eating popcorn, I don't like to eat old, especially like the belly board, we now live in good conditions, the belly board this thing used to be poor people's happiness, mainly for the taste of smacking, can not chew at all, are swallowed, probably with the modern people to eat the taste is not in line with, I still think the first is the belly kernel, but also to the lamb belly kernel as the most tender, followed by the sheep scatter Dan, crisp and tender, eat the mouth juice flowing, is really relieved.

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

Most of today's popcorn shops also operate shabu lamb, and I feel that the best way to eat popcorn is to eat popcorn while shabu lamb. The belly explosion is very limited by temperature, especially in autumn and winter, it is easy to become cold, and it is easy to get fishy when it becomes cold, and it is also easy to chew. A plate of bursting belly is brought up, you have to seize the time to eat, a few plates down, is also tired enough, and eating a burst belly and drinking wine is also a kind of enjoyment, always nervously rushing to eat popcorn, this wine is not good to drink. Imagine, a hot pot on the table, eating shabu lamb without hurrying, calling a plate at any time when you want to eat a pop-up, eating a plate of pop-up in 5 minutes, eating a 20-minute shabu lamb, and then calling a new breed, there is a gap in the middle of the truce, is it much more comfortable?

What are the old rules of popping belly that must be paid attention to?

I'm a very fond of eating popcorns, whether it's a cold beer in the summer or a hearth in the fall and winter, anyway, I will miss it countless times a year. This is not, written to write a belly burst, I am also guilty of this disease, the natural brewing acid in the stomach has hooked out my countless saliva, go out to find it, let alone whose home, first solve my worm and then say it.

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