
The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

author:Qin Shiyong said history
The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

In old China, the people did not have a good life, and many poor families were persecuted to the point of ruin.

To survive, there must be revolution.

Adults participate in the revolution, and children participate in the revolution.

Major General Wu Huaduo mentioned in Lao Qin's "The Founding General is Handsome and Talented, His Commander Was Recognized by Premier Zhou, and the Articles He Wrote Were Selected for Textbooks" mentioned by Lao Qin last year embarked on a revolutionary journey as a child.

General Wu Huaduo later wrote a touching article, "I Became a Red Army with My Father", which was selected by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China to be included in primary and secondary school textbooks, and was once translated into English as a university English textbook.

In those turbulent years of revolution, the experience of Major General Wu Hua was not unique.

Lao Qin wrote "Do You Want it?" written earlier. Heroes out of youth, the average age of less than 18 years old children's division out of 23 generals", enthusiastically praised in China's "Young Communist International Division" has a total of about 10,000 people, the average age is less than 18 years old, most of them are not yet gun high.

Among the "Young Communist International Divisions", the youngest was only 14 years old.

Who is the youngest member of the Red Army?

Lao Qin told in the article "Xiang Xuan, nephew of Mr. He, who fought at the age of 7, long march at the age of 9, was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel in 55 years, and is 93 years old this year", and is the nephew of Mr. He Xiangxuan.

Today, the founding major general Deng Yue, who Lao Qin wants to talk about, is also a young hero - he joined the army at the age of 12.

The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

Major General Deng Yue, a native of Dahekan, Yunwushan Village, Shunhe Town, Macheng City, Hubei Province, was born on December 25, 1918, and was not yet 12 years old when he joined the Red Army in February 1930.

Joining the revolution at such a young age and going through the battlefield, the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the building of the new Chinese army, he was doomed to an extraordinary life.

That is, in his extraordinary life, he will be filled with many rumors that are true and false.

Among them, the most widely circulated is "dragging Chen Geng's pony tail across the grass" and "fighting the first battle of the Korean War, even before wearing pants and running away".

"Dragging Chen Geng's pony's tail across the meadow" tells that during the Long March, Deng Yue fell ill with malaria, and his superiors sent him 10 pieces of Guangyang to mobilize him to demobilize on the spot and become a common man. He resolutely refused to dry, gritting his teeth and marching. One day I had a seizure, fell behind, couldn't walk, and lay on the side of the road convulsing. It happened that Chen Geng, commander of the Twelfth Division, was passing by on horseback. When Chen Geng saw this, his heart ached so much that he asked him to get on his horse and walk for a while. But he knew that Chen Geng was also dragging a wounded leg and refused to live or die. Chen Geng had no choice but to let him drag his horse's tail and follow.

The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

Many articles have also played a full imagination when telling the legendary story of General Deng Yue, saying that when the horses crossed the grass, the mud from the hooves splashed Deng Yue's head and face, and he never said a word, closed his eyes and continued to move forward.

This story is fake.

The details are completely unpolished.

Malaria attack, can't walk, this is easy to understand.

But you can walk with a pony's tail?

In fact, compared with ordinary walking, walking with a horse's tail has more difficulty coefficients.

To walk with the horse's tail in tow, you have to use both hands and feet, and your hands not only have to drag the horse's tail deadly, but your feet must constantly alternate on the road. After a long time, the legs can't stand it, and the hands can't stand it.

Of course, the biggest flaw in the story is that Chen Geng served as the commander of the Red 12th Division in November 1931.

This Red 12th Division was originally the 13th Division of the Eyu-Anhui Red 4th Army, and when the Red Fourth Front was established, it was reorganized into the Red 12th Division.

The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

Chen Geng was injured twice in the leg.

The first time was after the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, when he served as a battalion commander in the 1st Battalion of the 6th Regiment of the 3rd Division of the 2nd Army of He Long, participated in the Battle of Huichang, was unfortunately shot in the left leg, and later transferred to Shanghai via Hong Kong and was treated in Niu Huilin Orthopaedic Hospital.

The second was in September 1932, after being transferred to the chief of staff of the Red Fourth Front, he was wounded in the Battle of Hushanzhai in the northwest of Xinji. This time it was a shot in the right leg. In November of that year, he went to Shanghai and was admitted to Niu Huilin Orthopaedic Hospital for treatment.

That is, when Chen Geng was the commander of the Red 12th Division, he was not injured in the leg.

In addition, during the Long March of the Red Army, Chen Geng was not in the Red Fourth Front, but in the Central Red Army as the leader of the Red Army cadres and regiments.

In other words, Chen Geng could not have met Deng Yue during the Long March across the meadow.

The reason why the story of "Deng Yue dragging Chen Geng's pony tail across the grass" was circulated, Lao Qin estimated that this was related to the story of a small soldier told by Chen Geng in his later years when he reviewed his revolutionary experience.

The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

Chen Geng recalled that when he was marching on the grass that year, he fell behind, and a man led a tired thin horse, step by step, moving forward.

On the way, he met a small Red Army who was left behind like him.

Chen Geng wanted this little Red Army to ride a horse for a while.

The little warrior refused to ride.

Chen Geng then took out the only small packet of barley noodles from his body to replenish the little warrior's strength.

The little warrior did not accept it, but instead picked up the dry food bag on his body and showed it to him, saying, "There is more dry food than you."

Chen Geng listened to him.

But it didn't take long to look back and see the little warrior lying on the grass and unable to get up.

He dismounted to see that the little warrior had stopped breathing, and that the dry food bag on his body contained a row of ox knee bones full of teeth.

General Chen Geng told a true story.

The audience felt that it was a pity that the little warrior died, so they transferred the matter of the little warrior to Deng Yue, saying that this little warrior was Deng Yue, did not die, dragged Chen Geng's ponytail out of the grass, and later became the founding major general.

However, during the Long March, Major General Deng Yue was already 18 years old, and in the Red Fourth Front, he was strong and strong, and he experienced three snowy mountains and two meadows, and nothing happened.

General Xu Shiyou was wronged in Yan'an, and Deng Yue was a platoon leader of the anti-da guards, and secretly bought wine for Xu Shiyou to buy roast chicken.

As for Deng Yue,"Fighting the first battle of the Korean War, he ran away before he even had time to put on his pants", it was entirely due to a joke.

It is said that on October 19, 1950, Deng Yueshi, the commander of the 118th Division of the 40th Army, led his troops across the Yalu River, and in the "opening battle", he completely annihilated a battalion and an artillery squadron of the 6th Division of South Korea with the tactics of blocking the head, cutting off the tail, and beheading the waist, and won the victory of the "first battle abroad".

Chairman Mao was greatly pleased with such a victory, and he vigorously praised Deng Yue as a "brave and wise hero."

However, the 118th Division had 3 regiments, of which the 352nd Regiment was not able to catch the battle, and the regimental commander Luo Shaofu was very unhappy and complained to Deng Yue, saying that Deng Yue was eccentric and did not notify the 352nd Regiment of the battle.

In order to relieve Deng Yue's siege, Zhang Yuhua, the political commissar of the division, deceived Luo Shaofu, saying that it was an encounter, and that "when the enemy soldiers hit the division headquarters, the division commander ran away without even having time to wear cotton pants."

Luo Shaofu was relieved.

The enemy went to the border and shot at me, and The founding major general Deng Yue was furious and ordered: Stab with a knife, leaving no living mouth

But Deng Yue's rumor that he "fought the first battle of the Korean War and ran away before he even had time to wear his pants" was thus circulated.

Many years later, Deng Yue also said to Zhang Yuhua: "It is really ugly that has been spread for thousands of miles." ”

In fact, in order to fight the first battle of the war into the DPRK, Deng Yue made meticulous preparations.

He arranged for the 354th Regiment to ambush the area north of Onjeong, and the 353rd Regiment to attack Yonggudong, leaving the 352nd Regiment as a reserve.

At that time, the 7th Regiment of the South Korean 6th Division was constantly firing guns and artillery into China at the town of Chushan on the Yalu River on the border between China and North Korea, celebrating the "great victory", and also showing off to the world through the radio stations in Tokyo and Seoul, saying that "the ROK army has entered the Chinese border of the Yalu River" and that "howitzer shells have landed in China on the other side of the river".

Deng Yue's eyes widened, and before the battle, he ordered: "All of them have bayonets, these mad dogs who dare to shoot and fire cannons into China, not a single living mouth can be left!" ”

The soldiers were greatly encouraged, so they played a national prestige and a military prestige.

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