
Why can't the Yasukuni Shrine visit the shrine, And Zhang Zhehan should be banned

author:Min Min 258963

A few days ago, the mountain and river ordered the lead actor Zhang Zhehan to visit the Yasukuni Shrine because of the incident that caused public outrage. As a Chinese, I actually went to visit a shrine that symbolized Japanese militarism, and as a Japanese student, I was also angry and vomited blood.

Why can't the Yasukuni Shrine visit the shrine, I think this is the national history that as a Chinese descendant should know.

Yasukuni Shrine was initiated by Takasugi Shinsaku (1839-1867) at the end of the Edo period at the end of the Edo period and the choshu domain (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan) to mourn the souls of the strange soldiers who formed the formation, and after the 1968 Shutatsu War, with the conjuring ceremony of the officer generals held in Edo Castle (now the Imperial Palace), Kyoto Higashiyama became the sacrificial point for officers who died in battle.

As a result of this opportunity, at the end of the shogunate, the "Consolation Spirits" of the Meiji Restoration war victims gradually tended to become "Akira" and became active throughout Japan, and the founder of the Japanese Army, Yoshijiro Omura (1824-1869), offered advice to Emperor Meiji and founded the Tokyo Spirit Summoning Society. In 1869, the second year of the Meiji Restoration, Emperor Meiji founded the Tokyo Soul Summoning Society in the kitakudan of Tokyo, sacrificing 3,588 victims of the Battle of Shutatsu, and three years after the completion of the Tokyo Soul-Summoning Society, it was renamed Yasukuni Shrine.

In the beginning, the Yasukuni Shrine was aimed at "calming the soul", and the soul of the town, as the name suggests, was to calm the soul of the people, but after the Sino-Japanese War, the Nichiren War, and the First World War, the "consolation spirit" gradually became "Akira", especially, in the Second World War, when the Japanese soldiers and their comrades were separated, because they swore an oath to "Yasukuni Reunion" since then, the Yasukuni Shrine has become the home of the hearts of Japanese soldiers, so militarism worships the war dead of The Second World War as "heroic spirits".

Before the war, the Yasukuni Shrine was jointly managed by the Ministry of the Army and the Ministry of the Navy, like the pillar of national Shinto, and after the war, with the abolition of the national Shinto, Yasukuni became a general religious legal person.

The worshippers of the Yasukuni Shrine are called "gods", including soldiers who died in battle, soldiers who died of war wounds and illness, military dependents, etc., and whenever a new war dead person is born, the "worship of the god" is added to the ceremony. According to the Yasukuni Shrine, there are more than 2.46 million worshippers.

In addition, there are 14 Class A war criminals enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine, and Class A war criminals refer to those who led the Pacific War, were prosecuted by the Tokyo Judges as major war criminals, and went to visit the shrine where Class A war criminals were enshrined, which is a disguised recognition of the justification of the war of aggression, which is unforgivable.

As a celebrity with 20 million fans, Zhang Zhehan has visited the Yasukuni Shrine several times, causing a very bad impact on the public, setting a bad example for his fans, and hurting national feelings. A 30-year-old adult who cannot be fooled by the word "ignorance" should be responsible for his own ignorance. He should bear the consequences of ignorance, and Zhang Zhehan should be banned.

No one can get by easily, just someone to carry the weight for you. Don't forget the national shame and don't forget history. Yasukuni Shrine has only ghosts and no gods.

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