
Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

author:Fujian Rule of Law News

On February 27, the Central Propaganda Department named Guo Zhong (retired), the third-level police chief of the Wuyishan Railway Public Security Police Station in Fujian Province, as a national pacesetter for learning Lei Feng.

In August last year, Guo Zhong retired from the police force, bringing his 35 years as a police officer to a successful conclusion. Speaking about the honors he received, he said: "I myself am passionate about doing good. First, when I was a primary school student, I was greatly influenced by the study of Comrade Lei Feng, and at that time, we really practiced lei feng with actions. For example, using the rest time to go to the street to push the scooter for others, volunteering to collect dishes and chopsticks in the canteen of the railway area, carrying disabled classmates to school, and so on. Second, it should be my contentment with my work and life, my love for the police, and my thoughts of gratitude and return. Third, the encouragement and support from my family, my unit and colleagues. To borrow a phrase from Guo Mingyi: 'Do good, warm others, and be happy yourself.' ’”

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

Dating back to 2000, the Fengfu Railway across Fujian had just been opened, and Guo Zhong, who had many years of experience in the line, took the initiative to invite Miao to Wuyishan to take up a position in charge of the line work. When he first arrived, when he went to the villages along the line to carry out the "three guarantees" propaganda, the villagers always looked at him with strange eyes, the teachers of the school did not buy him, the account of the strange iron policeman, and some villagers hid when they saw him far away, and even the door would not let him in.

Guo Zhong repeatedly thought about the reasons and decided to change his work style, and to get close to the masses first and then work. Therefore, Guo Zhong insisted on going from house to house, going to the night if he couldn't do it during the day, going to the field if he couldn't do it at home, and when he saw that there were villagers busy in the field during the patrol line, he rushed over to talk to them and helped plough the land. After gradually getting acquainted, Guo Zhong also paid money to build a cowshed and make guardrails for the villagers, and brought small gifts to their homes every New Year's Festival, and actively participated in the red and white celebrations. Sincerity is the window of the soul, and over time, Guo Zhong's efforts have gradually gained the recognition and trust of the villagers, and the story of his harmony with the masses has begun.

The relationship between our railway public security and the masses of the people is the relationship between fish and water, just as fish cannot be separated from water, and our line work cannot be separated from the support of the people.

——Guo Zhong

Guo Zhong felt that in order to do a good job and ensure the safety of the line, it is necessary to mobilize the masses of workers along the line to participate. He often said, "If you give a part to the masses, they will repay you with great enthusiasm." ”

Finding that the village roads in the jurisdiction were muddy and inconvenient for the villagers to go down to the fields and cultivate, he coordinated with the public works leaders and the station chief to build a new cement road for the village; when he learned that 18 primary school students in Chenjiazhai Village in the jurisdiction walked 3 kilometers a day to school on the mountain road, and there were many hidden dangers, he repeatedly reflected to the county and town governments, coordinated the village committee and the parents of the students to jointly hire a car to pick up the students; seeing that the villager Chen Yurui's family was in difficulty, he packed up some clothes and sent them. Before the New Year, they also paid for rice and oil to send to the homes of villagers in difficulty.

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

During his stay at the station, Guo Zhong also introduced villagers to work as cooks on the railway and to work as nannies in the city. This further brought the police and the people closer together, and Guo Zhong became the "warm heart" in their eyes and a relative in their hearts. Over the years, Li Xiaojin, a villager in Chenjiazhai Village, took the initiative to help Guo Zhong inspect the line free of charge, dissuading more than 120 pedestrians from going on the road and avoiding dozens of cattle from blocking the road... There are many more examples of changing hearts with Guo Zhongxin like this.

In April 2009, due to the adjustment of the administrative affiliation of the line, Guo Zhong's work was transferred, and he had to bid farewell to the villagers who lived together day and night. On the day of parting, many villagers walked more than a dozen miles of mountain roads to come to him and must accompany him to WuyiShan, but he resolutely disagreed, because it would take more than 160 miles to go back and forth from here to Wuyishan, but Guo Zhong could not help them, and finally the villagers elected several deputies and sent him to his home in Wuyishan City. Afterwards, Guo Zhong said to his wife: "What a good folks, this scene, I Guo Zhong will always remember this scene." ”

The secret of getting along between the line police and the railway staff is to make friends with your heart, and your little kindness will be exchanged for a fountain of retribution.

In the line work, Guo Zhong noticed that because of long-term work in the depths of the mountains, most employees have little contact with the opposite sex, and marriage and love have become their old and difficult problems.

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

Guo Zhong took advantage of the conditions of frequent publicity in primary and secondary schools along the route and knew more young female teachers to match them and take the initiative to become a red bride. Through his help introduction, several employees have found their favorite girlfriends, among which the employee Weng Bin married the female teacher Cai Ying and gave birth to a big fat boy.

When the boss of wuyishan railway company heard about it, he smiled and said when he saw him: "Officer Guo, you have done a great thing for our employees, and I asked them to buy you pig legs tomorrow." Buying pork legs for matchmakers is the highest etiquette in Wuyishan, but for Guo Zhong, eating pig legs or not is a trivial matter, and the important thing is that these young workers have become good helpers for his line work in the future."

Once at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, the locomotive shouted that there was a person lying on the side of the line 2 kilometers away. Guo Zhong picked up the flashlight and was about to go out, because this section of the road had to pass through a large tunnel of more than 1,000 meters, and Hu Bin, deputy station manager, was not at ease and took the initiative to get up and accompany him to the scene. When they arrived at the scene, they found a villager drunk and asleep on the line, and the two sent him home at dawn.

As long as I insist on doing these little things, I will definitely be able to bring more warmth to this society.

In terms of public welfare undertakings, Guo Zhong is also a "master". At the end of 1999, by chance, he saw a report on unpaid blood donation, and since then, he has formed an indissoluble relationship with unpaid blood donation.

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

In the past 19 years, Guo Zhong has donated 28,000 milliliters of blood free of charge, which is equivalent to the total blood volume of 4 adult men. The Red Cross Society of China and the Ministry of Health awarded him the "National Advanced Individual Gold Award for Unpaid Blood Donation" for three consecutive times, and Guo Zhong also became the "image ambassador" of unpaid blood donation in Nanping prefecture-level city. Under the influence of Guo Zhong, his family and colleagues have also been added to the unpaid blood donation team

Guo Zhong has also always been concerned about education and enthusiastically funded students in need. Many years ago, villager Deng Keren dropped out of school and returned home because of his poor family, and his daughter Deng Yanyan dropped out of school in the second grade of primary school. After learning of the situation, Guo Zhong immediately sent a 1,000 yuan grant to the Deng family, and has been funding Deng Yanyan to finish college. The year before, Deng Yanyan was successfully admitted to Hengyang University of Finance and Economics in Hunan Province, which made him particularly pleased.

Every year on Children's Day, Guo Zhong will donate nearly a month's salary to more than 10 schools along the railway line to celebrate June 1st. In May 2015, Guo Zhong also donated the 30,000 yuan bonus awarded by the second-level hero model of the national public security system to the primary and secondary schools along the route. Up to now, Guo Zhong's total donation has reached nearly 130,000 yuan.

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

In October 2010, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Public Security Organ Model of Loving the People" by the Ministry of Social Security and the Ministry of Public Security. But he has been thinking in his heart, the country and the people have given me such a high honor, how should I repay the social masses? In the end, he decided to create "Guo Zhong Ai Xin Station" in the waiting room of Wuyishan Railway Station, and he personally funded 5,000 yuan to start up the capital to help the troubled passengers traveling from south to north to solve their difficulties. As of March 2016, Wuyishan Railway Station "Guo Zhong Ai Xin Yi Station" has sponsored 416 passengers in need.

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

Guo Zhong, male, born on August 27, 1958, Han ethnicity, member of the Communist Party of China, joined the railway public security work in October 1983. He was formerly the third-level police chief of the Wuyishan Station Police Station of the Fuzhou Public Security Department of the Nanchang Railway Public Security Bureau. The comrade has been awarded the second class of personal merit once, the third class of personal merit three times, and the commendation of 6 times, and has successively won many honors such as the national public security system second-level hero model, the national public security organ model of loving the people, the people's railway guard, the national special outstanding people's policeman, and the national outstanding Young Pioneer counselor.

"Accumulate small goodness for great good, and goodness is great"

Today is the anniversary of learning Lei Feng

Stick to a good heart

It's today, it's daily

Retired "Lei Feng" Guo Zhong

Source: Fujian police

Duty Editor: Chen Zhangqun

Copyright belongs to the original author

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