
Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern

author:Hubei Satellite TV

Based on "integration" and "integration", fully enlarge the "big screen + small screen" integration communication effect, small screen pays attention to young expression, forming a blockbuster effect, and large screen focuses on creating high-quality products and forming brand power. Open up multiple channels, tell the story of Hubei's high-quality development in the new era, and let the voice of the two sessions resound all over the world.

Grasp the pulse of fusion and build an all-media pattern

Guo Zhong

Hubei Radio and Television regards the reporting of the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2019 as an important training ground for promoting the in-depth integration of the media, adheres to the principle of innovation and innovation, combines the production of innovative content with the exploration of media integration, takes "integration" as the basis and "integration" as the key, and creates a good atmosphere of public opinion for the reporting of the two sessions. During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, Hubei Radio and Television opened more than 40 columns, published more than 800 large-screen articles, and disseminated more than 2,000 new media works, with a total of more than 700 million hits. He has been praised by the Central Propaganda Department and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for 9 times.


Hold high the flag

Integrate the spirit of the general secretary's important speech

The meeting was closely linked inside and outside the meeting, focusing on the in-depth reporting of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches under the delegation for 6 times. On March 4, less than an hour after General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the joint group meeting of the literary and art social science circles, the reporter produced a feature of the all-media response "Meet again, General Secretary Xi Said: "Looking forward to your new works"" distributed throughout the network. Through in-depth interviews, the hubei voice reporter took Xiong Zhaozheng as the first person and "the first set of new books, I want to send them to the general secretary!" The "Two Sessions" works narrated as the theme and presented in the form of recording close-ups of the "Two Sessions" formed a situation of centralized dissemination on the whole network.

Yangtze River Cloud launched a large-scale integration topic "Two Sessions learning "Xi" calendar", giving full play to the advantages of the platform, linking 120 cloud series clients in provinces, cities and counties, focusing on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches to groups and localities, adopting a one-click deployment, a large picture topping, and a comprehensive red publicity strategy, and deploying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to the mobile terminal of the city and county-level media for the first time, so as to achieve global coverage and direct access to the grassroots.

Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern


Adhere to the provincial, municipal and county media to play a game of chess

Efforts will be made to promote integrated reporting

Teams are dispatched as one

Hubei Radio and Television Station integrates the media news center, the Voice of Hubei, Hubei Jingshi, and the Yangtze River Cloud to break the channel and the administrative framework of the department, and has realized the "co-desk office" in the front and rear, redistributing the layout of personnel, dividing labor and cooperating, and truly forming a unit, joint operations, and one chess operation. Hubei Radio and Television gives play to the leading role of media leaders, fully mobilizes the city, state and county media, and the city, state and county media change "simple contributions" to "media linkage", do live broadcasts, news, and new media products together, teach hand in hand in actual combat, and highlight the responsibility of provincial mainstream media.

Topic selection is planned in one piece

With the media news center as the main body, unified scheduling of provincial, municipal and county three-level media resources, horizontal access to radio and television new media, multiple linkage implementation of the all-media action "I give a sentence to the two sessions", carry out 21 all-media live broadcasts, in the province to collect more than 300 ordinary people's wishes to bring the two sessions, the number of network hits exceeded 20 million. At the same time, for the first time, 5G was used to carry out all-media live broadcasting, realizing the "off-site interaction" between Beijing and Hubei all-media live broadcasting, and carrying out cross-provincial cooperation in all-media live broadcasting in Shanghai, Chongqing and Hubei.

Integrated collection and editing linkage

In accordance with the idea of "each stir-frying a dish, sharing a table", give full play to the advantages of provincial radio and television, city, state and county media, and jointly launch a series of live broadcast programs. Reporters and technical teams from county-level financial media centers in Chibi, Luotian, Enshi, Xiaochang, Qianjiang and other places in Hubei province joined the live broadcast of Hubei Radio and Television.

Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern


Stick to mobile first,

Fully amplify the "large screen + small screen" fusion propagation effect

The small screen pays attention to the expression of youthfulness and forms a blockbuster effect

Give full play to the advantages of fast dissemination of new media, and all news will be the first time to debut Yangtze River Cloud and seize the first landing point. Since February 26, Hubei Radio and Television has successively launched flash small videos, high-definition photos, h5 products, posters, cartoons, ar panoramic videos, vlog lightweight interviews and other special products, which are simultaneously released on the "network, terminal, micro and screen". During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, more than 2,000 new media articles were published, using young expression methods and vivid discourse systems, and the number of clicks reached tens of millions, forming a network hotspot effect.

The small video team of Hubei Radio and Television Rong Media News Center borrowed new technologies and new forms such as "vibrato body", "flash mob" and "change", division of labor and cooperation, and team combat, making the second season of "Super Burning 60 Seconds" achieve a good start.

Daping pays attention to creating high-quality products and forming brand power

In the era of new media blooming everywhere, Hubei Radio and Television firmly grasps the advantages of the traditional media big screen, launches a number of special columns for reporting on the two sessions, and the big screen report deeply analyzes the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, gives full play to the authority and credibility of the mainstream media, and strengthens ideological guidance. Hubei Satellite TV's "Hubei News" has set up more than ten columns, such as "When the Two Sessions Are in Progress", "I Am a Deputy Committee Member", and "The Report Is Read Like This", forming a joint force and gaining a good reputation with high-quality pictures, in-depth analysis, and authoritative reports. In particular, the "Report Read This Way" series launched by Hubei Satellite TV "Hubei News", the press release is supplemented by a number of animated VIZ packaging forms, enriching the content of large-screen reports with lively and young new media products.

Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern


Adhere to the "timeliness"

In-depth display of the performance of duties by deputies and members

Hubei Radio and Television carried out three-dimensional planning for young deputy Cheng Orange, dug deep and meticulously, "ate and squeezed out the news points of the characters", and maximized the limited news resources.

Focus on the performance process of the deputies and members, and warm up in advance

"The Train Carrying State Affairs" uses a panoramic H5, with the representative members taking the train as the scene, and comprehensively and three-dimensionally presents the proposals of the representative members. "Serial "Words" of the Two Sessions" adopts the form of cartoons that young people like, showing the image and wonderful suggestions of the deputies and members in performing their duties.

The channel of the representative members is broadcast live to capture the first landing point

At the first representative channel, Cheng Orange, a grassroots people's congress deputy from Hubei, took the lead in appearance, and the on-site reporters reported in a timely manner in the form of pictures, texts and small videos, and produced videos, audios and other products with stories of performing duties collected in advance, quickly forming a hot spot for dissemination.

Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern

After the channel interview, talk about the feelings, and the on-site comments grasp the hot spots

After Cheng Orange stepped down the deputies channel, the reporters of the Rong Media News Center conducted interviews in a timely manner, grasped the hot spots on the spot, and displayed the stories of the deputies and members from the grass-roots level to the Great Hall of the People in various forms, in an all-round way, throughout the process, and from multiple angles.

Extend the interview and increase the thickness of the news

A reporter from the Hubei Radio and Television Rong Media News Center excavated the story behind her through the suggestions submitted by Cheng Orange. She is not very old, but her heart is filled with rural farmers, and her suitcase is full of handicrafts produced in the poverty alleviation workshop. She submitted suggestions on promoting rural employment and entrepreneurship, and the high-quality recommendations reflected her image of performing her duties that was truly rooted in the countryside and considered the farmers everywhere. The interview video was broadcast on the evening of March 10 on CCTV's "News Network", and the "Jingshi Live Broadcast" column group sent reporters to Chongyang County to interview and shoot, recording the vivid scene of local villagers getting together to watch the live broadcast of the two sessions, waiting for Cheng Orange to walk on the representative channel, and the villagers' high evaluation of Cheng Orange. From many angles, the image of Cheng Orange, a solid official of the post-90s village branch secretary and dedicated, is restored.

Guo Zhong, director of Hubei Radio and Television Station, grasped the pulse of integration and built an all-media pattern


Adhere to three-dimensional communication

Continuously improve the popularity and reputation of Hubei

Open up channels for television, radio and new media

In order to make good use of the "content library" of Hubei Broadcasting's integrated communication, concentrate manpower to make characteristics, and maximize the effect of high-quality content dissemination, Hubei Voice coordinates the broadcast content. In addition to organizing reporters in the front to collect their own manuscripts, it also organized editors in the rear to "grab" a large number of high-quality content from television and broadcast it after broadcasting reform. Several series of the Hubei Radio and Television Rong Media News Center are broadcast simultaneously in Hubei Voice, which not only enriches the content of radio news programs, but also enables high-quality content to be re-disseminated through broadcasting lines to expand its influence.

Open up city-state-county passages

Changjiang Cloud gave full play to the role of the provincial platform hub, actively mobilized the county-level financial media center, launched the "Two Sessions Hot "County", invited the secretaries of the county party committees in Hubei to appear on camera, called for their hometowns, and the product was launched for one day, and the number of likes reached 1.6 million.

Open up channels for central media and social media

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, Hubei Radio and Television published a number of articles on CCTV and CCTV channels, and also joined hands with people's dailys, people's networks, and people's video, and at the same time linked tencent, second beat, today's headlines, bilibili, Himalayas and other commercial platforms to launch a special program of the two sessions of the national people's congress, "Solved?" In the form of all-media interviews, it focuses on the national economy and people's livelihood topics that netizens care about, covering more than 200 million people.

Open up media channels in sister provinces and cities

On the evening of March 10, Hubei Radio, Television and Financial Media linked up with the representatives and members of Hubei, Shanghai and Chongqing to talk about the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, launched an all-media live broadcast "Dialogue on the Yangtze River, Green Mountains and Green Waters And Then Start Again", radio, television, network multi-terminal distribution, amplification of the fusion of communication effects, attracting the attention and forwarding of the media in Shanghai, Hubei, Chongqing and other provinces and cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yangtze River Cloud Platform live broadcast 30 minutes online viewing reached 1 million people.

Open up overseas media channels

Hubei Radio and Television also actively seeks international attention and gathers the attention of global public opinion. For example: foreign aid, international cooperation, Sino-US economic and trade relations, the "Belt and Road" and so on. Timely integration of the relevant content in the reports of the two sessions, and published on youtube, Twitter, Facebook and other overseas media and social platforms, so that the voice of the two sessions of the national two sessions spread to more than 100 countries.

Source | News front

Editor-in-Chief | Liu Ruijun Wang Sisi

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