
The summer solstice is approaching, the five elements of children's healthy diet, have you done it?

author:The doctor has an appointment

2020 is almost halfway through, and the tenth solar term of the year, the summer solstice, is also coming. After the summer solstice, not only will the temperature become higher and higher, but also the Jianghuai area will be rainy. High temperature dry and hot, easy to make people have a bad appetite. How should mothers prepare delicious and nutritious meals for their babies? What should I pay attention to in my baby's summer diet? Here's a little advice for you.

The summer solstice is approaching, the five elements of children's healthy diet, have you done it?

Five rules for your baby's summer diet

(1) Drink water in small quantities and multiple times. In the summer, the baby sweats more, the water loss in the body is also more, the baby's tolerance to dehydration is worse than that of adults, if there is a feeling of thirst, in fact, the cells in the body have been dehydrated. Severe dehydration can also lead to fever. In addition, in the summer, the baby drinks more water, which can also play a dual role in relieving the heat and relieving constipation.

Your baby gets about 800 ml of water from milk and food, but in summer your baby should consume about 1100-1500 ml of water. When hydrating, it is advisable to drink a small amount of water many times, a large amount of water at one time will dilute stomach acid, is not conducive to digesting food and sterilization, excessive water may cause water poisoning; children's gastrointestinal mucosa is tender, do not drink ice water on an empty stomach; drink high sugar content, it is best to drink boiled water.

In addition, what kind of water to supplement, many parents will be more distressed, because now there is also a lot of water, such as mineral water pure water tap water and so on. In fact, it is okay to drink any kind of water, and it will not have much impact on the child's body. Because children still focus on obtaining nutrients through daily diet, but they also need to pay attention to avoid drinking a kind of water for a long time. Because tap water may have more impurities, it is not very conducive to health, but pure water because it contains less minerals, so it may not be suitable for long-term drinking, so the best or drink some mineral water, is conducive to mineral supplementation and a variety of trace elements supplementation, but other water can also be drunk, but need to pay attention to appropriate adjustment, is conducive to nutritional balance.

(2) Pay attention to food safety. Summer is coming, and as the temperature rises step by step, food is not properly preserved, and it is easy to breed bacteria and mold. Children's resistance is weak, gastrointestinal function is not fully developed, and they are very prone to gastrointestinal diseases, such as acute gastroenteritis, infectious diarrhea, bacterial dysentery, etc. Therefore, we must pay special attention to diet and put the good "disease from the mouth" pass.

When cooking, parents should ensure that the ingredients are fresh, try to eat fresh, and the overnight food and cooked food purchased in the refrigerator must be fully heated before eating; vegetables and fruits must be washed, melons and fruits must be peeled; attention should be paid to the hygiene and drying of tableware to avoid breeding bacteria and mold; try not to let children eat randomly, so as not to cause indigestion.

(3) Change the flower sample species, pay attention to nutritional balance, and focus on fresh vegetables and fruits. Summer temperature is high, the baby's digestive enzyme secretion is less, easy to cause indigestion or infection with intestinal infectious diseases such as enteritis, the baby's diet should be light, less spicy and greasy food.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, etc., which can replenish the vitamins and minerals that children lose in sweat.

In summer, zinc is constantly lost in your baby's body as sweat is discharged. At the same time, the baby's appetite is poor and zinc intake is reduced. The baby's daily diet should include some foods with high zinc content and easy absorption, such as egg yolks, beef and mutton, lean pork, animal liver, seafood, etc. You can also properly let children eat some sour foods, such as tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, plums, grapes, hawthorns, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi fruits and the like, their sour taste can absorb sweat and stop diarrhea, can prevent excessive sweating and gas and yin, and can quench thirst and stomach digestion. When cooking dishes, you can also add a little vinegar, and the acetic acid in vinegar can also be sterilized to prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, we should also pay attention to protein supplementation. You should eat more high-quality protein such as milk, eggs, lean meat, and fish, because of its low fat content and light taste, it is very suitable for children to eat. There are also soy milk, tofu and other soy products, the plant protein they contain is most suitable for the baby's nutrient absorption.

In short, the child's diet needs to change the flower sample species to enhance the child's appetite.

(4) Supplement salt in an appropriate amount. Hot and sweaty, a large amount of salt in the body is then excreted from the body, and the lack of salt makes the osmotic pressure unbalanced, affecting metabolism, and people are prone to fatigue and anorexia. Therefore, in the summer, it is necessary to supplement the salt in moderation, not too much or too little, and do not ignore it.

(5) Eat less cold drinks and cold foods. Eating too much cold drink will dilute gastric juice, affect digestion, and stimulate the intestine, make hyperperistry, shorten the time that food stays in the small intestine, and affect the child's absorption of nutrients in food. In particular, the gastrointestinal function of young children has not yet developed soundly, the mucosal blood vessels and related organs are not suitable for the stimulation of cold drinks, and eating more cold drinks will cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, sore throat and cough and other symptoms, and even induce tonsillitis.

Tomorrow is the summer solstice, here are also for parents to prepare some corresponding recipes for your reference.

1. Assorted vegetable salad

Ingredients: 100 grams of cooked potatoes, 100 grams of cucumbers, 6 slices of lettuce, 1 tomato, 50 grams of hawthorn cake, 150 grams of mud sausage.

Ingredients: Salad dressing to taste.

Preparation Method:

1: Peel and dice cooked potatoes, wash and blanch cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes. Hawthorn cake, diced in mud sausage.

2: Add potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, hawthorn cakes and mud sausages in the basin, add salad dressing and mix well.

This dish can provide your baby with a wealth of vitamins, carbohydrates, lycopene, etc. However, the ingredients for making salads for children must be handled cleanly, such as vegetables should be blanched, meat should be thoroughly cooked, and fruits should be washed. If you don't like to use salad dressings, you may want to use yogurt instead, just as delicious but healthier.

2. Braised duck with lotus meat

Ingredients: 150 grams of duck breast meat, 100 grams of fresh lotus seeds.

Ingredients: green onion, ginger, salt, starch, cooking wine, cooked vegetable oil to taste.

1: Dice the duck breast and blanch it in hot water.

2: Remove the lotus seeds from the heart of the lotus, put them in a bowl and steam them with water drawers.

3, add water to the pot, under the cooking wine, minced onion and ginger, salt, boil the duck and lotus seeds after opening the pot, remove the foam, sew the starch to thin the mustard, and drizzle the vegetable oil to taste.

Duck meat is a high-quality protein, but also rich in iron, zinc, calcium, etc., with nourishing, stomach, kidney, anti-tuberculosis effect, and lotus seeds can clear heat and reduce fire, spleen and diarrhea.

3. Red bean barley porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams of red beans, 50 grams of barley, 50 grams of rice.

How to make: This method of cooling appetizer porridge is very simple, just add the above three ingredients to the appropriate water (about 1000 ml) and simmer.

Red beans and barley both have the function of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea, and can prevent the baby from heat stroke, so it is the most appropriate porridge for the baby in summer.

4. Milk soup boiled Cabbage

Ingredients: 200 g of Chinese cabbage, 2 g of refined salt.

Ingredients: MSG 2 g, concentrated white broth 750 g, cooked lard 50 g, refined salt 2 g.

1: Wash the cabbage and form a slice.

2: Put the wok on high heat, add cooked lard, add Chinese cabbage, add broth, cook until the Cabbage becomes soft, add salt, MONOS glutamate, and then cook for a while, put it into the soup bowl and serve.

The broth tastes light and fresh, but the nutritional value is high, which can help the baby to enhance the body's immunity, and at the same time, it can also help the baby to promote the metabolism and synthesis of protein, which can help the baby's body recovery. The Chinese cabbage is not only sweet and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, crude fiber, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. The medicine of the motherland believes that cabbage has a sweet taste and has the effect of clearing heat and eliminating annoyance, quenching thirst and diuresis, and refreshing the stomach and intestines. Therefore, this dish is a good dish that triggers your baby's appetite in the summer.

5. Jinsha Yam Strips

Ingredients: 500 g yam, 3 salted egg yolks, 1 red pepper.

Ingredients: minced garlic, chicken essence, sugar, sesame oil to taste.

1, yam washed and peeled, cut into strips, put into water soaking, to prevent blackening; Salted egg yolks steamed, cooled thoroughly and kneaded into minced; Cut the red pepper into small cubes and set aside.

2: Heat the wok with oil and heat it 50%, put in the yam strips and fry them thoroughly, fish them out, wait for the oil to heat up, then put in the frying until golden brown, and drain the oil.

3: Heat the pan with an appropriate amount of sesame oil, put the salted egg yolk and fry it through, add the red cabbage pepper and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, turn off the heat and put the fried yam strips into it and stir-fry evenly, so that the yam strips are covered with egg yolks.

4: Add a little chicken essence and sugar and stir-fry for a while to put the pan on the plate.

Yam has the effect of strengthening the spleen and lungs, nourishing the stomach and replenishing the kidneys, fixing the kidneys and improving the essence, hearing the ears and eyes, helping the five internal organs, and strengthening the muscles and bones. It contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is conducive to the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, and is a medicinal and food dual-use product that blindly replenishes the spleen and stomach. Regardless of spleen and yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, it can be eaten.

Parents can choose the right ingredients for their children to make delicious dishes according to their children's physical conditions. Tomorrow is the summer solstice, I don't know what kind of food parents will make for their children? What are the special customs of the summer solstice over there? Welcome to leave a message to share Oh!

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