
A small jailer, famous for secretly hiding Yue Fei's body

author:Mr. Hu said history

In 1142 AD, the eleventh year of the lunar calendar Shaoxing, on the eve of the Chinese New Year's Eve of Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou), the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, every household was immersed in the joy of the New Year. In the imperial palace of Lin'an, a flying horse holding a death order just approved by Emperor Gaozong of Song, rushed out and rushed towards the Prison of Dali Temple in Lin'an. On this untied death warrant, the names of three people were clearly written: Yue Fei, Yue Yun and Zhang Xian.

The messenger soldiers came to the Dali Temple Prison and read out the death order, and in front of the order hall, they all commanded Yang Yizhong to behead, and Yue Fei was killed, and Yue Yun and Zhang Xian were beheaded. Yue Fei was taken to the Fengbo Pavilion of Dali Temple Prison that night and executed by the punishment of pulling ribs. Before the execution, Yue Fei wrote eight words on the confession: "Tianri Zhao zhao, tian ri zhao zhao."

A small jailer, famous for secretly hiding Yue Fei's body

The executioner slammed Yue Fei's chest with a heavy weapon, no matter how many golden soldiers this strong chest had resisted and how many Great Song people had been guarded, at this moment, it seemed so fragile. Yue Fei, a famous general of a generation and a hero of the anti-Jin Dynasty, died unjustly at the hands of Emperor Gaozong of Song and Qin Ju.

After the news of Yue Fei's death came out, the people mourned and people wept for it, but in the Golden Kingdom, it was another scene of singing and dancing. After the news reached the Golden Kingdom, the Minister of the Golden State was singing and dancing, drinking wine to celebrate.

When Yue Fei was executed, a small jailer witnessed all this. He knew that Yue Fei had been wrongfully killed, but as a small jailer, he could not do anything about it. This little jailer was named Kui Shun.

A small jailer, famous for secretly hiding Yue Fei's body

Kui Shun, loyal and honest, worked as a jailer in Lin'an Dali Temple Prison for a lifetime, and all kinds of prisoners have encountered it, and it can be said that he is accustomed to seeing the cold and warm of the world. Like thousands of great Song people, Yue Fei has always been a national hero in his mind, if it were not for Yue Fei being imprisoned in Dali Temple Prison, perhaps Kui Shun would never have seen the hero in his heart in his lifetime, let alone let future generations remember his name. After Yue Fei was imprisoned in Dali Temple Prison, Kui Shun came into contact with this national hero close at hand and truly understood Yue Fei. Yue Fei's heroic spirit of iron bones deeply touched Kui Shun.

After Yue Fei's death, the body was abandoned in a small corner of the Dali Temple Prison, and no one dared to collect Yue Fei's body. All this was seen by the jailer Kui Shun, who could not help but be sad and indignant, and questioned what Yue Fei said before his death. Can the heavens really see all this? If so, then why did no one collect the body after such a hero died?

Kui Shun thought to himself, a national hero like Yue Fei will definitely have a day when he will be wronged and exposed, and then he will not even be able to find the corpse. So Kui Shun risked his life and quietly carried Yue Fei's body out of the city in the middle of the night, secretly buried next to the Jiuqu Cong Ancestral Hall. In order to facilitate later finding, Kui Shun tied a jade pendant around Yue Fei's waist and planted two orange trees in front of the grave.

A small jailer, famous for secretly hiding Yue Fei's body

It is not known how many years passed (the year of Kui Shun's birth and death is unknown), and Kui Shun's life reached its end. Before Kui Shun died, he told his son about this matter and told his son that when Yue Fei was wronged, he must find Yue Fei's bones.

In the thirty-second year of Shaoxing (1162), Emperor Xiaozong of Song ascended the throne. In order to comply with the will of the people, Emperor Xiaozong of Song demoted Yue Fei to seek Yue Fei's body at a high price of 500 silver.

When Kui Shun's son learned of this, he immediately provided the imperial court with the burial location of Yue Fei's body, and Yue Fei's remains were relocated by the imperial court to Qixialing on the shore of Hangzhou's Xizi Lake.

To this day, in front of the "Tomb of king Song Yue'e" on the shore of Hangzhou's West Lake, there is an endless stream of tourists visiting with hanging. If it were not for Kui Shun, what we are hanging on today would probably not be the true remains of national heroes.

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