
How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

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"Venom" tells a very routine story, which can be summed up as: a counterattack of a dick.

All movies and novels, shaping characters, undoubtedly have to talk about the growth and transformation of characters, and "Venom" is about the most clichéd topic, a loser in life, a person who has failed to rely on Chinese yoga to alleviate depression, how to turn over.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

The male protagonist, Eddie, is an investigative journalist who adheres to the professional ethics of journalists, bent on justice and truth, and ignores the unspoken rules of the world. He has even been unemployed many times because of this, but he is still "dead".

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

The boss persuaded him not to try to dig up any ugly truth, but when interviewing the villain boss, he wanted to engage in a surprise attack and ask some very sensitive topics, resulting in being directly expelled by the boss.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

His girlfriend advised him not to be more serious, to do what his boss asked him to do, and not to lose his job again, because they are about to get married, and they all need a stable job and life. However, he took advantage of his girlfriend's sleep and used her position to check news clues, causing his girlfriend to lose her job. The girlfriend couldn't stand it anymore and broke up with him.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

Obsessed with justice, Eddie lost everything he owned, the car, the house, the decent job, the beautiful fiancée. He became a thorough loser, living in a dirty and messy house, living a fat house, going to a convenience store every day to buy some food, and then flipping through the newspaper from the trash can to read all kinds of job postings.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

His righteous heart was also shaken by this experience, so much so that he witnessed the owner being robbed at the convenience store, and even silently hid and became a silent spectator. Yes, he has changed, and the cruelty of reality has turned him from a principled voice to an indifferent bystander.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

This kind of psychological transformation, in the real world, many people should have also experienced it! It often takes many years for us to hold on to a belief, but sometimes it only takes a second for the belief to collapse.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

When you find that the cost of holding on to yourself is too great, you may question what you were otherwise convinced of. The harsh reality always crumples us from out of place into sleek, worldly old fritters.

Eddie began to abandon his persistence in one blow after another, accepted the existing social evaluation standards, and questioned whether he was "a failed person" and "a waste of firewood".

He may have also questioned his past self as a fool who was so obsessed with justice, so even if someone told him that the villain had been doing something harmful to all mankind, he was indifferent at first, until he learned that his fiancée had a new boyfriend, and the relationship was irretrievable, and then decided to explore the truth.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

When people have too much, they are always afraid of losing, and the persistence in the heart becomes a luxury. When there is nothing left to lose, the persistence in the heart becomes the only thing that matters.

Is it because it is a loser on its planet? And Eddie is also a loser?

I prefer to believe that when Venom is looking for a body, it is not a body that suits itself, but a soul that fits itself.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

In fact, from the beginning, Eddie has the physique of a hero, and in a world where only interests are allowed, those who uphold justice are heroes.

It's just that in our social evaluation system, he is just a loser. Venom chose him precisely because of his heroic nature.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

It tells us that the justice of the weak has no meaning, and only by adhering to the inner order, upholding that justice, and becoming strong can we become heroes who save the world.

When we are weak, we must first learn to protect ourselves, and then strive to make ourselves stronger and become the one who protects others!

We must become strong.

Because of the failed life, not only can you not get the love you want, but even the inner justice seems to be worthless.

How does this cute dark hero capture the girl's heart? — Venom: Deadly Guardians Is a Venom from an alien planet, so why did Eddie be chosen as its host (shelter)? So, what does the story of Venom tell us?

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