
Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

author:Shangguan News


With the shout of "owner" Huang Chun, on the morning of November 7, at the opening ceremony of the 2021 Shanghai Chongming "Orange Crab Fat" Cultural Tourism Festival, this year's first net Chongming And Qing water crabs were caught ashore in Baodao Crab Village in Luhua Town. The "eight-legged generals" danced with their teeth and claws in the light green net, jumping around alive, full of the joy of harvest.

"Another 'big year'! Female crabs are basically above 4 pairs, and male crabs are generally more than 5 pairs. Huang Chun told reporters that this year, the adult crab breeding area of Chongqing and Qing water crabs is about 6,000 mu, and the output is expected to reach 900,000 jin.

The achievement of 150 catties per mu is not eye-catching in the aquaculture industry - whether it is fish farming or shrimp farming, it is common for the mu production of more than 1,000 catties; fishing was only started in early November, and it is also a bit late - whether it is hairy crabs in other places on the outskirts of Shanghai or hairy crabs in other places, most of them have been fished before. In the view of Yang Lihua, secretary of the Party Committee of Luhua Town, not "only the theory of yield" and not seeking to catch fish prematurely is to further enhance the "crab products" of the Chongqing and Qing water crabs. "In the future, Luhua Town will further expand the aquaculture area of Water Crab in the Chongming and Qing Dynasties, build a number of 'Little ADi Restaurants', take the 'Green Harbor Bay Crab Homestay' Homestay Agglomeration Area as the core area, create 'Shanghai Crab Harbor' characteristic IP, let citizens and tourists eat, live, travel and buy in the 'Crab Heaven and Crab Land', and promote the deep integration of food with rural tourism and rural revitalization."

Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"
Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

Let consumers go from "eating crabs" to "understanding crabs"

Huang Chun is the chairman of Shanghai Baodao Crab Industry Co., Ltd. and the chairman of the Shanghai River Crab Industry Association, and has been raising crabs in Chongming for more than 20 years. He told reporters that this year's Chongming and Qing water crabs were caught more than ten days later than in previous years, mainly because of the need to ensure the quality of The Chongqing and Qing water crabs. "As early as the National Day holiday, I was ordered for shimizu crabs, but I insisted that I would not start selling them until early November."

If only the size of the head is discussed, when the Chongqing and Qing water crabs complete the last molting, the size and weight of the crabs have been determined, and the "selling appearance" has been qualified. "However, the freshwater crab that has just completed the last molting, the fat fullness has not yet reached the optimal value, the amino acid content is not high, the taste will be discounted, some crabs have a bitter aftertaste, the leg meat is not full, and sometimes the leg meat is mixed with water - these are the results of early fishing." Huang Chun told reporters.

Controlling the yield of mu within 200 catties is also due to the consideration of "crab products". "Clear water crab, as the name suggests, is farmed in clear water, crab farming is a kind of water purification fishery, and fish farming is not the same. After scientific calculations, the scale of breeding with an output of less than 200 catties per mu has little pressure on the water environment. In addition, in recent years, Chongqing and Qing water crab farmers have paid more and more attention to ecological breeding technology, many farmers no longer directly discharge the water of crab ponds into ditches, rivers and lakes, but discharge crab pond water into farmland, wetlands, woodlands and other places, using biological means to filter the water body, and the treated water can enter the crab pond again.

Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"
Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

Huang Chun told reporters that the specifications and quality of water crabs in the Chongming and Qing dynasties have become higher and higher in recent years. Taking the size as an example, the average size of the Water Crab of the Chongming and Qing Dynasties seven or eight years ago was 3 taels per crab, and now it has reached an average of about 4.5 taels per crab. Nowadays, through continuous publicity and promotion, the brand recognition of Chongqing and Qing water crabs has also improved, and many people know more and more about the way of crab tasting. "For example, in the past, many people who ate crabs always felt that it was better to 'catch and eat', but in fact, this is not the case: after the crabs are caught from the pond, they should be farmed in a high-pressure oxygenated environment for at least 6 hours, so that the clear water crabs will spit out dirty things such as sediment in the body in a state of excitement, so that the crabs taste better." If you fish it up, you can sell it, buy it back and eat it, although some crabs are fresh, but after cooking, opening the lid will emit a smell of ammonia, which is the result of not being inflated by high pressure and 'spitting water'. ”

Huang Chun told reporters that only by "understanding crabs" can they have more taste when they eat crabs. In order to let more citizens and tourists "understand crabs", there is a crab culture museum in Baodao Crab Village, where citizens and tourists can learn about the history, breeding source, breeding, fishing and other aspects of water crabs in the Chongming and Qing dynasties in addition to crab tasting. This year, with the help of the east wind of the Flower Expo, Baodao Crab Village has also developed crab powder cages, crab flour noodles, crab powder steamed eggs and other foods, which are very popular. "We are also preparing to open a Chongming And Qing water crab food experience store in the city to further broaden the sales channels of qingshui crab deep processing products and show crab culture to more people."

Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

Turn "1 Crab" into "10 Crabs"

In the past ten years since the development of the water crab industry in the Chongming and Qing dynasties, most of the direction of force has focused on a "eating" word, and the depth and breadth of the industrial chain need to be further excavated. Huang Chun was impressed by a detail: "One year, the party secretary of Yangcheng Lake Town came to investigate and said a data: during the crab eating season, the town's tourism industry reached a scale of 1.7 billion yuan, and the people who went to eat crabs bought out the native chickens and ducks of the surrounding farmhouses. If you just sell crabs, 1 crab is good, you can sell for about 150 yuan at most; how to extend the industrial chain of qingshui crabs and make '1 crab' become '10 crabs'? ”

At present, Luhua Town has a layout. Through the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the town takes the Chongming and Qing water crab brand as the core, and organically connects the "Crab Lodge" and "Little Brother Restaurant" through well-designed tourist routes, and a "Shanghai Crab Harbor" is about to come out.

"Crab Homestay" is a batch of crab culture-themed homestays built by Luhua Town in Green harbor village. "At present, 10 homestays in the characteristic homestay agglomeration area have completed the signing, and the village is responsible for unified circulation as an intermediary, leasing to a third-party company for centralized operation, and the annual rent of each homestay can reach 30,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan, and there is a certain increase every three years." In this way, idle houses in rural areas have been revitalized, and the interests of operators and local farmers have also been linked. Yang Lihua said. These 10 "crab houses", if viewed from the air, are exactly the appearance of a sublime Water Crab of the Ming Dynasty. Wu Jin, the housekeeper of "Crab Lodge", told reporters that during this year's National Day holiday, the "Crab Lodge" market was hot and almost every day was full.

Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"
Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

"Little Brother Jia", is the mascot of the "Orange Crab Fat" cultural tourism festival, the image is a q version of the Chongming And Qing water crab, "Little Brother Jia Restaurant" is the Chongming And Qing Water Crab special catering point. On November 7th, the first batch of 5 "Little ADi Restaurants" were awarded, including Mingzhu Lake Ecological Service Center, Taoyuan Water Town Hotel, Xilai Farm, Green Harbor Bay Crab Lodge, and Orange Garden. In the future, these 5 accommodation catering units will be uniformly supplied by Baodao Crab Village to provide clear water crab ingredients and uniform crab feast catering training, and tourists can taste authentic and authentic Chongming Ming water crabs as long as they look for the brand of "Little Brother Restaurant".

A tourist route of "water tour crab harbor" is also in the making. Luhua Town is opening up large and small rivers in the region, connecting the surrounding rice waves, orange groves and other landscapes, and will be expected to open a water tourism route of nearly 2 kilometers in the future, and citizens and tourists can paddle boats to enjoy xilai farms, taoyuan water towns, baodao crab villages and other attractions on both sides of the strait.

Yang Lihua told reporters that in the next stage, Luhua Town will also implement 2,000 mu of clear water crab farming in the "Fishing Light Brigade" project of Huadian Group. "In the future, we will continue to increase the development of tourism projects, continue to do fine and stronger Qingshui crab and other characteristic industries, so that the 'Shanghai Crab Harbor' brand will further penetrate the hearts of the people."

Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"
Chongming this place is building "Shanghai Crab Harbor", the future will achieve "1 crab into 10 crabs"

Column Editor-in-Chief: Huang Yongdi Text Editor: Mao Guanjun

Source: Author: Mao Guanjun

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