
Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng

author:Art Collection Network
Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng

Artist Profile

Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


Wang Fangzheng

Graduated from a college

College of Fine Arts, Hangzhou Normal University, Bachelor of Chinese Landscape Painting

Graduate student of the School of Fine Arts of Hangzhou Normal University, majoring in Chinese landscape painting


He is a member of Zhejiang Artists Association

The sixth batch of young literary and artistic talents in Hangzhou

Creator of Hangzhou Chinese Painting Academy 2/3/4

Dai Jin is a researcher at the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting

He is a member of the Lu Yu Shao Research Association

He is currently working at the Hangzhou Academy of Painting

Artistic experience


The work "A Long Drinking White Cloud Spring" was selected for the "Suppression of Inferior V-Class Water - Zhejiang Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition"

The work "Qianfeng Chengji Interval Qiongzhi" was selected into the "Haina Baichuan - Excellent Works Group Exhibition of China's Major City Professional Painting Institutes"


The work "ShuYun Carrying Snow" was selected into the "Prosperous Qiantang Beautiful Homeland - Hangzhou Fine Arts Works Award" and won the "Academic Nomination Award (Highest Award)"

The work "Jinge Fan Yantu" was selected as "The Covenant of Landscape and Water - Group Exhibition of Excellent Works of Professional Painting Institutes in China's Major Cities"

Five works, including "Spring Rain", went to Uzbekistan for art exchange activities


The work "Patroling the Mountains" was selected for the "Prosperous Qiantang Charm Hangzhou - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Printing Exhibition"

The work "ShuYun Carrying Snow" was selected for the "Silk Road Context and Gathering in Xi'an - Group Exhibition of Excellent Works of Professional Painting Institutes in China's Major Cities"

The work "Impression of Shibang Mountain" was selected for "Rural Revitalization, Beautiful Road and Bridge - Zhejiang Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition"

Appreciation of excellent works


Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


Ishihamayama Seal

Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


Su Yun carries snow

Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


Xixi Twilight

Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


Idle garden deer singing

Characters | Young Emerging Artists Phase II - Wang Fangzheng


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