
The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

author:Hakka iron head

Enoki mushroom is rich in nutrition, and the taste is good, many people like to eat, we eat this more often is used to cook soup with meatballs, eat hot pot in winter, it is also indispensable, I heard that it also has a name: see you tomorrow. The name is a bit weird, I don't know why it has this name.

Today with enoki mushrooms with tofu and fresh shrimp to make an appetizing dish, when the weather is hot and do not open the stomach, I especially like to do this a pot, juicy and delicious, used to bibimbap to eat are good appetite, tofu fragrant with tender, enoki mushrooms refreshing taste fresh, shrimp meat fresh sweet and delicious, think about all drooling.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Ingredients: 1 handful of enoki mushrooms, 6 yuzhu tofu, 1/2 pound of fresh shrimp, 1 piece of ginger, cooking wine, peanut oil, water, tomato paste, oyster sauce, soy sauce, pepper, salt, green onions, etc.

The detailed procedure steps are as follows:

The first step: first to prepare fresh shrimp, about half a pound is enough, of course, if you love shrimp friends can also prepare a little more, first remove the shrimp head shrimp shell, and then scratch a knife on the back of the shrimp, rinse the shrimp line that has not been ripped off, put the treated fresh shrimp into the bowl, add a few pieces of ginger slices, sprinkle some cooking wine, grab and mix it evenly and put it aside for later.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 2: Prepare a handful of enoki mushrooms, remove the old roots, then scatter and rinse, wash and put them in the drainage basket for later; prepare 6 Yuzhu tofu, which can also be made with tender tofu, Yuzhu tofu has packaging, you need to cut it from the middle first, and then squeeze it out to cut into small pieces, as shown below.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 3: Prepare a pan that does not stick to the pan, heat the pan with oil, heat the oil, turn the Japanese tofu into it on a low heat, fry it until golden brown, turn it over and fry it, slowly fry the whole process over low heat, fry until both sides are golden brown.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 4: After the tofu is good, let them stand on the side, then pour in the marinated shrimp, fry it slightly, so that it can reduce the fishy taste, fry until the shrimp changes color, you can turn off the heat and set aside.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 5: Now to mix the sauce in the bowl, add a small half bowl of water to the bowl, add two spoonfuls of tomato sauce, 1 small spoon of oyster sauce, a little soy sauce, a little pepper, the right amount of salt, stir it well and set aside.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 6: Prepare a small casserole, lay the prepared enoki mushrooms flat on the bottom of the pot, and then put the fried tofu into it, and after the tofu is laid out, put the fried shrimp on top of the tofu.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 7: Finally, pour the oil of the fried tofu and shrimp into the pot, stir the sauce of the prepared bowl with chopsticks, and then pour it on the shrimp and tofu.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 8: Cover the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and turn to medium-low heat for 6 minutes.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

Step 9: When the time comes, you can turn off the fire, sprinkle a handful of green onions, eat on the table, the dish stewed in the casserole is very heat-resistant, so everyone be careful to burn Oh, I am scalding the skin of the mouth to eat quickly, because it is too fragrant.

The best way to eat enoki mushrooms and tofu is delicious, the taste is really different, and the juice can't be eaten

This enoki mushroom fresh shrimp tofu pot is done, like friends can try it, enoki mushrooms are fragrant, tofu is tender, shrimp meat is sweet, so a pot to entertain guests also has a lot of face Oh, children especially like to eat this way, every time they eat this pot, they take the initiative to add rice, eat to the support to eat.

The original author of this picture: Hakka Iron Head

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Only food and love in the world can not be disappointed; eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, cooking is a kind of happiness!

Hello everyone, I am Iron Head, a Hakka man who loves to cook and cook!

There is no flowery language, no palatial environment, some are just iron heads that cook for the family with heart; share detailed home-cooked recipes, Hakka cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc. With you, there are deficiencies that welcome more advice! In the world of food, let's progress together and make more and more delicious food for our families.

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