
Very delicious Shanxi knife cut noodle pork brine recipe and production, learn to open a shop

author:Junbao Chicken

(Heavy to share, worth collecting.) )

Very delicious Shanxi knife cut noodle pork brine recipe and production, learn to open a shop
Very delicious Shanxi knife cut noodle pork brine recipe and production, learn to open a shop
Very delicious Shanxi knife cut noodle pork brine recipe and production, learn to open a shop

First, 20 pounds of fat, three skinny seven pounds of pork, cut into thumb-sized cubes.

Second, spice packets: star anise 40 grams, cumin 40 grams, white root 30 grams, meat 30 grams, grass fruit 30 grams, fragrant leaves 20 grams, licorice 20 grams, fragrant fruit 20 grams, tangerine peel 20 grams, mountain nai 20 grams, green peppercorns 20 grams, safflower peppercorns 20 grams.

3. Seasoning: 300 grams of shallots, ginger and garlic minced, 4 pounds of cooked rapeseed oil, 150 grams of purple forest vinegar, 100 grams of dark soy sauce, 60 grams of fine red pepper noodles (not spicy and colored), 300 grams of salt, 200 grams of Jimba chicken juice, 200 grams of Jimba chicken juice soup emperor.

Fourth, the proportion and production of sauce: 200 grams of Liubiju dry yellow sauce, 200 grams of Shiqiao sauce, 2 bags of Xiangqi sauce, 200 grams of haitian oil consumption, mix all the sauces with a little cooked rapeseed oil and set aside.

5. Spice frying: 150 grams of green onion cut into horse ears, 150 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of garlic slices, 50 grams of star anise, 30 grams of safflower peppercorns, 20 grams of green peppercorns, 20 grams of cumin, 10 grams of fragrant leaves. Soak all Herbs and spices in boiling water for 20 minutes and rinse off. (Fried)

Sixth, semi-finished products: pot add cooked rapeseed oil 4 pounds, cool oil under low heat all the frying material fried dry fishing out ~ under the fat meat fried to spit oil ~ under the lean meat fried to change color ~ under the spice package, when the lean meat moisture has become clear after the onion ginger garlic minced stir-fried flavor, under the purple forest vinegar stir-fried for about 5 minutes, put the old soy sauce evenly, put the colored pepper noodles stir-fry evenly, add salt, chicken juice, chicken juice soup emperor stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and soak for 20 minutes to remove the spice package, the meat into the stainless steel basin.

Seven, the production of finished brine: shovel the semi-finished meat with oil 4 kg in a stainless steel barrel, add the spice package when making meat (the spice bun is boiled for about 3 minutes for the first time, the second time for 6 minutes, and so on, the longer it is boiled, the longer it is boiled, each spice bun just uses up the meat made 20 kg of meat 20 kg of broth is 5 times), soybean soy sauce 160 g, salt 100 g, chicken essence 60 g, broth 20 kg, simmer for 10 minutes, add MSG 60 g off the heat (the ratio of meat to broth is 1:5).

Eight, broth making:

1. 1 kg of pork skin, 2 kg of pork stick bone, 2 kg of chicken rack.

2. Wash all ingredients with shallots and ginger cooking wine and rinse with water.

3, stainless steel bucket plus 30 pounds of water, under the heat of the ingredients to boil, beat off the foam, low heat for 1.5 hours to make (boil 4 times to change the ingredients).

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