
Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

author:Vegetarian dishes

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant. Shanxi has always been China's pasta kingdom, on the pasta flower sample species as many as hundreds of species, but the most famous of which is the knife cutting noodles, knife cutting noodles production method is very simple, cut out of the noodles like willow leaves, eat up smooth tendon road, the most authentic knife cutting noodles must actually be made with tile-like cutting knives, but now people invented a more simple face cutting knife, you can buy on the Internet, the initial use may not be very skilled, but as long as you practice more, you can quickly master the skills, The cut noodles are long and tendonous. Today I am going to share with you how to make eggplant sauce knife cutting noodles at home, the method teaches you, the knife cutting dough dough dough at home is rich in flavor, the taste is fragrant and delicious, let's take a look at the production method with me.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

Ingredients to prepare:

Tomatoes, small rapeseed, soybean sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, salt, tomato paste, soy sauce, water, monosodium glutamate, ordinary flour

Here's how:

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

1. Prepare the ingredients are tomatoes, small rapeseed, soybean sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, first draw a cross knife on the tomatoes, blanch them with boiling water, so that the tomatoes can better peel off, peel off all the tomato skins, and then cut them a little smaller.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

2. Slice all the shiitake mushrooms.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

3. After the oil is hot in the pot, pour the green onion into it and fry the aroma, then pour the cut tomatoes into it and stir-fry, add a spoonful of salt to it, so that the tomatoes can be fried out of the juice faster, wait for the tomato juice to be completely fried, add 2 spoonfuls of tomato sauce, then add soybean sprouts and shiitake mushrooms to stir-fry, and then add the appropriate amount of raw soy sauce, and then add the right amount of water, the amount of water can be determined according to the amount of food at home, and after the soup in the pot is boiled, add a spoonful of salt, MONOSodium glutamate and stir evenly turn off the heat for later.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

4. This is the dough that I have prepared in advance, and now I knead this dough again, and I must knead the dough well and knead it in place, and the proportion of this dough is 500g of flour plus about 250g of water.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

5. Now you can, start to cut the noodles, use the face cutting knife to cut while cutting into the pot of boiling water, a leaf falls into the pot and a leaf floats, a leaf leaves away from the noodles and out of the knife, the silver fish falls into the water and turns over the white waves, the willow leaves take advantage of the wind under the treetops, before the pot goes down into the small rapeseed, the noodles that are cut by themselves are cooked three times and then fished into the bowl.

Knife cut noodles don't fry anymore, teach you a special new way to eat, 1 meal 2 bowls is not enough to eat, too fragrant

6. Then pour on the eggplant soup just made, let's do the eggplant sauce knife to cut the noodles, make it fragrant, especially delicious and delicious, like friends hurry to try it at home.

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