
Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

author:Chinese food cooks

Steamed bream with red date yam

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

raw material:

Oil sweet olive horn, yam, Xijiang (fish flat) fish, ginger shredded, green onion shredded, red date shredded, soy sauce.


1, the (fish flat) fish clean, placed in the dish, the fish under the pad chopsticks, so that the heat can be even, the yam peeled and cut into sections, placed on the edge of the fish, the olive horn on the fish meat, and then spread the red date shreds

Shredded ginger and green onion, put in a steamer basket and steam the fish, then drizzle with soy sauce.

Aloe vera lily spinach juice steamed protein

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Fresh lilies, aloe vera, egg whites, spinach juice, berries, salt.

1. Lily water; aloe vera cut into pieces after water;

2, the spinach is beaten and filtered into juice, then add the egg white and mix well, then add salt, steamed in water; finally add lilies, aloe vera and berries to decorate

Xinhui tangerine peel water duck soup

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Xinhui tangerine peel, water duck, lean pork, chicken feet, ginger slices, cinnamon balls, coriander (coriander), salt.

1, production, the water duck after the clean water, lean pork cut into small pieces of water, chicken feet cut off the toes after the water, the raw materials are all put into the stew cup, inject the appropriate amount of water, cover the lid, simmer for 5 hours to drink.

Zihuai Mountain bird's nest dew

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Zihuai Mountain, bird's nest, sugar water (sand sugar / brown sugar / rock sugar / osmanthus sugar / rose sugar)

1, after washing the Zihuai Mountain, steamed and peeled, beaten into a puree, and then add the right amount of water to mix well and filter, and then boil; bird's nest is good and cooked, put into the Huaishan mud, add sugar water as needed when eating.

Stewed crab powder lion's head

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Pork ribs 1000 g (six points lean, four points fat), crab meat 300 g, shrimp seed 20 g, crab yellow 50 g


1000 grams of selected vegetable hearts, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, 1000 grams of stick bones, 10 green vegetable leaves


Salt, white pepper

1: Peel the pork ribs, cut into rice grains (finely cut into coarse anvils), add onion and ginger juice, crab meat, shrimp seeds, fine salt and stir to form a meat filling.

2: Remove the prepared green cabbage hearts and cut into sections and set aside.

3, then put the rod bone out of the water, wash, set aside.

4: Sauté the cut cabbage in an iron pot and set aside.

5, then use the casserole to put the stick bones, the vegetable hearts to level, the prepared pork filling into large meatballs (shaped like a lion's head) into the casserole in turn, then add a little chicken soup, light the crab yellow, cover the vegetable leaves, boil on the heat, and then simmer for 45 minutes on low heat.

Crystal hooves

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Remove the front hooves of the clawed pig

Shallots, sliced ginger, coarse salt, rice wine, peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon

1, pig's trotters scraped clean, one by one with a knife to cut open, can not be cut, remove the bone, the skin is placed on the cutting board, respectively, with bamboo skewers on the lean meat poke some holes, and then evenly sprinkled with salt, and then smeared with coarse salt, star anise 20 grams, cinnamon 10 grams, peppercorns, spices are crushed, the spices are fried together, to be kneaded evenly, put into a large vat of marinade for about 3 days.

2, put the marinated pig's trotters into the water soaked for about 10 hours, and then fished out, scrape off the dirt on the meat skin, and then rinsed with warm water; 20 grams of star anise, 25 grams of cinnamon, 15 grams of pepper into a gauze bag, ginger slices, green onion white section into another gauze bag, respectively, the bag mouth is tied tightly.

3, take a large iron pot on the heat, mixed with water, accounting for about 60% of the volume of the iron pot, add the appropriate amount of coarse salt, alum, boil with high heat, skim off the foam, and then put a bamboo pad at the bottom of the pot, and then stack the hoof skin up layer by layer, the top layer of skin is down, put it to boil and then skim off the foam, put in the spice bag and the shallot ginger bag, pour in the shao wine, cover the pot lid, change the heat to cook for about 2 hours, keep the soup water slightly boiling, turn the hoof up and down, make the hoof skin all up, and then cook for about 2 and a half hours until the hoof is 90% crisp and fished out. Place the hoof skin face down into a flat box 40 cm long, 30 cm wide and 4 cm high, press an empty box on top, remove the empty box after 30 minutes, scoop in the original soup of the boiled hoof, and rinse the oil in the box into the original pot.

Silver silk tofu

Classic dishes of Ou Jinhe and Zhou Heluan

Boxed inner fat tofu 500 g, dried scallops 20 g, clear chicken soup 500 g

Shallots, ginger, cooking wine, water starch to taste, parsley

Salt, chicken powder, white pepper

1: Wash the scallops and put in the shallots, ginger and cooking wine, add a little water, steam for 20 minutes, take out and let cool.

2: Cut the tender tofu into three layers into thin strips and put in water for later.

3: Tear the dried scallops into thin strips and set aside.

4: Heat the pot, add the chicken soup, adjust the taste, beat in the appropriate amount of water starch, then add the cut tofu shreds and scallops, gently push, and then drop a few drops of green onion oil to get out of the pot, and finally put a coriander.

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