
From "Gun King" to "Nail Company Commander", revealing the "evolutionary theory" of the hero unit company commander

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Recently, a Reporter from Nandu visited the "Jinan Hero Company," a composite brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, a heroic company with outstanding combat achievements and heroic models; it was awarded 6 honorary titles, including the "Jinan Hero Company.", and a large number of heroic model collectives and individuals such as "Ten Warriors of Mashishan" and Liu Kuiji and Xin Dianliang emerged, forming a company soul of "fighting hard, and never accepting defeat."

During the Liberation War, the seniors of the company swept through the periphery with their indomitable heroic spirit, took the lead in breaking through the city of Jinan, and firmly planted the banner embroidered with the words "enter jinan province and capture Wang Yaowu alive" at the commanding heights of the city, tearing open a hole for the follow-up troops to enter the city. After the war, the company was awarded the honorary title of "Jinan Hero Company".
From "Gun King" to "Nail Company Commander", revealing the "evolutionary theory" of the hero unit company commander

Sun Jinlong led the officers and men to shout battle slogans on the training ground

What is it like to be a company commander in such a heroic company? Sun Jinlong, the current company commander of the "Jinan Hero Company," told Nandu reporters that when he first came to the company, he was under a lot of pressure, "so much so that people are always running, they can't take two steps normally, and they feel that taking two steps is slower than others," he said.

From Failing to Shooting to "King of Guns"

When it comes to the pk with the company commander, the first reaction of the officers and men of the "Jinan Hero Company" is almost always -- shooting. Because Sun Jinlong is the famous "gun king" in their brigade. However, few people know that this "gun king" missed three shots of five bullets for the first time and was judged to be a failure.

But this did not discourage him, and he pestered the squad leader with good shooting results to ask for advice, while summarizing the experience of failure in a small book. Day-to-day research gave him a knack for every part of the gun. Sun Jinlong said: "Every day I take my own gun, and suddenly I take someone else's gun, and I can know with my eyes closed that this gun is not mine." ”

In order to improve the level of shooting, in the 2010 military region competition, Sun Jinlong, who was not willing to be brushed off in the last round, "cheekily" applied for the opportunity to stay as a support personnel. So, while making targets and maintaining the field for his comrades in the competition, he learned their shooting experience. He got up at 5 o'clock every day to practice his gun and grasped the training in the gap between guarantees. It was this experience that made his shooting level soar.

Sun Jinlong, who was still a soldier at the time, won the first place in the "special shooting" course in the reconnaissance special forces competition organized by his superiors, and won the championship of the subject for three consecutive years.

From "Gun King" to "Nail Company Commander", revealing the "evolutionary theory" of the hero unit company commander

Sun Jinlong went to Australia to participate in the sniper competition

In 2016, Sun Jinlong, then a platoon leader, traveled to Australia to participate in the International Light Weapons Shooting Skills Competition, competing fiercely with 21 teams from 18 countries. In order to cultivate a pair of "fire eyes and golden eyes", he placed small stones the size of fingernails on the table 10 meters away, stared at them without blinking, and bounced the stones up, and his eyeballs followed the stones... Under such intensive training, he achieved 3 minutes of staring at the target without blinking, facing the strong wind and not crying in the face of the strong light; the reaction speed of shooting, aiming, and firing was getting faster and faster. In that competition, Sun Jinlong withstood the pressure and won three gold medals in the individual championship points competition, the rifle team obstacle crossing shooting competition and the rifle moving target team points competition.

In 2011, Sun Jinlong went to Zhu Rihe to participate in the reconnaissance special forces competition. The north wind is like a knife, according to the gun, the body of the gun is blown straight, unable to catch the target normally. How to solve the problem of gun body shaking? A video of a herdsman riding a shooting inspired him. "Although the wind blows the gun straight, can it be upside down on horseback?" According to this idea, the next day of training, he maintained the normal strength of the gun, looking for the law of the muzzle of the gun, and when the crosshair passed the aiming point, he grasped the opportunity of a few tenths of a second to shoot decisively. With the accumulation of training time and bullets, Sun Jinlong successfully mastered the tricks. In the end, Sun Jinlong won the first place in the special shooting course with a good result of 19 guns and 187 rings.

From armored "layman" to qualified commander

In 2019, Sun Jinlong was transferred from deputy company commander of the reconnaissance company to the commander of the loading and infantry company. As an old armored infantry company, physical fitness and light weapons shooting have always been the strengths of the "Jinan Hero Company", and it just so happens that Sun Jinlong, who is promoted from the reconnaissance profession, is also an "expert" in these subjects. At the beginning of his term of office, Sun Jinlong, who was full of confidence, was determined to give play to the "advantages" of the company and continue to create new glory. But reality gave him a blow in the face.

In the company tactical assessment organized by the brigade, Sun Jinlong made a mistake in command and decision-making, and there was also a big gap in the sense of coordination and cooperation among the commanders at all levels of the company, and the company's final results ranked at the bottom. "I fought a battle that could have ended in 2 hours, but I fought for 5 hours." Speaking of this command mistake, Sun Jinlong still has deep feelings. In the past, in the arena of competition, he could take the first place by rushing alone and fighting alone, but now as a company commander, whether he can lead the officers and men of the company to win the battle on the battlefield is the question he needs to consider and study the most.

In addition to command skills, the professional skills of multiple professions are also a challenge for Sun Jinlong. Sun Jinlong told this reporter that as a company commander, it is necessary to understand all the specialties of the company in order to do a good job in company training. "The soldiers saw that a company commander and a 'layman' could do such a good job, so why couldn't I?" This will motivate the warriors to work hard to learn the profession.

Sun Jinlong led the whole company to sort out the shortcomings of its ability one by one, formulate a plan for making up for the difference, and set up a "military order" to practice all the subjects well within two months. In order to practice his professional skills, he plunged into the chariot. Driving professional training, others practice two laps of 9 kilometers in half a day, Sun Jinlong, who is 1.75 meters tall, curls up in the cockpit of up to 50 degrees Celsius, a practice is 10 laps of nearly 50 kilometers; the battery of the infantry fighting vehicle weighs tens of kilograms per piece, and Sun Jinlong insists on completing 10 dismantling times every time he trains, and the total weight of loading and unloading exceeds several tons.

From "Gun King" to "Nail Company Commander", revealing the "evolutionary theory" of the hero unit company commander

Organize a coordinated attack

Since then, Sun Jinlong has been immersed in infantry fighting vehicles during the day, asking various professional technicians for advice on infantry fighting vehicles and learning the combat technical performance of equipment; at night, he has studied the tactical tactics of armored infantry companies under the composite battalion system, and from time to time he has carried maps and operating tools to the next company to ask his brother company commanders for relevant knowledge of tactical command. In this way, in less than 2 months, Sun Jinlong was already proficient in the tactical command operation of the company.

A soldier-in-arms who leads the way

Like the study of armor majors, Sun Jinlong led the soldiers to pay attention to "leading the way".

In July 2020, the company received an order to go to Jiujiang, Jiangxi To fight floods and rescue dangers. Sun Jinlong, who was only 5 days old with the steel nail implanted in the left shoulder surgery, took the initiative to ask the team to go out.

Many people advised him: "If your arms are like this, don't go." But he persisted.

Sun Jinlong's reason is very real, the officers and men of the company go to fight the flood, who is the most suitable to do what the company commander knows best, and the company commander does not go to who will command? He said, "Actually, I don't mean how much work I can do with one hand, but more importantly, I want the soldiers to see that the company commander is still here, can they have no motivation?" ”

From "Gun King" to "Nail Company Commander", revealing the "evolutionary theory" of the hero unit company commander

Sun Jinlong stuck to the front line of flood control

Sun Jinlong's perseverance inspired the fighters, and in just four days, the 250-meter-long flood-resistant levee was increased by 1.2 meters and widened by 3 meters, and it was rated by experts as "the highest standard and the best quality".

After Sun Jinlong served as the company commander, the company was rated as an advanced unit of "four irons" every year, and was awarded the collective second class merit once a year. Sun Jinlong was personally commended by the Army as an "excellent pacesetter with soldiers" and "excellent communist party members".

Nandu reporter Mo Qianru

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