
"The father of the little hero Rain" Guan Hua

author:The Temple of the Clouds

Guan Hua (1922-2002) was formerly known as Bao Huapu. Hebei Fengrun people. Resident writer of the Beijing Writers Association, member of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Cppcc Committees of the National People's Congress, vice chairman and chairman of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, chairman of the Beijing Branch of the China Writers Association, president of the Beijing Laoshe Literary and Art Foundation, president of the Beijing Laoshe Research Association, and a first-class writer.

In 1942, Guan Hua began to publish works. There are novels "General River" and "Abyss", novella "Xin Jundi", short story collection "Three Torches" and "In the Valley". "Flying Tiger Mountain Story Chorus" won the international third prize in Bucharest. The novella "Little Hero Rain" and the songs "Happy Festival", "Our Field", "Listen to Mother Talk About the Past" and other songs with the composer have won the first prize of the state.

"The father of the little hero Rain" Guan Hua

After the liberation of the whole country, Guan Hua was engaged in lyric writing at the Central Conservatory of Music and the Central Orchestra, and in 1963 he was transferred to the Beijing Writers Association as a resident writer, and his representative work "Little Hero Yulai" (selected for the second book of the fifth grade of the Jijiao edition, the sixth grade upper book of the Changchun edition, the sixth grade upper book of the Beijing Normal University edition, the 14 lessons of the fourth grade lower book of the human-taught edition, and the fifth grade upper book of the Chinese S edition).

Yulai is a microcosm of the children of Jidong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, including the novel's author Guan Hua himself. Since he was a child, Guan Hua stood guard with the children in the village, sent chicken feather letters to the Eighth Route Army, went up the tree to look out, and captured the enemy situation. In 1940, he left home for the anti-Japanese battlefield and turned to the north and south for many years.

After he joined the army, the scenes of his childhood often came to mind. Therefore, he created a novel with Rain as the protagonist, "Little Hero Rain Lai", which was published in the Jin-Cha-Ji Daily.

"The father of the little hero Rain" Guan Hua

Mr. Guan Hua wrote in his own handwriting on the monument to the little hero Yulai:

In 1937, the Japanese fascists invaded China, and China waged a nationwide war of resistance. Young and middle-aged people joined the Eighth Route Army, took up guns to resist the Japanese invaders, and militiamen, elderly people, women, children and young people in villages on both sides of the River to return to their hometowns in eastern Hebei w waged a tenacious struggle against the enemy for the defense of the motherland's homeland. In those war years, there were many, many, many people who stood guard like Rain, held red guns in their hands, straightened their small breasts, and delivered letters and led the way to the Eighth Route Army.

"The father of the little hero Rain" Guan Hua

Whenever the Japanese devils and traitors were driven out of the village, when the hostility eased, in the night fog of the village's starry eyes, in the dense foliage of flowers and trees, the windows of the houses were lit with bright red lights, and from there came the voice of the children reading in unison: "We are Chinese, we love our motherland..."

"The father of the little hero Rain" Guan Hua

The little hero Yulai cleverly, wittily, and bravely protected the traffic officers of the Eighth Route Army, and under the temptation of Japanese robbers and bayonets, he regarded death as a homecoming, and finally cleverly escaped from the clutches of death, and people praised Yulai as a little hero of the anti-Japanese resistance. The little hero Yulai is a heroic son and daughter of the people of eastern Hebei and the pride of the Chinese nation.

Although that moving story has long been history, people will never forget that without the many heroes and benevolent people, without the predecessors and successors of heroes and martyrs, there would be no happiness for us today. Today is hard-won, and forgetting the past means betrayal.

Guan Hua's novel "Little Hero Rain" is deeply loved by children across the country, this novel has been a hot seller, republished many times, has become a masterpiece in the history of Chinese children's literature, the little hero Yu Lai has become an irreplaceable idol in the minds of hundreds of millions of children across the country. In August 2002, Mr. Guan Hua passed away, allowing me to remember the master together.

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