
Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

author:Entertainment loves fantasy

Introduction: In this life, you have loved a person, kissed her, got her love, your heart beat for her, and your soul burned into brilliant fireworks. Eventually you lose her, you go back to the beginning, and you sleep here.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

It was a cold winter, with endless snow in the sky, bustling and overwhelming, full of endless white. It was said to have been the coldest day of the year.

Such a snowy day was the day Jack was born.

Jack's birth mother staggered in such a snowy day, and with a full belly of worry and the child in her belly, she fell at the door of the witch Madeleine.

Madeleine found her and took her into the house. After fending off the bitter cold outside, she eventually gave birth to a child, named Jack.

After Jack was born, because his heart was frozen, the witch gave him a mechanical heart.

To never return to this cold state, you must abide by three rules: First, you must not touch your pointer.

Second, there must be no agitation.

The third is not to fall in love.

If you violate one of these rules, you may die.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

Jack's birth mother did not say goodbye after giving birth to him, and the witch Madeleine left him and raised him as her own child.

Growing up, Jack increasingly didn't want to be alone in that little house, and he became curious about the outside world.

Finally, Madeleine still agreed to Jack's outing, Jack met Acacia who was singing in the square, touched by her singing voice, and fell in love with the beautiful Acacia at first sight, Jack came forward to sing and dance with Acacia, their feelings gradually warmed up, which caused his heart to be unable to withstand such a strong emotional change, and finally Jack fainted.

Madeleine rescues Jack and repairs his mechanical heart, and Jack falls in love with Acacia at first sight and asks to go to school to find Acacia.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

Jack, who actively and high-profile in the school is looking for Acacia, is looked at by the school bully Joe, Who loves Acacia and has malice towards Jack, so Joe constantly bullies him and instigates his classmates to insult him. Jack was bullied and hurt during this time, and became darker and darker every day. Finally, in another bullying, Joe maliciously destroys Jack's mechanical heart, and is blinded by the cuckoo popping out of the mechanical heart. The police came to the witch's house to arrest people, madetine let Jack run away, and she was taken away by the police.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

Jack leaves Edinburgh and leaves for the rest of his country, embarking on a journey in search of Acacia.

Jack meets George the Magician on his way, Jack tells George his story, George decides to help him find Acacia, they travel together, and encounter many fantastic scenery on the way. When they arrive in Spain, Jack meets Acacia in a circus.

In order to stay in the circus to play the Joker, Jack gets closer to Acacia and finally recognizes Acacia.

Jack gave Acacia the key to his mechanical heart and listened to Acacia tell her story.

Finally, one night they decided to elope, but it was at this time that Joe, who had lost an eye, found them and told Acacia Jack that he had hurt him with the cuckoo inside his mechanical heart.

Acacia decided to leave with Joe.

Jack's mechanical heart is shattered, and he chooses to forget everything and return to his home in Edinburgh.

The witch Madeleine was already dead in prison, and no one could fix his mechanical heart.

So Jack died on a cold, snowy night.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

It's like life, you fall in love with someone and follow her without hesitation, she brings you all the wonderful experiences in the world, and she also brings you pain.

You experience risks in the process of finding her, and you have seen the fantasy things in this world, you become brave, you learn to grow. In the process of following her, you even turned yourself into a clown, opening the door of your heart and letting her play with it.

You have loved each other and forgotten each other.

You misunderstand each other as other people, but you end up in love, you give her your keys, how wonderful it is to fall in love, it is more beautiful than the most beautiful song in the world.

In the end, you are still separated, you are sad, disappointed, regretful, your boiling blood has become cold, you are cold, so you decide to forget everything, go back to the place where the story began, go home, go back to your mother.

Mechanical Heart: This is a sad fable about love, back to the original fireworks

But your mother is dead, and she died in prison for you. The last person who can warm you is gone.

There is no one in the world who can warm you, and no one can fix your mechanical heart.

In this cold weather, in this cold life, you left yourself a cemetery next to your mother.

Are you still alive, maybe you're just a ghost.

Your heart is completely broken, no one can fix it, and he doesn't need someone else to fix it.

However, the person who has the key to your heart still came, but at this time, your heart has broken, and you are touched by her thousands of miles to come, but you don't need it anymore.

Your love is dead and your heart is broken.

Your loved ones are dead, and so are you.

Even if love comes back, you're dead and your heart is dead.

In the end, you climb this cold snowflake, leave this cold world, and go to the cold heaven.

When I fell in love with you, I kept going, I couldn't see everything, and I couldn't see the eyes of my mother behind me. When I lost you and wanted to come back, I found that I had long lost the warmth that remained in my heart, and I was left alone.

Author: Twilight

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