
16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

author:Chinese teachers love to read
16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

According to statistics, the number of people who die by suicide every year is more than 100,000. Suicide has always been a topic of social concern. In order to effectively prevent suicide, it is necessary to conduct a life education class for life born of death.

Here are 16 homework on life education recommended to you, you may wish to do it. Through the practice of these assignments, you may feel the beauty of life.

1. Homework: A story of suffering

Write about that time you suffered — the hardest moment of your life — how did you get out of that experience and live better? Who's by your side in your most tormented moments? How do you spend your time? How did this experience change you?

2. After-school writing exercises: rewind key

If you had the rewind button for life, what kind of change would you go backwards to make?

16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

3. After-school writing practice: Write letters to your almanac

What would you say if you could speak to yourself as a child? What kind of advice would you give? The letter begins with "Dear..., age... years", remember to sign and write the date.

4. Class discussion: homicide, suicide and mental illness

Midterm Discussion Question: If you could wipe out a disease from the earth forever, which one would you choose? Why?

5. Writing practice after class: Visit a hospice center

Write a reflection paper on the experience of visiting a hospice institution and meeting patients and staff

6. After-school writing exercises: hymns

Write a eulogy for yourself.

16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

7. After-school writing practice: about the death penalty

To study recent death penalty cases, take a stand. Based on your research, write a paper in favor of or against the death penalty.

8. After-school writing practice: funeral home

After a discussion with the funeral director and makeup artist, write an article about your thoughts on the interview.

9. Writing practice after class: Be a ghost

Spend two hours doing a ghost once. Don't talk. Don't answer the phone, don't participate in any conversation. Just listen, just pay attention, just exist. Write down the feelings for those two hours.

16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

10. After-school writing exercises: What happens to us after we die?

Which religion or devotional ritual do you believe in, and if you are of any kind, how does it affect your perception of what will happen after death?

11. After-school writing practice: different religious and spiritual interpretations

Interview someone who has a different religious or spiritual view than you do. Based on this interview, write an article about your gains.

12. After-school writing practice: Write down your will

Use this article to express your desire for what the family and doctor responsible for your treatment and medication should do in unforeseen future situations, at the end of your life, when you may not be able to make medical decisions on your own, such as when you are in a permanent coma. This includes your instructions for decisions to offer, cancel or suspend life-sustaining measures.

16 exercises to die, let you feel the beauty of life

13. Class Discussion Question: Do you believe that people have the right to die? Provide certification for your point of view, give examples and prove your point of view.

14. After-school writing exercises: Bucket list

If you only had a year to live, what would you like to do before you died? Perfect your wish list.

15. Final Exam Essay Questions: What are the goals of death education? Give examples to prove your point.

16. Class Discussion Questions: Stories about who we are. How can we continue to exist after we die?

"Lessons in Life and Death" ([Beauty] by Hayazaki Eirika, translated by Yao Yunzhu, Beijing United Publishing Company, August 2015)