
Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

author:Dunhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau

On April 14, 2019, the "Xiaohui" police office was established, as the person in charge of the police office, I am proud in my heart, but also full of pressure, since its establishment for more than two years, our two policemen, four auxiliary police in line with the community work "do fine and deep to do" principle, obscure from a small thing to another small thing, from a corner to another corner, from the beginning to find you useless, and then go to the Shazhou police station to find another police, to the current big and small things to find Xiaohui, on this two years, every day" Going down to the community, entering the building courtyard, and approaching the masses", let me feel that this work is really completely different from the previous "sitting in the office and doing the community", I have a different experience, and I also have a deeper understanding of the importance of the higher public security organs constantly emphasizing the strengthening of community policing.

The matter of the masses, sometimes really "very small"

Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

Things of the masses are sometimes really small, so small that as soon as I arrive at the scene, I have not yet opened my mouth to solve, they know that my "mouth" is too powerful, as long as I open my mouth, things will not develop in the direction of their own "unreasonable" ideas. So, after I received some requests for help, from the end of the situation to the few minutes after walking to the scene, they were waiting for me in the same place, just to say "it's all right, thank you".

Mrs. Zhang, who lives in a community in my jurisdiction, always clashes with Xiao Zhang because of the noise of the dog raised by Xiao Zhang downstairs, after xiaohui's many mediations, Xiao Zhang has also made a lot of "efforts" in order not to noisily neighbors, every time Mrs. Zhang calls, Xiaohui only knows that this matter is not big, as soon as she arrives at the door, she has not waited for Xiaohui to open her mouth, the old lady said: "I know, I try to understand", Xiao Zhang also said: "It is hot, I will take it to the township to raise", so Xiaohui can only "do nothing" and return.

The affairs of the masses, sometimes really "big"

Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

The things of the masses are sometimes the "mysteries" that they "think are very big" and can be seen at a glance from the perspective of bystanders, but the parties just don't understand, this is the authorities are confused, so the matter is big, at this time, my role is to be a good "bystander", according to the specific circumstances of the incident, find the starting point, "wake up" the parties.

Zhang Mou, who lives in a community in my jurisdiction, always feels that the people upstairs "deliberately argue with him", often shoot balls at home, pull stools, wear high heels to walk, etc., just to argue with him, so he is very angry, he also takes stools to smash the wall, knock on the floor, etc. to create various sounds, so that the surrounding residents in the rest time, are very "headache", there is no way to rest, over time the surrounding residents also began to "make noise" operations, the police into the household to visit one by one to persuade, the complex things are simplified, The simple things are emotionalized, and slowly everyone understands each other, and this vicious circle of "noise making" is solved.

The affairs of the masses are sometimes really "trivial"

Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

The affairs of the masses are sometimes really trivial, trivial to the point of dealing with a contradiction, and it is necessary to deal with a series of contradictions continuously, like a chain of buckles, as long as there is a joint that cannot be handled or handled badly, it cannot be mediated.

Residents of a community in my jurisdiction, he thinks that the downstairs along the street pavement of the card, drinking and boxing stalls are too noisy, so angry, as long as the sound is too loud, they throw things down from the upper floor, the police entered the house, after understanding the situation, he said: "As long as the downstairs is not noisy, he will not throw things", the police visited the shop, the shop owner said: "When they use air conditioning in their shops, the circuit valve is easy to trip, as long as the circuit is not a problem, they will move the stall in", the police contacted the property company, the property company said: They have checked, the residents of the community generally lead the line from the line of the basement lamp to the outside, making the street paving electricity consumption tight", the police then visited the household, went to check the house, let the residents clear the "illegal line", so that the contradiction of the chain buckle was initially resolved.

The affairs of the masses, sometimes really "very important"

Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

For me, there are many things that need to be handled every day, but for the parties involved in the incident, he can only hope for "Xiaohui" "like a needle felt" and "can't sleep at night".

A resident of a community in my jurisdiction lost his mobile phone in the community, and the mobile phone contained important information. Through video surveillance can also see the characteristics of the person picking up the mobile phone and the unit of residence, is not to know which household to live in, and do not know whether the person who picked up the mobile phone will give, the police through the query finally determined the person who picked up the mobile phone, at this time to go to the mobile phone need "timing" and "skill", in case he does not admit, so it is not easy to do, so the masses can only go home patiently waiting, Xiaohui will also think of a good way to start from the language, carefully observe the language, actions, eyes of the person who picked up the mobile phone, find the opportunity to let him admit, Eventually get your phone back.

The affairs of the masses are sometimes really "helpless"

Dunhuang Public Security: Xiaohui's figure is everywhere The friendship between the police and the people is deeply linked

Sometimes the affairs of the masses are really helpless, and some things can only look at the parties sad, sad, disappointed, confused... Every time I encounter such a thing, my heart is full of helplessness, "can't go forward, can't go backward", the only thing I can do is to listen, accompany, comfort, listen over and over again, comfort again and again, but also such a "comfort of the heart", with the passage of time, you can make helpless things slowly fade, so as to get out of the predicament, I also see a person from despair to new life day by day.

A resident of a community in my jurisdiction, he encountered family changes, every three or five will come to the police office or call me to tell me about his "difficult" things, every time he comes for an hour or two, the content is almost the same, I know that he just can't get out of this dilemma, there is nowhere to say, all I can do is listen, let him unravel the depression in his heart little by little, at first it came very frequently, and then gradually did not come, I know that he has begun his new life.

The interests of the masses are no small matter, we bring them warmth little by little, slowly let them trust the police more and more, and feel more and more that the police are not so "arrogant, terrible, and dare not approach", but are "good helpers" who uphold justice and safeguard their rights for them.

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