
Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

author:Wandering little stars

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Zhang Ziyan incident let many people understand how terrible the Korean entertainment industry is, it turns out that in the Korean entertainment industry, the female artists in front of the camera are bright and beautiful, privately many female artists are arranged to play with rich people, they have a mental breakdown under such inhuman treatment, many people choose to leave this world, and some people choose to live bravely, Zhang Meiji is a female artist who bravely survived in the Korean entertainment industry.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Zhang Meiji was born in 1958, she has a good appearance, with the heroine who starred in the film "The Legend of Cheng ChunXiang" gained a lot of popularity, in the heyday of her acting career, she suddenly announced that she would study abroad, which made many viewers feel puzzled. After many years, it was revealed that the original choice to study abroad was also a last resort, and when the incident was exposed, it was also surprising to everyone.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Zhang Meiji, whose career was in its heyday, was favored by a well-known big guy at that time, the status of female artists was actually not high, for the pursuit of the big guy, Zhang Meiji could not refuse, and the big guy actually had a family, the wife of the big guy learned of Zhang Meiji, very angry, Zhang Meiji was too beautiful when she was young, and she was better than the current plastic surgery face. No wonder the big guy's wife has a grudge and wants to find someone to deal with Zhang Meiji.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

The wife of the big guy sent someone to kidnap Zhang Meiji, who was filming, and forcibly removed her womb, such revenge could not be relieved, and zhang Meiji's clothes were also taken away, so that she was locked in a room with a man naked for five days, as for how Zhang Meiji spent these five days in the room, it is simply unimaginable that these things undoubtedly caused a heavy blow to Zhang Meiji's body and mind.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Although Zhang Meiji denies this matter to the outside world, but there is no unventilated wall in the world, it is true or false, only she knows best in her heart, Zhang Meiji is now 62 years old and still unmarried and pregnant, she did not choose to give up her life, but continued to engage in acting work, but now the roles are some supporting roles. I have to admire that she can still live strong after so many unbearable encounters. Coincidentally, in addition to Zhang Meiji's loss of womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, yu Li also had the same experience.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Yu Li's name may not be known to many people, but the small partner who has watched "Absolute Double Pride" should have a deep impression of the Lord of the Bright Moon Palace inside, she charmed a lot of the audience with the domineering charm in the play, it is said that she also fell in love with the rich merchant who took it in black and white, and as a result, the matter was known by the original match of the rich businessman, and the original match will beat Li violently, because the hand is cruel enough, when Yu Li was sent to the hospital for treatment, she was told that she lost her womb and could not have children in this life.

Zhang Meiji lost her womb due to intervening in other people's marriages, and she also had the same experience!

Sometimes it is not a good thing for a woman to look too beautiful, because even if you don't intervene in other people's marriages, you may also fall into the plaything of a rich person, some people may still have the idea of kicking away the original match later, but if you encounter a powerful original match, the end is also very miserable, so whether it is an artist or an ordinary person, you must have the correct three views, you must sit upright, in order to avoid this unfortunate encounter, of course, there are some unavoidable, irresistible factors, then can only sigh the fate of trickery people? I wonder what you think about this?

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