
Taiwan media: Taiwan's junior high school history textbook Xinhai Revolution now has only 364 words left, 6000 words 60 years ago

Source: World Wide Web

According to Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network," under the atmosphere of "de-Sinicization," many young students only regard "Double Ten" as a "birthday, and even confuse it with Taiwan's Guangdong Festival, forgetting that this day is the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution." Wu Kuncai, a professor at Chiayi University in Taiwan, said that 60 years ago, there were as many as 6,000 words describing the Xinhai Revolution in junior high school history textbooks, but now there are only more than 300 words, which is shorter than a news message, there is no historical context, and there is only one Sun Yat-sen left. ”

Taiwan media: Taiwan's junior high school history textbook Xinhai Revolution now has only 364 words left, 6000 words 60 years ago

Screenshot of Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" report

Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" said that the academic circles defined the "Xinhai Revolution" into a narrow and broad sense, which refers to the Wuchang Uprising on October 10, 1911 to Sun Yat-sen's inauguration as the provisional president of the Republic of China on New Year's Day in 1912; the broad sense is pushed forward to the establishment of the Xingzhong Association in 1894.

Wu Kuncai analyzed the past 5 editions of Taiwan's junior high school history textbooks, and in 1964, with 2 chapters and 17 pages, more than 6,000 words faithfully presented the background, process, and results of the Xinhai Revolution, admiring the achievements of Sun Yat-sen's revolution, and at the same time the only version of the Three People's Principles.

By 1983, the version that is now read by people in their 40s and 50s, the Xinhai Revolution was reduced to 1 chapter and 10 pages, and the broad text was cut in half but still had 2497 words, and the narrow text had 1369 words.

According to reports, Lee Teng-hui's term of office was a watershed. In 1994, the last edition of the junior high school history textbook of the Taiwan Compilation Museum, the Text of the Xinhai Revolution was cut in half, and the discussion was brief. Wu Kuncai bluntly said that this version "lacks warmth and respect" for the Xinhai Revolution.

The situation was even worse after that. In the 2012 version, there are only 472 words left in the broad sense and only 212 words in the narrow sense; in 2020, only 364 words are left in the broad sense and 139 words are left in the narrow sense, and the students have no understanding of the Xinhai Revolution, of course, they cannot talk about the construction of the historical view, let alone have any respect or recognition for this history. In terms of characters, except for Sun Yat-sen, important figures such as Huang Xing, Lu Haodong, and Li Yuanhong are completely missing, and the academic principles of people, events, times, and places in history have completely lost their effect and become a history textbook with "no face".

Taiwan media: Taiwan's junior high school history textbook Xinhai Revolution now has only 364 words left, 6000 words 60 years ago

Taiwan's 60 years of 5 editions of history textbooks about the Xinhai Revolution. Picture from Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

According to the report, the 2020 version only uses 139 words to record the establishment of the Republic of China, but uses 102 words to discuss the "significance of the Xinhai Revolution" and said that "although this revolution changed China's national form, it was hasty and failed to fully consolidate the founding rules of 'sovereignty over the people'". Wu Kuncai said that such a brief and vague text asks young students to grasp the historical facts and then comment on the significance of the revolution. What's more, there is no necessary causal relationship between hasty uprisings and the consolidation of sovereignty among the people, and it also misleads students into not being able to positively identify with the Wuchang uprising.

In addition, Taiwanese writer Wu Tanru also complained in the program recently that due to the "de-Sinicization" of the DPP authorities, many children did not even know who Sun Yat-sen was; subsequently, Zhao Shaokang also posted that Gou Taiming had exploded his daughter and did not even know Yue Fei...

After this matter aroused concern on the island, on the 6th, Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" commented that the DPP is to "actively" delete history textbooks and ancient texts in order to connect with the "Taiwan independence" view of history, and does not know the Chinese such as Sun Yat-sen and Yue Fei.

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