
The twenty-first of the thirty-six golden cicadas shed their shells

author:Smile and smile good life

The golden cicada of the twenty-first of the thirty-six counts has shed its shell

The shelling of the golden cicada is an escape strategy used in times of crisis. When this plan is being carried out, the situation is already extremely critical, and it is in an extremely unfavorable position, and it is impossible to fight or retreat, and it is impossible to set up dangerous plans to break through the siege in order to find an opportunity to make a comeback. However, whether it is to transfer or retreat, it is not to panic and passively flee, but to maintain the original form, extract the content, stabilize the other party, get themselves out of danger, and achieve their own strategic goals.

The twenty-first of the thirty-six golden cicadas shed their shells

The golden cicada is a biological phenomenon that refers to the metamorphosis of cicada insects in the course of their lives. People can often see autumn cicadas metamorphosing in the woods, their bodies shedding their shells, but leaving the cicada clothes on the branches.

The golden cicada is used in the military and refers to the strategy of getting rid of the enemy through camouflage, retreating or transferring, in order to achieve our strategic goals. As for when the phrase "golden cicada shed its shell" was used as a metaphor for military planning, it is still difficult to confirm at present, but at least it existed in the Yuan Dynasty, such as Huishi's "Youyu Ji • Wenwu Alliance" in the Yuan Dynasty, which wrote: "I once remembered that there was a plan for the golden cicada to get out of its shell in the military book." Later, more people used this language in various articles and works, such as Ma Zhiyuan's "Three Degrees of Ren Fengzi" in the Yuan Dynasty, "Tianye, when can I hook the golden cicada out of the shell, but there is no Taoist respect for the old, there is a small respect for the small." The 20th time in Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty: "This is called 'golden cicada shedding its shell': he covered the tiger skin here, but he left."

The twenty-first of the thirty-six golden cicadas shed their shells

The golden cicada is the name of the insect, that is, the yellow one. When cicadas become adults, they remove the shell of the larvae. The metaphor of the golden cicada shedding its shell leaves only a superficial phenomenon, but in fact it has escaped and fled, so that the other party cannot immediately detect it. Militarily, it refers to the use of tactics to escape, secretly transfer forces, and complete the strategy of surprise attacking enemy forces elsewhere.

"Golden cicada shelling" refers to the strategy of keeping the military immovable on the surface to relieve the vigilance of the other side, and then secretly moving the main military force. For example, when the enemy's military strength is strong and our side is unable to resist, if we reluctantly resist, the damage will be more serious, so we should retreat first and then attack. But if you retreat without any plan, you will be chased by the enemy and risk collapse. Therefore, we should first pretend to make the other side think that it has no intention of retreating, and then secretly organize a retreat operation under the enemy's disarming. This is the strategy of "golden cicada shelling".

The twenty-first of the thirty-six golden cicadas shed their shells

The original meaning of the whole cicada's shelling is that when the cicada is transformed, the body breaks away from the shell and leaves, leaving only the cicada still hanging on the branch. This scheme is used in the military and refers to the strategy of ridding the enemy through camouflage, retreating or transferring in order to achieve our strategic objectives. Stabilizing the other side, retreating or transferring, is by no means a panic and a passive escape, but to retain the form, extract the content, stabilize the other party, keep itself away from danger, and achieve the strategic goals of the already side, and the already side can often use the opportunity of clever division and transfer to attack another part of the enemy.

The golden cicada shed its shell is actually a way of walking in the thirty-six counts. In a situation where the situation was extremely critical, and it was impossible to fight and fight, and it was impossible to retreat and retreat, we had no choice but to use this plan to highlight the heavy siege in order to make a comeback.

The twenty-first of the thirty-six golden cicadas shed their shells

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