
Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

author:Special Love Network

It seems that it has long become the practice of celebrities to play capital.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

On November 9, Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with banners to defend its rights. As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted attention. Since the opening of Zheng Kai hot pot restaurant, there have been many problems. Compared with the previous two plagiarism incidents and food problems, this time Zheng Kai seems to be unusual. After the face of the banner rights protection triggered public opinion, many people also expected Zheng Kai to respond.

What people did not expect was that Zheng Kai seemed to have been premeditated for a long time.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

Judging from the latest industrial and commercial information, Zheng Kai has withdrawn from the list of shareholders. If you only look at the changed information, it seems that you can't see anything, but an in-depth study of the Shanghai Huanshuo Enterprise Management Center (Limited Partnership) will find that Zheng Kai holds 70% of the shares. Depending on the time of the change, it happens to be November 9, 2021.

Obviously, Zheng Kai seems to have known about the problems that have arisen in the company, and at the same time made a plan.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

Perhaps, it is precisely because of Zheng Kai's withdrawal that investors will pull banners to defend their rights. Although the industrial and commercial information has been changed, Zheng Kai's promotional video is still playing on Huo Fengxiang's official website. In response to this issue, everyone also has different views. As for whether Zheng Kai's withdrawal is to avoid the important and light, all aspects are also mixed.

Since Zheng Kai's debut, he has also been loved by everyone.

Many of the works he has starred in have been praised by the public. Although there are many problems in running a hot pot restaurant, many people still choose to support it. This time, in the face of the rights protection incident, Zheng Kai did not respond publicly but withdrew from the shareholder sequence in advance, which inevitably made people have an opinion on Zheng Kai. Even, some netizens questioned Zheng Kai's character.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

To this end, Zheng Kai's social circle was specially opened, and one of the dynamics: "Prepare for it, nothing haha", which also aroused everyone's attention. Judging from the time of release, this update is on November 10. Then for the rights protection incident on November 9, Zheng Kai, as a public figure, could not have been unaware. For such a dynamic, it is obvious that there is also an implicit reference.

Combined with the shareholder change information on November 9, it is clear that the dynamics of November 10 are full of meaning.

On the one hand, it may indicate that the company needs to be prepared to face the crisis of public opinion; on the other hand, there is obviously a sense of happiness that it has withdrawn. As the saying goes, it doesn't matter to hang high. Of course, this is just everyone's speculation. If Zheng Kai's public dynamic is to respond to the hot pot rights protection incident, it is undoubtedly too irresponsible, and it also makes people have a new understanding of Zheng Kai. Of course, this point is only everyone's speculation before and after the incident, and finally need to wait for Zheng Kai's positive response, but to a large extent, Zheng Kai should not respond.

In the entertainment industry, there are many problems with stars.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

The fact that the cicada is out of its shell does not mean that there is no responsibility.

In response to the public opinion on the Internet, everyone also hopes that Zheng Kai will stand up. You know, flashing when an accident happens is definitely not the best policy, because everyone's eyes are shining. Wanting to make money with the star effect and not wanting to take responsibility for it obviously doesn't make sense.

Zheng Kai's hot pot restaurant was pulled with a banner to defend his rights, but he was suspected of the golden cicada shedding his shell, and the publicly published the document to hide a deep meaning

Judging from the photos of the past, it is obvious that many people rushed to Zheng Kai to eat.

Nowadays, the East Window incident and the rapid evasion of shareholder changes undoubtedly make people feel cold. Of course, through the Zheng Kai hot pot restaurant rights protection incident, there is no doubt that it has also given everyone a wake-up call. In recent years, there have been many problems in the star store franchise model. There are even many companies that do brand marketing that specialize in providing a full set of solutions for celebrities to open stores, how to open stores, how to market, how to join, and finally how to withdraw from the whole body. Because of the rendering of the star effect, many franchisees have also jumped into the pit. For whether Zheng Kai has also taken this mode, it is not convenient to draw conclusions for the time being, but I hope that everyone must look at it rationally when facing the star store, so as not to be cut leeks.

【Author: Teai Wang Original Works| Signed Authors】

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