
"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Works of Think Tanks" (6) Author: Feng Menglong

author:Zero lives in the present

Man is like a god's brainstorm

1. In life, everyone has their own job, and everyone should position their life. Where you position yourself, work towards where you are. What your job is should be done according to your own job responsibilities, not you are responsible, you should not exceed your authority and be responsible, so that your boss will see your ambition, and your end will naturally not be better. It is often said that outward things cannot hide the substance, and whether they can see their essence through phenomena requires a person's ability to observe and analyze.

2. As a leader, if you want to successfully dominate your subordinates and let them complete the most tasks in the shortest time, you first need to have a full understanding of everyone, know the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, and then complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and reasonably match personnel, so that the work can be completed well.

3. In our real life, there are many such things. Intelligent people can judge and analyze what will happen through the current existing situation, and then be able to know the root of things, not be blinded by appearances, insight into the nature of things through phenomena, and react to what is about to happen, deal with problems with ease, and be comfortable.

4. Solve problems must grasp the key to things. As long as you put more effort into understanding each other's behavior and thinking habits in daily life, it is not difficult to find the excitement of the other party from it, and then prescribe the right medicine, and finally be subdued and controlled by you.

When using the method of enticing silkworms as cocoons to solve problems, it is necessary to skillfully "attack the enemy by borrowing the strength of the enemy" to lure the other party into the dilemma of self-contradiction step by step. In using this method, the most important thing is to bury the "shell", and this "shell" must have two conditions: one is that it is a shell and can be detonated at any time; the other is that it is wrapped in a "sugar coating", which should be a little sweet, at least not with a bitter taste.

In life, if you want to defeat your opponent, you must first have a full understanding of your opponent, know his disposition and preferences, and only in this way can you be ahead of your opponent and formulate policies and guidelines that can defeat your opponent, so that your opponent will never be able to seize the upper hand. The reason why so many similar enterprises in the world can continue to grow stronger, while some can not help fierce competition, and eventually decline, the reason is that they can not understand the relevant situation of similar enterprises, can not formulate policies that benefit themselves and fight opponents, failure is natural.

5. The so-called talents should have two basic qualities, namely noble character and professional ability. Of these two qualities, the most difficult to discern is character. Many successful entrepreneurs report that character is more important than talent. This understanding is consistent with China's social values: both ability and political integrity, and morality is the first.

Depending on his relatives, that is, to see who he usually lives close to. Things are clustered, people are grouped, modern people usually call the "circle", in fact, this concept, interests and hobbies are the same or similar, people with common or similar characteristics are more likely to gather together. From this point, you can get information about the character.

Rich depends on what he does, that is, how he spends money when he is rich. Whether it is coveting personal pleasures, spending days and drinking, or spreading money and recruiting talents. Judging one's concept of money from this. The view of wealth and its function naturally reflects a person's character.

Dashi is what he does, that is, what kind of people he reuses when he is powerful. Whether to first consider personal friends, relatives, nepotism, or regardless of intimacy, meritocracy, here reflects a person's concept of employment.

Poorly see what he doesn't do, that is, see what he doesn't do when he's unlucky. Firm faith and perseverance occupy a very important place in a person's character, so from what a person does and does not do when he falls, we can see whether he can hold on to his faith and the perseverance to hold on to his faith. Poverty depends on what he does not take, that is, whether he can clean himself up when he is in a poor situation and not take ill-gotten gains. Whether or not we can persist in obtaining wealth by proper means, especially in times of difficult circumstances, is of course a reflection of a person's morality, and this is still particularly important in today's market economy.

6. Li Bi's cleverness lies in the fact that he saw a poor grain harvest in Guanzhong and a bumper grain harvest in the area controlled by Han Di, and he could transfer grain and grass from Han Di. As for Han Di's "disloyalty" behavior, he could tolerate it, and he could make him completely loyal to the emperor by means of Enwei and Shi.

In life, we must also be good at finding problems and looking at problems from a widely related point of view. Analyzing the problem, as the story says, although the grain harvest failure in the Guanzhong area is ostensibly unrelated to Han Di's "disloyalty", but looking at the bumper grain harvest in the area under Han Di's jurisdiction, we can think of why Li Bi wanted to die to protect Han Di.

Therefore, we should prepare things in life, do not rush to make judgments, consider the whole thing, and make extensive contacts.

7. In the process of your interaction and conversation with people, you need to carefully observe the changes in the other party's demeanor, so that you can infer the other party's feelings from the changes in the other party's appearance. If you find that the other person has an impatient expression, you should end your conversation as soon as possible; if the other party superficially agrees with your conversation, but a dismissive look has appeared on the face, you should change the subject... In short, pay attention to observing the change of a person's face, so as to adjust the topic of your conversation with people, so that you can accurately grasp the other party's interests and make the interaction go more smoothly.

8. The key to Wang Jinxi's success in guarding the border lies in his good thinking, knowing that "under the heavy reward, there will be brave men", able to act according to righteousness and win thousands of miles away. Giving full play to man's subjective initiative is a goal of modern philosophical thought, but how to give play to man's subjective initiative is a specific measure or means.

"The World's First Strange Book: The Complete Works of Think Tanks" (6) Author: Feng Menglong

9. The key to this plan is to be good at finding excuses for "false roads", good at concealing the true intentions of "false roads", highlighting strange soldiers, and often winning. A small country in the cracks, one side wants to threaten it with might, but the other side lures it by not infringing on its interests, and when it is lucky, it immediately infiltrates its power and controls its situation.

There are many reasons why the State of Yu was destroyed by the State of Jin, but it is directly related to Yu Gong's greed for small profits and the inability to see danger. Wars are always waged around certain interests, so the application of the strategy of "profit and temptation" is not uncommon in the course of combat. Similarly, in real life, this strategy is also widely used by people in various fields. For those who are greedy, they can be deceived; for those who are not greedy or foolish, it is difficult to work.

10. The human mind is expressed through daily speech and behavior. How to achieve the material people like gods, into the wood three points, the key lies in the usual careful observation. If the eyes are the window of the soul, then the face is the door of the soul. The face, the eyes, and the expression can all reflect a person's inner activity. Wise people are good at observing words and colors, and exploring people's inner world from the surface and inside.

Many times, a person's words do not represent the true thoughts of his heart, you must learn to analyze the truth and falsity of words from his eyes, tone of voice, face, movements, etc., do not only believe in your ears, but use your eyes, use your heart, use your brain to see problems and people.

11. As the saying goes: "Those who came before planted trees, and those who came after them cooled down; those who came before planted disasters, and those who came after them suffered." "Blessed are the seeds. Misfortune is a curse. If the fruit of the seed is realized, it will never depart from the seed, and will receive its retribution with its seed, and its body will perish and perish. Shadow follows. In a sense, good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil, not by not being unreported, and the time has not yet come.

12. Discovering and identifying talents is a process of "cutting stones into jade and sand panning for gold". Leading cadres should change their work style, often go deep into reality and go down to the grass-roots level, understand cadres, and discover talent in practice. To identify talents, do not only look at the temporary gains and losses, only look at the surface, people are cloudy, but to look at their words, do their results, plus their own analysis and judgment, all aspects, multi-angle identification and evaluation of people. The concept of talent is achieving a historic breakthrough, and people are increasingly taking morality, knowledge, ability and performance as the main criteria for measuring talent.

13. As the saying goes: "It is easy to attack a city and difficult to defend a city." "As long as the conditions are ripe and the time is in place, it is very easy to succeed, but it is more difficult to protect the fruits of victory forever." Similarly, "it is easy to start a business, but it is difficult to keep it." "It's easy to get it with wisdom, but it's hard to keep it. It is even more difficult to further govern with a solemn attitude and to restrain and command with etiquette. Because this is no longer passively defended, but actively and proactively built, is to attack and defend.

14. "Things are like gods" is used as a metaphor for someone guessing exactly what has not happened, like a god. The main reason why Cao Cao can expect things like gods is that he has rich experience, experienced many things, and has his own thinking and grasp of problems. "Things are like gods" reflects that people have strong insight and analysis ability to analyze a certain social phenomenon, and can predict the development trend of things according to the actual situation, so as to make bold decisions and formulate long-term development plans. In the process of formulating development plans, it is inevitable to consider some possible events and problems that may be encountered, and then be aware of them and be targeted, so as not to change and achieve natural success.

15. Some historians say that Guo Jia was fortunate, and only a man of great talent and great talent like Cao Cao dared to use someone like Guo Jia who flouted etiquette and quoted him as a "confidant". Whenever there was a major military event, Guo Jia's strategy never miscalculated. Cao Cao placed infinite hopes on the young Guo Jia, and planned to entrust the important affairs of governing the country behind him to Guo Jia after he had pacified the world.

Here, Guo Jia grasped the weakness in Sun Ce's personality, believing that Sun Ce was proud of his high martial arts and came alone, and everyone in the world knew it. Light enemies and defenseless, although there are millions of troops, it is tantamount to walking alone. If an ambushed Assassin suddenly came out, one man could deal with him. Therefore, it was concluded that Sun Ce must have died at the hands of Pifu. Its tragic ending also sounded a wake-up call for us, I am afraid that not only Guo Jia, who is good at observation and analysis, can predict this ending, Yu Tuan cannot obstruct it, and Xu Gong can carry out the murder plan, and it is something that anyone with a little brain can imagine.

16. It is a talent, there must be an external talent environment; it is a talent, and it must know how to protect itself and adapt to the surrounding environment, and it must not be exposed.

As the saying goes: "Full of losses, humble benefits." "Even if a person is not complacent and arrogant, but only talented and sharp, he is vulnerable to attacks and damage by others. Because your radiance dwarfs and eclipses the people around you, the more capable you are and the more perfect things you do, the more you offend people.

Therefore, there should be room for everything, not so aggressive, so that people feel that they need you but are not intimidated by you. To do this, sometimes you need to pretend to be "stupid". Sometimes we must learn to know the adviser, give others a chance to perform, know that he is inferior to themselves, but also humbly ask him for advice; obviously they know a lot, but bury it in their hearts, and superficially make a look of not understanding anything. Of course, as a result of doing so, you may lose something, at least be cautious and not make a big mess. To pretend to be "stupid", you also need to master the art of "stupid".

In the dark situation of society, if a person wants to maintain his personality and do not conform to the dirt, he can only have light and no salary, no material and no Bole, and Huai Cai does not meet. In modern society, although unfair phenomena still exist, as long as you have real talent, as long as you can persevere, gold always has the opportunity to shine.

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