
Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

author:Simple light music master
Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Ingredients: native chicken, matsutake mushrooms, deer antler mushrooms, green onions, ginger, goji berries, salt, cooking wine, water.

Procedure steps:

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 1: Wash and soak the matsutake mushrooms and deer antler mushrooms until soft.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 2: Set aside the water after soaking, where the essence is.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 3: Cut half a chicken into chunks and rinse well.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 4: Beat the onion with a knife and slice the ginger.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 5: Blanch the chicken nuggets in a pot, add ginger and cooking wine to remove the fish.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 6: Wash and tear the matsutake and deer antler mushrooms into strips.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 7: Place the chicken nuggets in a pot and add the water after the mushrooms have precipitated.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 8: Add a little more water Add the shallots and ginger and add a little salt.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 9: Cover the pressure cooker and press for 30 minutes after steaming.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 10: After exhausting, open the pot of salt and add it according to your taste.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 11: Sprinkle with goji berries and enjoy.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 12, beautiful chicken soup, too suitable for this season.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 13: Finished product drawing.

Chicken soup stewed with matsutake mushrooms

Step 14, Finished Product Drawing.


The water of the soaked mushrooms is the essence, oh, after precipitation, add it to the pot, so praised!

From the world of gastronomy Miramiira's works.

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