
Years never defeat beauty - into a square circle

author:Butterfly 76041077 on the shoulder

As the first host of CCTV's "Variety Show", Cheng Fangyuan will participate in the Guangzhou Jazz Festival on November 7. Judging from the recently exposed photos, she is 61 years old, or maintains the same short hair, a black, tight and smart makeup exquisite and elegant, and the shoes on her feet highlight the femininity of women. The guitar standing next to her highlights her persistence and casualness in pursuing music. Also like she said, now more natural and light on the clouds. The failed marriage does not seem to bring a lot of bondage to ChengFangyuan, from which she came out, traveling, photography, a guitar to go around the world. The tides come and go, winter comes and spring comes, singing while walking, and really living to become their own queen. It seems that the years have taken care of her more, leaving no trace on her, still maintaining a good figure, elegant demeanor and proper conversation of spitting lotuses. Of course, all of this is inseparable from her self-discipline. If there are poems and books hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty. It seems to be the same Cheng Fangyuan who sang "Childhood" many years ago.

Years never defeat beauty - into a square circle

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