
Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

Like spring, everything is revived, more seasonal ingredients have been added to the table, early spring celery seedlings, delicate and tender, light taste, most suitable for cold mixing, with onions, peanuts and steamed buns, refreshing and under the rice, not too tasty Oh

By gluttonous Pisces

Celery sprouts to taste

Steamed buns to taste

Peanut oil to taste

Salt 6 g

1 scoop of rice vinegar

1 scoop of light soy sauce

Sugar 20 g

10 peanuts

A little onion

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

1. Fresh celery seedlings should be picked and washed

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

2: Wash and cut into sections

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

3: Cut the onion into strips

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

4: Stir-fry the peanuts in hot oil

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

5, the skin burst open is almost the same, while hot fishing out

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

6: Turn off the heat and add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and salt to the hot oil while it is hot

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

7: Add onion and mix well

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

8: Take a little steamed bun and break it up

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

9: Add steamed buns, peanuts and celery sprouts and mix well

Celery sprouts mixed with steamed buns - a taste unique to early spring

10, it is good to put out, the color and fragrance are ready

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